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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282074All States/Provinces: CRDC Report (2020-2021) Update - Student Audit School Number

CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.1

The Common CRDC report’s Student Audit file includes an update to the School Number column. It now corresponds with the school reported in the CRDC School ID column instead of the student’s currently enrolled school.

PSSR-282995All States/Provinces: CRDC Report (2020-2021): CRDC School 3 File - Headers Update

CRDC Report (2020 - 2021): Version 1.1

The Common template (shared by all states) of the CRDC Report (2020-2021) is updated to have the correct column headers for the new Staff Offenses columns as per the information provided in the 'CRDC School 3.csv' file.

The base version of the CRDC 2020-2021 report is updated to 1.1 with this release. State-specific updates to the base version are denoted with a second dot version number (e.g., CRDC Report (2020-2021): Version 1.1.1).

PSSR-277063All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preference Updated in Parent Portal

The Digital Equity & Learning Preference data entry page in the public portal has been updated and now records will not save if the Date field is blank.

PSSR-281977All States/Provinces: Digital Equity Device Type Field Added in Public Portal

The Digital Equity & Learning Preference new record page, in the public portal, has been updated and now the Device Type field can be populated by parents and guardians if the district has opted to expose this page.

PSSR-269159All States/Provinces: Health Report Update

Health Report: Version 1.4

The Health Report has been updated and the Hearing Screening Outcome column is now returning the display values (Pass/Fail) rather than the State Name value.

PSSR-277894All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Report Update

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.2

The Office Visit Clinic Log report has been updated and will no longer display previous school’s office visit records.

PSSR-280030Elementary Report Card 1–6 and 7–8, Reports Taking a Long Time to Complete on Oracle 12.2

Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook Report: Version 6.2
Elementary Report Cards (1-6) - GradeBook Report: Version 5.5

Reports are enhanced to improve performance when running on Oracle 12.2

PSSR-281306Elementary Report Cards(1-6, 7-8) - Print Designated School Instead of ECPP School

Elementary report card 1-6: Version 5.5

Elementary report card 7-8: Version 6.2

When report cards run from an ECPP school, school information, i.e., School, School Address, Principal, Telephone is retrieved from the student’s or the school’s Designated school.

PSSR-279045EQAO OSSLT – Logic Change for ‘Grouping’ Data and Native English Course

Additional References: PSSR-279940

EQAO OSSLT Report: Version 5.7

The report now includes courses starting with NBE. Courses are grouped by course_number[Courses] instead of Alternate Course Number and the following changes are made to the grouping field:

  • If the course belongs to the previous year, the grouping field includes the year along with course and section information like 20_21-ENG2DR-1
  • If the course is a remotely enrolled course then the course and section is prefixed with ‘RE’
  • If a student took the course at another board then the grouping field is prefixed with ‘OTH’

LevelofStudyLanguage for NBE courses is output as 5

AccDoubleTime field is removed from the report output


OCAS Webservice Security Update

OCAS webservice is modified to replace the log4j jars that had a security issue with version 2.17.1

The OCAS webservice is not working as expected and we are working on a fix.

It is still mandatory to accept this release for security updates

PSSR-276326Residence Type Dropdown Values Should Not Be Displayed When Field Is Secured

The following pages have been enhanced to support field-level security for the Residence type field. Only users with the required access to the field can view the list of values.

  • State Province page-> General Info tab
  • transfer Info page - both Current and Previous enrollment pages
  • New Enrollment page
  • Re-enrollment page
PSSR-281307Secondary Report Card - Print Designated School Instead of ECPP School

Secondary Report Card: Version 6.3

When report cards run from an ECPP school, school information, i.e., School, School Address, Principal, Telephone, Fax, School Council Chair, are retrieved from the student’s or the school’s Designated school.

PSSR-270653Seeding Student Learning Preferences with Default Values

Populated the learning preferences table with default values. The table will be seeded only if it is empty. The default values are (01) Full time in-person learning, (02) Full-time remote learning, and (03) Combination of in-person and remote learning.

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