OnSIS Verification Summary - Section C1
Section C1 - Enrolment by Attendance Type
The Section C1 (Enrolment by Attendance) report collects aggregate enrolment figures for all students who have a status of Active as of the count date of the submission. The data is collected by grade, attendance type, funding type, and the full-time equivalent (FTE). The report is separated into Pupils of the Board and Other Students.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.
School Selection
- Schools with the "Exclude From State Reporting" ([Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting) checkbox selected will not be included.
Any school with the same BSID but with "Exclude From State Reporting" or "School is Closed" ([S_ON_SCH_X]IsClosed_TF) checkboxes selected is not included.
Student Selection
- The student must be enrolled in the school as of the submission count date. (where S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C .Enrolment_End_Date is NULL and S_ON_STU_XML_SCHOOL_ENROL_C.Main_School_Flag is T)
- The student must be enrolled in the selected school (cross-enrolled students will not be included).
October submissions do not include non returning students.
Report Output
See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.
Field | Description | [Table]FieldName |
Board Number and Name | The name and Board School identification (BSID) number of the school board. | [Prefs]Value where [Prefs]name is districtnumber, districtname |
School Number and Name | The school's name and Board School identification (BSID) number. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number. If undefined, [Schools]School_Number [Schools]Name where [Schools]school_number |
Academic Year | The academic year for which the report is run; the report is associated with the OnSIS Reporting Dates entered in District Setup. The format is YYYY-YYYY. For example, 2012-2013. | Derived from [Terms]YearId |
Submission Period Type | The submission period type selected on the report run page | Defined at report run time. |
The student counts are grouped by:
| Student age: [Students]DOB - Calculate if the student is under or over the age of 21 as of December 31, of the current academic school year. Full-time or part-time status: [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]Attendance_Type = 'FT' or 'PT' FTE: [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]FTE High-credit FTE: [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]High_Credit_FTE | |
1. Pupils of the board - Secondary only | The number of secondary students that are considered to be pupil of the board students. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C] Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '01' |
1.1 Pupils of the board - Elementary only | Informational only. Data is listed below. | N/A |
a. Junior Kindergarten | The number of pupil of the board students in grades JK. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C] Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '01' and [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]Grade_Type = 'JK' |
b. Deaf/Hard of Hearing Pre-school | This row is not populated | N/A |
c. Kindergarten | The number of pupil of the board students in grades K. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C] Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '01' and [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]Grade_Type = 'K' |
d. Grade 1 Age Appropriate | This row is not populated. | N/A |
e. Grade 1-3 | The number of pupil of the board students in grades 1-3. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '01' and [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]Grade_Type IN ('1','2','3') |
f. Grade 4-8 | The number of pupil of the board students in grades 4-8. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '01' and [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]Grade_Type IN ('4','5','6','7','8') |
g. Grade 4-6 | The number of pupil of the board students in grades 4-6. This number is for display only and is not included in the totals. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '01' and [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]Grade_Type IN ('4','5','6') |
h. Grade 7-8 | The number of pupil of the board students in grades 7-8. This number is for display only and is not included in the totals. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C] Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '01' and [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C]Grade_Type IN ('7','8') |
2. Other Students - Elementary or Secondary | Informational only. Data is listed below. | N/A |
a. Native students under tuition agreement with a Native education authority | The number of elementary or secondary students regardless of grade and Native. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C] Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '02' |
b.i. Government of Canada | The number of elementary or secondary students regardless of grade with residence status is 'Government of Canada'. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C] Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '03' |
ii. Study Permit Temp Resident | The number of elementary or secondary students regardless of grade with residence status is 'Study Permit/Temp Resident'. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C] Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '05' |
iii. Other Students | The number of elementary or secondary students regardless of grade with residence status is 'Other students'. | Calculated where [S_ON_STU_XML_School_Enrol_C] Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type = '07' |
3. Total of Items 1, 1.1, and 2 | The total number of students counted for every column | Calculated |
Grand Total | The total number of students counted on the report. | Calculated |