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Continuing Education - Register of Enrolment in the International and Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Program

Information from Ministry

Used to record enrolment and attendance only for day school pupils in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 who are enrolled in the in the International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Program

This register must be used to record the attendance of all pupils enrolled in an IILE program both during the school year and during the summer. Pupils enrolled in private schools can be included in this register.

Selection Criteria

Teacher Course Section Selection

For the School(s) selected on the report run page, process each International & Indigenous Languages Elementary Program class. Use the session term dates based on the term at the top of the report run page to get the students enrolled. Get the Session dates based on the term associated with the section.   

  1. Process all Selected School(s), [Sections]schooled = School ID Parameter. Schools will not be included if Exclude From State Reporting or School is closed flag is set. Only active schools are processed.

  2. Process all sections where Courses or Sections Register Type equals 'International/Indigenous Languages Elementary Progam'

    1. [S_ON_SEC_X]Register_ Code or [S_ON_CRS_X]Register_Code has a value of IL

  3. Exclude sections where Independent Study Class Flag is checked.

    1. [S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class is empty or 0 (not equal 1)

  4. Only process sections for selected terms. If the report is run at the school level, the default is to run for all terms in the selected year for that school. If the report is run at the district level, all terms for the selected year and for each selected term will be processed.

  5. Courses are sorted on the report based on the parameter. Fields used are

    1. Course: [Courses]Alt_Course_Number, or if empty [Courses]Course_Number

    2. Campus: [S_ON_SEC_X]Campus – length of 50

    3. Room: [Sections]Room

Student Selection

For each Course Section, get students enrolled (get all Students who have CC Enrollments in the Section where the Independent Study Class Flag is not selected).

The report does not consider a student to be enrolled in a class on any day associated with a school enrolment (i.e. Students or ReEnrollments record) with an attendance type (i.e. EnrollmentType field) = 'EX'. This may have the effect of excluding the student from the report if, as a consequence, he has no days considered as enrolled in the class.

Students for which [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]Brd_Res_Status is undefined are considered "Pupils of the Board."

Pupil's Day School

The Pupil's Day School is selected based upon the following rules:

  • If the student is enrolled at a Night school, then Pupil's Day School should be empty.

  • If a student is enrolled at a Summer school, then Pupil's Day School should be the student's latest day school.

  • If a student is enrolled at a Day school, then Pupil's Day School should be this school.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select School

Choose which school to run the submission report for.

  • The school is not listed if the ‘Exclude From State Reporting’ flag is selected.

  • The school is not listed if the‘School Is Closed’ flag is selected.

  • If the report is run at the school level, the current school is displayed.

  • If the report is run at the District level, multiple schools can be selected.

Current Student Selection

Select one of the following:

  • Selected [number] Students only: The report includes only selected students who meet the student selection criteria.

  • All Students: The report includes all students who meet the student selection criteria.

Select Term to Print

School Level: Options are any terms for the year associated with the currently selected term. The default is every term will be selected.

District Level: Option is 'All Terms'.

Sort By

Course Code, Room # or Campus

Select Course Section

Choose one or more course section(s) for which you want to run the submission report.

This is a list of course section(s) available for the selected Term(s).

Mailing Address

If selected, the report uses the student’s mailing address if populated. Otherwise, the report uses the student’s home address. If not selected, the report uses the home address.

Print Summary Page

Select this checkbox to print a summary group for each included school at the end of the report. School groups are ordered by BSID. For details, see Continuing Education - Report Summary Page.

Print Course Detail

Select this checkbox to print a summary group for each included course at the end of the report. This option is available only when the Print Summary Page option is selected.

Report Output

Information from Ministry

The “total enrolment” in a course must include all pupils who attended course sessions. This number is not reduced if a pupil withdraws before completing the course.

For funding purposes, the hours of classroom instruction are limited to 2.5 hours per week during the school year and 2.5 hours per day during the summer.

The register does not print if there are no student details (i.e. no students have registered/enrolled in the class). Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Fields appearing at top of page


Course Number

Section Number

Course Name

Appears under the title of the Register

[Sections]Course_Number - [Sections]Section_Number

[S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Name OR if empty [Courses]Course_Name


Sort Method

Appears on top right corner of report pages

For each course display ‘Sort by Course’, ‘Sort by Campus’ or ‘Sort by Room’

[Courses]Alt_Course_Number OR if empty [Courses]Course_Number

Campus: [S_ON_SEC_X]Campus (max length of 50)

Room: [Sections]Room


School Name (60 characters maximum)

If defined [S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name, otherwise [Schools]Name

Based on Report Input Parameter


Lead Teacher on Sections. First lead teacher assigned to the class.

Lead Teacher:

[UsersCoreFields] PSCore_Legal_First_Name, [UsersCoreFields] PSCore_Legal_Last_Name if blank

[Users]First_Name [Users]Last_Name


[SchoolStaff]ID = [SectionTeacher]TeacherID

[Roledef] ID = [SectionTeacher ]roleID 

[Roledef]islocked =1 

[SectionTeacher]SectionID = [Sections]ID

[Terms]ID = [Sections]TermID


[Terms]FirstDay between [SectionTeacher]Start_Date and [SectionTeacher]End_Date

Location of Course

The name of the school where the course is taught. Is only displayed when the alternative name is not empty; otherwise, location is empty

[Schools]Name - displayed ONLY when [Schools]alt_school_name is not empty. Otherwise, location remains empty.

Campus Number



International/Indigenous Languages Elementary

The language taught.

[S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_InternationalLanguage, if defined



When International/Indigenous Languages Elementary is ‘OTH’:

If [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_InternationalLanguage is defined,


[S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_InternationalLanguage -[S_ON_SEC_X]OtherLanguageDesc,





Start date of Course Section

[S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionStartDate, if defined




[Sections]TermID = [Terms]ID


End date of Course Section

[S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionEndDate, if defined




[Sections]TermID = [Terms]ID


Sun., Mon., Tue., Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat.

Day of week course meets

Calculated by getting Section Meeting cycle days and looking at Calendar_day to find which days course meets.

Time of Day


Start Time

Note: The start time in the database is saved as Number of Seconds after midnight.

Note: If a ConEd_SectionStartTime is entered, then it will override this value.

[S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionStartTIme if defined


Convert [Bell_Schedule_Items]Start_Time

Hour =

When  trunc([Bell_Schedule_Items]Start_Time/3600) > 12 then  trunc([Bell_Schedule_Items]Start_Time/3600) – 12

Else trunc([Bell_Schedule_Items]Start_Time/3600)

Minutes = mod([Bell_Schedule_Items].start_time,3600) /60 




Time Start AM PM

When  [Bell_Schedule_Items]Start_Time/3600 > 12 then PM

Else AM


Finish Time

Note: The end time in the database is saved as Number of Seconds after midnight.

Note: If a ConEd_SectionEndTime is entered, then it will override this value.

[S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionEndTime if defined


Convert [Bell_Schedule_Items]End_Time

Hour =

When  trunc([Bell_Schedule_Items]End_Time /3600) > 12 then  trunc([Bell_Schedule_Items]End_Time/3600) – 12

Else trunc([Bell_Schedule_Items]End_Time/3600)

Minutes = mod([Bell_Schedule_Items]End_Time,3600) /60 




Time Finish AM PM

When  [Bell_Schedule_Items]End_Time/3600 > 12 then PM

Else AM

Delivery Code (1,2,3, 4 or 5) –Check One

(The appropriate “delivery code” (1 to 5) must also be checked for classes offered from September to June)


ConEd Delivery Code of 1 – After School




ConEd Delivery Code of 2 – Before School or Lunch Time




ConEd Delivery Code of 3 – Integrated Extended-Day Program




ConEd Delivery Code of 4 – Late-Afternoon and Evening Program




ConEd Delivery Code of 5 – Weekend




ConEd Delivery Code of 6 - Summer



September to June

Hours of Classroom Instruction

Number of Sessions

Number of Sessions that this course meets for a school that is not summer. Include all sessions (including cancelled). 

Calculate sum of in-session days between [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionStartDate and [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionEndDate, if defined
[Terms]FirstDay and [Terms]LastDay for [Sections]TermID

Subtract days associated with CEUNFUNDED


[Schools]IsSummerSchool not equal 1 and

[S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionStartDate < July 1 and [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionEndDate <= July

Hours per Session

Hours per Session

Rounded to two decimal places.


  • If Section/Continuing Education Registers/Instructional Minutes is defined, then it will override this value.

  • When there are multiple cycle days for a section, the report will sum the hours for each section meeting and divide by the count of section meetings.

[S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionInstrMinutes if defined


Sum [Bell_Schedule_Items]Minutes_Attended / 60 rounded to two decimal places for periods that section meets in school that is not summer

[Bell_Schedule_Items]Period_ID =  [Period]ID


[Period]Period_Number for school/year = [SectionsMeeting]Period_Number


[SectionsMeeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID

[Schools]IsSummerSchool not equal 1

Total number of hours

Total number of hours for a school that is not summer.


Number of Sessions X Hours per Session

Total Enrolment

Count all students with CC Enrollments in a Course Section between September and June (count is not reduced for students that withdraw) for a school that is not a summer school.

Count Students with CC Enrollment in International/Indigenous Languages Elementary courses 

[cc]dateenrolled <= June 24


[cc]dateenrolled >= [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionCourseStartDate
[cc]dateenrolled >= [terms]FirstDay

[cc]dateenrolled < [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionEndDate, if defined
[cc]dateenrolled < [Terms]LastDay

[cc]dateleft > [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionStartDate, if defined
[cc]dateleft > [Terms]FirstDay


[Schools]IsSummerSchool not equal 1 and

[S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionStartDate < July 1 and [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionEndDate <= July 1


Hours of Classroom Instruction

Number of Sessions

Number of Sessions that this course meets for a summer school. Include all sessions (including cancelled).

Calculate sum of in-session days between [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionStartDate and [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionEndDate, if defined
[Terms]FirstDay and [Terms]LastDay for [Sections]TermID

[Schools]IsSummerSchool = 1

Subtract days associated with CEUNFUNDED


Class section starts on or after July 1
Class section starts prior to July 1 AND
Class section ends after July 1

Hours per Session

Hours per Session

Rounded to two decimal places.


  • If Section/Continuing Education Registers/Instructional Minutes is defined, then it will override this value

  • When there are multiple cycle days for a section, the report will sum the hours for each section meeting and divide by the count of section meetings.

[S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionInstrMinutes if defined


Sum [Bell_Schedule_Items]Minutes_Attended / 60 rounded to two decimal places for periods that section meets for school and summer term.

[Bell_Schedule_Items]Period_ID =  [Period]ID


[Period]Period_Number for school/year = [SectionsMeeting]Period_Number


[SectionsMeeting]SectionID = [Sections]ID

[Schools]IsSummerSchool = 1

Total number of hours

Total number of hours for a summer school.


Number of Sessions Summer

X Hours per Session Summer

Total Enrolment

Count of distinct students with cc enrollments in a Course Section in the summer term (count is not reduced for students that withdraw)

Count of students with cc enrollment in International/Indigenous Languages Elementary Elementary courses taken for diploma purposes

[cc]dateenrolled >=June 25


[cc]dateenrolled >= [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionCourseStartDate
[cc]dateenrolled >= [terms]FirstDay

[cc]dateenrolled < [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionEndDate, if defined
[cc]dateenrolled < [Terms]LastDay

[cc]dateleft > [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_SectionStartDate, if defined
[cc]dateleft > [Terms]FirstDay


[Schools]IsSummerSchool = 1 and

(Class section starts on or after July 1


 (Class section starts prior to July 1 AND Class section ends after July 1))


Number of Pupils as of end of October

Number of Pupils as of end of October

Eligible students enrolled in the course anytime on or before October 31

Count of students not in summer school where [cc]dateenrolled <= Oct 31

Number of Pupils September to June

Number of Pupils September to June

Eligible students first enrolled in the course before June 25th.

Count of students not in summer school where [cc]dateenrolled < June 25

Number of Pupils Summer

Number of Pupils

Eligible students first enrolled in the course on or after June 25.

Count of students in summer school where [cc]dateenrolled >= June 25


Month and Day1 To Month and Day45


In-Session Date for Section


Pupil Name

Pupil Name as last Name, First Name

Display up to 40 characters of Student last name

First Name

  • If length of last name >= 35 then display first initial of first name

  • Otherwise length of first name will be: 40 minus the length of last name

Use [S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name and [S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if exists. Otherwise [Students]First_Name and [Students]Last_Name

Middle Name is not needed




Day School Pupil

Student's Attendance Type

Valid Values are FT or PT if student registered into a day school, otherwise blank.

In Quad/Octomester model, student attendance type is calculated based on the sum of the student FTE in all schools the student was enrolled in the semester. If Total FTE >= 0.7 then Student Attendance Type is FT otherwise PT.

Pupil’s Day School

Student's day school.

The Pupil's Day School is calculated as follows:

  • If the student is enrolled at a Night school, then Pupil's Day School should be empty.

  • If student is enrolled at a Summer school, then Pupil's Day School should be the student's latest day school.

  • If student is enrolled at a Day school, then Pupil's Day School should be this school.

Under District Office\District information If  "Pupil's Day School Override" flag is set On the  Pupil's Day School will be overridden and set to to [S_ON_STU_X]Previous_School_Name.

If the student is enrolled at a Night school, then Pupil's Day School will be blank.

If student is enrolled at a Summer school, then Pupil's Day School will be the student's latest day school.[S_ON_STU_X]Previous_School_Name and IF the student does not have an entry in [S_ON_STU_X]Previous_School_Name,

THEN the report will output blank

If student is enrolled at a Day school, then Pupil's Day School will be this school..[Students/Reenrollments]SchoolID is used to get the [S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name or [Schools]Name

If [Prefs]Name=ON_Override_Pupil_Day_School is 1 then Pupil's Day school is overridden with [S_ON_STU_X]Previous_School_Name

Pupil 's board residence status

Pupil 's board residence status
Students with a board residence status of ‘02’, ‘03’, ‘05’ or ‘07’


Pupil's Home address/ Telephone Number

Students home address and telephone number

Mailing or home address depending on the 'Mailing Address' option on the report input page.

If length of Street and length of City <= 43 characters, use Street and ‘, ‘ and City and Zip.

Otherwise use 45 characters of Street and ‘ ‘ and Zip.


If 'Mailing Address' is selected use:

  • [Students]Mailing_Street

  • [Students]Mailing_City

  • [Students]Mailing_Zip

if at least one of these fields is not empty.

Otherwise, use:

  • [Students]Street

  • [Students]City

  • [Students]Zip



Attendance of Session

Month and Day1 To Month and Day45


The report prints ' - ' when the student is not present in the first session(s). The report will start recording 'A' for days the student is absent after his first attendance day for the course.

Cancelled sessions are counted for funding purposes, even if the cancelled session was before the student started the course. C is displayed for sessions that are cancelled before the student's first attendance in class or during the student's enrollment in the class.

See Derived Fields: Attendance

Number of Sessions recognized for funding - See Sessions Recognized and Eligible for Funding.

September  to June

Number of sessions recognized for funding in the class from September to June 24.

Sessions cancelled before the student starts the class are counted.

Derived based on attendance between [Terms]FirstDay and [Terms]LastDay

Where   [cc]dateenrolled < June 25


Number of sessions recognized for funding in the class on or after June 25.

Sessions cancelled before the student starts the class are counted.

Derived based on attendance between [Terms]FirstDay and [Terms]LastDay

Where   [cc]dateenrolled >= June 25

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