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OEN Validation Request


This report creates a collection of XML files contained in a zip file that can be sent to the ministry to validate existing OENs. The results files provided by the ministry can be subsequently imported into PowerSchool.

Selection Criteria

Student Selection

Subject to the "Current Selection Students" parameter described below, a student is included in the file if:

  • The "Exclude from Provincial Reporting Flag" is not selected for the student.

  • The student's OEN is non-blank.

  • The student is enrolled between the specified start and end dates. The student is excluded if he/she is a "no show" - i.e. if the student's exit code is "NS" or if the exit date is on or before the entry date in the enrolment record causing the student to be selected.

  • The student is enrolled in a selected school (see below for school selection).

Prior to running the report, the following data must be entered into PowerSchool:

  • Legal Last Name (if different than the preferred last name, please look on the State/Province - ON page)

  • Legal First Name (if different than the preferred first name, please look on the State/Province - ON page)

  • Birth Date

  • Gender

A student is excluded from the report if the attendance type (EnrollmentType field) is EX (excluded) for all enrolments associated with Students or ReEnrollments records in whole or in part within the specified reporting date range, i.e., if there is any overlap between the enrolment start and end dates and the specified start and end dates.

School Selection

  • To allow this report to be run at the District Office, a selection of schools may be made. This allows for the following:

    • When run at a District Level

      • A list of all schools within PowerSchool will display in a multi-select box.

      • If the Multiple School option is used, a limit of 999 schools is set. To run for more schools, Use the All School option.

      • School selection excludes Closed Schools and Schools Excluded from State Reporting.

    • When run from a school level, the default selection is Current School Only.

  • Reports within the zip file will be named:

    • FILEID-XXXXXX.xml, where FILEID is the value entered in File ID by the user at report setup and XXXXXX is the school's board ID if the report is run at the District Office and the single file is not selected.

    • FILEID.xml, where FILEID is the value entered in File ID by the user at report setup (if generated at the District Office and the single file is selected or if generated at a specific school).

  • The user may select any schools. The report will look for students within the selected schools only that match the criteria for inclusion.

  • The user may choose to have the data merge into a single file, by selecting 'Include all data in one file'. This will create a single file that contains data (versus creating a file for each school).

  • The user may or may not select the school, the result will be the same: the report will only look for students within the current school that match the criteria for inclusion.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only - Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students (default) - Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

File ID

The value entered here will be returned in the ministry result file and can be used to link the result file with the associated request file. The File ID will be used to name the resulting zip file containing the xml files.

  • If the report is run at the District Office, the resulting xml files will have a batch file ID that is of format FILEID-XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is the school's board ID.

If the report is run at a specific school, the resulting xml files will have a batch file ID that is of format FILEID (the school's ID will not be included).

Start Date

Only students who are active between this date and the specified end date are included. Required. No default value is set.

End Date

Only students who are active between this date and the specified start date are included. Required. No default value is set.

Select Schools

When run from district level, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools - Select and hold CTRL key and click to select the schools you want to be included in the report. If you select this option, the report can be submitted after selecting at least one school from the list.

  • All Schools - Files are created for all schools in the District.

When run from a school level, the default selection Current School Only

Include all data in one file

Check if a single report file is desired:

  • If run at the District Office: the report will combine all data in a single file.

  • If run at a specific school: no change, as the report data will only go to a single file.

Report Output

The resulting request file is named, which contains files: a)FILEID-XXXXXX.xml for each school (where XXXXXX is the school number) that a report was generated if multiple files have been requested or b) FILEID.xml, if a single file has been requested. From the Report Queue, it can be opened or saved in a location of the user's choosing for subsequent uploading to the ministry.

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element





Date report was created, in YYYY-MM-DD format. System generated.



Time report was created, in HH:MM:SS AM format. System generated.



Corresponds to the value entered by the user for File ID. Will be suffixed with the school number if the report is run at the District Office.





The student's OEN.



The student's legal surname.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name or [Students]Last_Name where [S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name is null


The student's legal first name.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name or [Students]First_Name where [S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name is null


The student's middle surname. Can be blank.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name or [Students]Middle_Name where [S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name is null


The student's birthdate.



The student's gender.


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