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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-288289All States/Provinces: CRDC - DISC1-b Update

CRDC - School File: Version 1.3

DISC1-b (PK Expulsions) in the template was looking at the incorrect logic (DISC1-c). The report is now updated and DISC1-b and DISC1-c will report as expected.

PSSR-281962All States/Provinces: CRDC - LEA File - Output File Updates

CRDC - LEA File: Version 1.3

The web link for the "Harassment or Bullying Policy" is now a hyperlink. This will prevent longer web addresses from overflowing the text box.

For email elements, a space has been added after each email address so the text wraps properly.

PSSR-284900All States/Provinces: CRDC STAFF FTE Fields Update

On the Edit School page, the CRDC Staff FTE fields are updated and now store values to the hundredth place.

PSSR-305516All States/Provinces: Jquery Version 3.6 Upgrade

Additional Reference: PSSR-306326

The Jquery library in the PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer has been upgraded to version 3.6.

PSSR-280319All States/Provinces: New - Import ID Look-Up Functionality

The Append Import ID functionality allows users to upload an import file with any of the four student ID values (dcid, id, state student number, or student number). The user can then select which ID/foreignkey their file contains and which of the remaining three, they want to add. The system would create a new version of their import file with defined columns and data and the additional, indicated ID/foreignkey columns added as additional columns.

This functionality helps the user to import data into PowerSchool without having to go through a great deal of manual manipulation especially while importing into extension tables since they use studentDCID which is not easily accessible in PowerSchool.

Append Student Import ID Functionality would appear on the following pages:

  • Start page> Import & Exporting
  • Start Page> Special Functions> Importing & Exporting
  • Start page> System> Page & Data Management
PSSR-303788All States/Provinces: SRP Startup Optimization

The SRP start-up process (which loads the reports available in PowerSchool) has been optimized to reduce the start-up time needed for PowerSchool.

PSSR-286849Create New School Enrolment Page – Add Previous School Field Validation on Submit

When creating a new school enrolment, if the “Previous School Value Required:” pref is selected for the Entry Code selected for the student, the ‘Missing Required field’ error message is displayed under the Previous School name if the school is not entered and there is an attempt to submit the page.

PSSR-302641Data Validation Tool - Rule Added

OnSIS Data Validation: Version 2.7
The Data Validation report and Validation Errors Viewer has a new submission period or category for ‘Attendance Validations’. The rules checked under the Attendance Validations will help to identify student data causing issues for the nightly attendance process. The report includes the following validation rule:
PS-A001: Student with overlapping enrolment, this error will cause the Nightly attendance process to fail.

PSSR-303889Data Validation Tool - Rule Added

OnSIS Data Validation: Version 2.7

Enhanced the report to include the following validation rule: PS-A002: Student with missing Admission Status (FTE); this error will cause the AM/PM nightly process to fail.

PSSR-303854Elem 1-6, 7-8 RC - Print principal and phone based on board preference

Elementary Report Cards (1-6) - GradeBook: Version 5.8
Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook: Version 6.5

Boards can print the ECPP or the designated school phone and principal name based on a board preference. Reports have been enhanced to print the ECPP school phone number and Principal name if the flag "Print ECPP Principal, and Telephone on Report Cards" is selected on the district; otherwise, the designated school data is printed.

PSSR-306548Elementary Report card (1-6) - Update Ministry Template - 2022-2023

Elementary Report Cards (1-6) - GradeBook : Version 5.8

Updated the Elementary Report Cards (1-6) with new templates.
Note that the subject comment area available for Mathematics and Science has been changed. Boards may need to adjust the comment size to accommodate the changes.

PSSR-306549Elementary Report card (7-8) - Update Ministry Template - 2022-2023

Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook : Version 6.5

Updated the Elementary Report Cards (7-8) report with the Ministry’s latest template. Also reduced the subject comment area available for Native Language, Mathematics, and Science.

PSSR-302544Enrolment Fields Report - UI Updates

Enrolment Fields: Version 4.8

Added a short description with the code for the Select School Category Field on the report parameter page.

PSSR-298517EQAO - Grade 3 & 6 - 2022-2023 Ministry Updates

EQAO Extracts: Version 6.6
Updated this report to incorporate 2022-2023 Ministry Updates for the Grade 3 & 6 submission.

PSSR-308577For some students Online Learning Graduation field was Not Populating in OnSIS Secondary School Submission

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 17.6

The report has been enhanced to extract existing students' correct Online Learning Graduation Requirement value.

PSSR-303855KG communication of Learning- Print principal and phone based on board preference

Kindergarten Communication of Learning Report Card: Version 3.2

Boards now have the option to print the ECPP or the designated school phone and principal name based on a board preference. In addition, enhanced the reports to print the ECPP school phone number and Principal name if the flag “Print ECPP Principal and Telephone on Report Cards” is selected on the district; otherwise, the designated school data is printed.

PSSR-306287New field on Province page - Date Entered Grade 9 outside of Ontario

Added a new field Date Entered Grade 9 Outside of Ontario on the Province page. This field will be used to determine if the student coming from outside of Ontario is eligible for the Online Learning Graduation Requirement.

PSSR-305275Office Index Card Not Printing Information Correctly For Inactive Students

Office Index Card: Version 4.2

Updated the report to get the Receiving School information from the student’s latest school enrollment of the selected school. Note that enrollments with an exit code of NS are not considered when determining the newest record.

PSSR-302353Ontario Student Transcript - add support for no records found

Enhanced the Report to print “No records found“ when selecting a student with no data to report on the transcript.

PSSR-304979OnSIS Secondary - Student_Mobility_type=09 Is Incorrect for Cross-Enrolled Students in Private Schools

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 17.5
When generating the OnSIS Secondary School submission for a private school, Cross enrolled students having an entry code of 09 will be reported to the Ministry with a STUDENT_MOBILITY_TYPE of 21 (Private School).

PSSR-306751ON24, ON39 OnSIS Secondary /Summer Missing Students Due to Null Values in State_excludefromreporting Field

OnSIS Secondary submission: Version 17.6

OnSIS Summer Submission: Version 7.0

Both reports have been updated to treat a null value in the state_excludeFromreporting field as a blank value, ensuring students are not inadvertently excluded from the submission file.

PSSR-296001Online eLearn Opt Out Field Display for Grade Eight Students

The Opted Out of Online Learning Graduation Requirement field is now visible on the General Info tab for Grade 8 students.

PSSR-306899ONSIS Night School Submission was not Extracting Students Course Enrollment Data

ONSIS Night School Submission: Version 9.7

Enhanced the report to extract correct Course Enrollment information for Students.

PSSR-302557OnSIS Secondary – Save XML Should Handle Submission Period Type Changes

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 17.6
Enhanced the Save XML logic to prevent student duplication. The issue occurred when the Ministry introduced a new SUBMISSION PERIOD TYPE value for the current submission period.

PSSR-290132OnSIS Verification - Summary Report (Section D: Enrolment by Age and Gender)is categorizing all the students under French Language Instructional Unit instead of English.

OnSIS Verification - Summary Report: Version 1.9
The report logic has been modified to display students under their proper Instructional Unit.

PSSR-306889Ontario Student Status report - Online Learning Graduation Requirement Logic Enhancement

Ontario Student Status: Version 8.2

To determine if students entered grade 9 outside of Ontario met the Online Learning Graduation Requirement, Cohort Year calculation logic has been enhanced to use the new field, Date Entered Grade 9 Outside of Ontario.

PSSR-306689Ontario Student Status report - Enhance Current Courses Interim Mark Columns Logic

Ontario Student Status: Version 8.2

The report has been enhanced to print the latest midterm mark when multiple M1 and/or M2 marks exist for the course.

PSSR-286848 Previous School Name Field Validation on Submit – Enrol New student Page

When the Previous School Value Required preference is on for the Entry Code, an error message “Missing Required field” appears under the Previous School name if the field is left blank on the Enrol New student Page.

PSSR-286851Re-enroll Student – Add Previous School Field Validation on Submit

When using the Reenroll Students feature to enroll a student at your school, if the “Previous School Value Required:” pref is selected for the Entry Code selected for the student, the ‘Missing Required field’ error message is displayed under the Previous School name if the school is not entered and there is an attempt to submit the page.

PSSR-286852Receiving and Previous School Field Validation on Submit – Transfer Info Page

When the Previous and Receiving School Value Required preference is selected for the Entry Code or Exit code being selected for the student, an error message “Missing Required field” appears under the Previous or Receiving School name if the field is left blank on the Transfer Info Page.

PSSR-304773SHSM Progress Page - Negative credits are shown on the page

Negative credits are unexpectedly displayed on the SHSM Progress page for students who did not complete courses that can count towards the students assigned SHSM program but have courses marked as SHSM on the historical grades records. As a result, the SHSM Progress page now appears blank for those students.

PSSR-304584SHSM Progress Page should load when Include In-Progress Courses is off

Fixed the SHSM Progress page. The page will now show the completed courses that apply to subject areas based on Best fit logic when the In-Progress Courses checkbox is not selected.

PSSR-307592Student Status report to handle long subject names from grad planner

Ontario Student Status: Version 8.2

When the report encounters a long subject group name, the report will use the first 30 characters of the name as the description in the credit summary.

PSSR-305296Student Status Sheet Accessibility Enhancements

Ontario Student Status: Version 8.2

The second page of the Student Status Report is now AODA compliant.

PSSR-302239Update New Feature to Store PLAR Segment of XML Files in Permanent Tables

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 17.5

The OnSIS Secondary submission now saves the PLAR segment data to S_ON_STU_XML_PlAR_C table, allowing boards to create reports to validate this data before uploading files to OnSIS.

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