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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-254192Kindergarten Communication of Learning Report Card - Enhance Times Late and Total Times Late for Cross Enrolled Students

Kindergarten Communication of Learning Report Card: Version 2.8

Attendance - Times Late is the student’s combined times late entered during the reporting period in the main or cross enrolled school.

When printing from the cross enrolled or the main school if the count meeting attendance flag is ON on the main school, a combined times late and total times late will be calculated. If it is OFF, the main school times late and total times late will be printed (to mimic the behavior for Days Absent).

Attendance will not include combined attendance from different main schools. If the student changed main schools during a reporting period, only the attendance from the cross enrolled school and the main school for the time period that the student is enrolled in the main school will be printed on the report card.

PSSR-254146Elementary Report Card (1-6) - Enhance Times Late and Total Times Late for Cross Enrolled Students

Elementary Report Cards (1-6) - Gradebook: Version 5.1

Attendance - Times Late is the student’s combined times late entered during the reporting period in the main or cross enrolled school.

When printing from the cross enrolled or the main school if the count meeting attendance flag is ON on the main school, a combined times late and total times late will be calculated. If it is OFF, the main school times late and total times late will be printed (to mimic the behavior for Days Absent).

Attendance will not include combined attendance from different main schools. If the student changed main schools during a reporting period, only the attendance from the cross enrolled school and the main school for the time period that the student is enrolled in the main school will be printed on the report card.

PSSR-254191Elementary Report card (7-8) - Enhance Times Late and Total Times Late for Cross Enrolled Students

Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook: Version 5.8

Attendance - Times Late is the student’s combined times late entered during the reporting period in the main or cross enrolled school.

When printing from the cross enrolled or the main school if the count meeting attendance flag is ON on the main school, a combined times late and total times late will be calculated. If it is OFF, the main school times late and total times late will be printed (to mimic the behavior for Days Absent).

Attendance will not include combined attendance from different main schools. If the student changed main schools during a reporting period, only the attendance from the cross enrolled school and the main school for the time period that the student is enrolled in the main school will be printed on the report card.

PSSR-243194Elementary Report Card (1-6) - New Standards Setup for Mathematics

Elementary Report Cards (1-6) - GradeBook: Version 5.1

The Elementary Report Card has been enhanced to use the new standards for Mathematics and the latest templates published by the Ministry. Review full instructions for the changes required to the current standard setup.

PSSR-245810Elementary Report Card (7-8) - New standards Setup for Mathematics

Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook: Version 5.8

The Elementary Report Card has been enhanced to use the new standards for Mathematics and the latest templates published by the Ministry. Review full instructions for the changes required to the current standard setup.

PSSR-252567OnSIS Elementary – Report Second Language Segments from the Main School If Reported from Cross Enrolled School

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 13.9

The report will now also submit a student's Second Language segments under their main school, if this information has been reported from their cross enrolled school.

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