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School Setup


The following data elements are required for provincial reporting.

To navigate to the school setup page:

  1. Click the School link at the top of the page. The School pop-up menu appears.

  2. Choose a school. The school Start Page appears.

  3. Under School, click Setup.


  • The following information describes the setup required for Provincial Reporting. For information about general school setup, see Help > System Help.

  • Ontario Provincial Reporting does not support K-12 schools. K-12 schools must be set up as two separate schools in PowerSchool (elementary K-8 and secondary 9-12).

Adding Attendance Codes

Attendance Codes

Attendance Codes > Add/Edit Attendance Code

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports


Enter the attendance code.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)


Enter a description of the attendance code.


Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Presence Status

Select Present or Absent.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Code Categories

Select the categories associated with the attendance code.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Defining Attendance Code Categories

Attendance Code Categories

Attendance Code Entities > Edit Attendance Code Category

From the Ministry

Where an instructional session has been cancelled (i.e. the teacher is unavailable) and the instructor is not paid, the session will not be recognized for funding purposes. Do not include this session in the total number of sessions recognized for funding. The unfunded cancelled session must be marked with a “D” on the register and the reason for the cancellation must be recorded. If the “D” session is rescheduled, the instructor should be paid for the rescheduled session and the rescheduled session must be included in the total number of sessions recognized for funding purposes.

Setup for Unfunded Cancelled Sessions

Create an Attendance Category named 'CEUNFUNDED'.

  • Any Attendance code associated with the Attendance Category 'CEUNFUNDED' will generate the 'D' attendance code.

  • As long as one student in the course has an attendance code associated with 'CEUNFUNDED' category, that day will not count towards sessions recognized.

Funded Cancelled Sessions - Setup remains the same:

  • The Attendance Category is named 'ConEd'

  • Any Attendance code associated with the Attendance Category 'ConEd' will generate the 'C' attendance code.

  • As long as one student in the course has an attendance code associated with 'ConEd' category, that day will count towards sessions recognized.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports


The following categories must be created:

  • Tardy

  • Grant

  • Non-Instr

  • Contact

  • IndepStudy

  • ConEd


*Used for unfunded, cancelled instructional sessions

Note: When counting consecutive absences, Attendance codes associated with CEUNFUNDED are ignored.

[Code_Entity]CE_Entity = att_attcodeentity


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Setting Attendance Preferences


Preferences, Attendance Preferences


Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Attendance Recording Methods

Ensure 'Meeting' method is selected.

[Prefs]Name  = att_recordmodemeet


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

Calculating and Reporting

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school for students enrolled at this school

Select if students enrolled in other schools should have that time included in attendance.

This flag is used when calculating the student's FTE.  FTE should be reported from the student's main school.

[Prefs]Name  = att_calccntattothschenrthissch


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

Creating Bell Schedules

Bell Schedules

Define the bell schedules to correlate periods with the times that the periods meet. Bell schedules are tied to attendance conversions and to calendar days to accommodate multiple bell schedules.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Attendance Conversion Method

Choose the attendance conversion from the pop-up menu. You must first set up an attendance conversion to properly calculate attendance.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

Defining Bell Schedule Items

Bell Schedules Items

Bell Schedules > Edit Schedule > Edit Period

Each period will be assigned a day part of AM or PM.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Day Part

Select AM or PM for each period in schedule.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

Setting Up the School Calendar

Calendar Setup

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports


Bell Schedule used for the day.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School)


Tracks that are in session should be selected to determine if the track day is in session for the student.

If the track is not selected on an in-session day, students in that track are in a non-instructional day.







Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School)

In Session

Determines if the day is instructional and the student attendance is looked at.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School)


Determines if the day of the month is a Holiday, Professional Activity Day, Grant or Non-Instruction Day. If the day is in-session and no type is selected, the day defaults to an Instruction Day.


Daily Attendance Record, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School)

Entering Full-Time Equivalencies

Full-Time Equivalencies

Full-Time Equivalencies have no relationship to the FTEs that get reported to the Ministry. For Ontario, it was recommended to call this ‘Admission Status’ and name the full-time equivalency ‘Admitted’. In order to calculate attendance, students must be assigned a full-time equivalency (internal value is FTEID) and Attendance Conversions must to set up.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Admission Status (or Full-Time Equivalency)

This must be defined to calculate attendance. Every student must have a valid full-time equivalency (internal field for students is FTEID)


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

Defining Attendance Conversions

Attendance Conversions

Attendance Conversions are tied to PowerSchool’s Full Time Equivalencies (FTE).

For AM and PM attendance, Period or Time conversions must be set up. Period is used to define the number of periods in which the student must be present/absent to receive the attendance value defined. Time is used to define how many minutes the student must be present to receive the attendance value defined.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports


The name of the attendance conversion


Attendance Conversions, Period

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Periods Present or Periods Absent

Depending on how the attendance preference is set up, define the number of periods in which the student must be present/absent to receive the attendance value for defined ADA.


[Attendance_Conversion_Items]conversion_mode_code = ‘periodPart’

Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

AM Attendance Value

If Period Present, enter the attendance value for ADA that students receives for the AM day part if they are present for the number of periods defined. If Period Absent, enter the attendance value for ADA that students receive for the AM day part if they absent for the number of periods defined.

The reports will use the Period Conversion View


[Attendance_Conversion_Items]DayPartID = [DayPart]ID where [DayPart]Name = ‘AM’




[PS_ADAADM_Meeting_PTOP]DayPartName = ‘AM’

Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

PM Attendance Value

If Period Present, enter the attendance value for ADA that students receives for the PM day part if they are present for the number of periods defined. If Period Absent, enter the attendance value for ADA that students receive for the PM day part if they absent for the number of periods defined.

The reports will use the Period Conversion View


[Attendance_Conversion_Items]DayPartID = [DayPart]ID where [DayPart]Name = ‘PM’




[PS_ADAADM_Meeting_PTOP]DayPartName = ‘PM’

Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

Attendance Conversions, Time

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Minutes Present

Enter the minimum number of minutes a student must be present to receive the attendance value for ADA that you define.


[Attendance_Conversion_Items]conversion_mode_code = ‘timePart’

Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

AM Attendance Value

Enter the attendance value for ADA that students receive for the AM day part if they present based on the number of minutes entered in Minutes Present.

The reports will use the Time Conversion View


[Attendance_Conversion_Items]DayPartID = [DayPart]ID where [DayPart]Name = ‘AM’




[PS_ADAADM_Meeting_TTOP]DayPartName = ‘AM’

Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

PM Attendance Value

Enter the attendance value for ADA that students receive for the PM day part if they present based on the number of minutes entered in Minutes Present.

The reports will use the Time Conversion View


[Attendance_Conversion_Items]DayPartID = [DayPart]ID where [DayPart]Name = ‘PM’




[PS_ADAADM_Meeting_TTOP]DayPartName = ‘PM’

Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

Defining Years & Terms


Years & Terms > Edit School Year

Years & Terms > Term Setup > Edit Term

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Name Of School Year

For record designated as year term.


Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

First Day Of Term

For terms associated with classes.


Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Last Day Of Term

For terms associated with classes.


OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Setting Up Final Grades

Final Grade Setup

Final Grade Setup > Final Grade Setups > New/Edit Final Grade

IMPORTANT:  To ensure the OCAS & OUAC transmissions generate correct results, complete "Final Grade Setup" (under "Setup/School")  for all school years and all schools. Failure to do so will result in the generation of duplicate records in the OCAS & OUAC Transmissions

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Mark Type

Select from the pop-up menu:

M1 (midterm 1)

M2 (midterm 2)

F (final)

If a mark is not a mid-term or final mark, do not select a value.


Status Sheet, Potential Ontario Scholar, SHSM Record, Ontario Student Transcript, Secondary Report Card, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Final Grade Setup for elementary schools

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Reporting terms

Three Reporting Terms should be created: 

P, R1 and R2

Defining Course Sections


Sections > [select course] > [select section] > Edit Section

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Course Number

In elementary schools used for homeroom classes.

In secondary schools used for next year classes.


Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions


Used to identify eligible math classes for grade 9 EQAO submissions.


EQAO Submissions

Teacher – Section Lead



Where [SectionTeacher]sectionID = [Sections]ID

Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Teacher – Section Lead


LeadTeacher will have islocked set to 1

OnSIS Elementary also uses Name Setup as

ECE – Early Childhood Educators

[Roledef]islocked = 1



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Teacher – Section Lead

Start Date


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Teacher – Section Lead

End Date


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Section Number

In elementary schools used for homeroom classes.

In secondary schools used for next year classes


Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, STIX, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School)

Grade Level

Enter a number corresponding to the grade level.


OnSIS Submissions

Exclude From Attendance

If selected, this section will not be used for calculating instructional minutes


Enrolment Report

Entering Provincial Section Information

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Class Type

Select from the pop-up menu.

Refer to Class Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Delivery Type

Select a delivery type.

Refer to Course Delivery Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


if Credit Recovery is selected below, Delivery Type must be one of the following:

  • 1 - Regular day

  • 8 - Summer

  • 9 - Night

  • 18 E-learning – not through provincial LMS,

  • 19 - E-learning through provincial LMS

If Ministry Developed Content is selected below, Delivery Type must be 19 - E-learning through provincial LMS.


If [S_ON_SGR_X]OthCrsInfo_Credit_Recovery = 1, THEN

[S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type must = 1, 8, 9, 18, or 19

If [S_ON_SGR_X]OthCrsInfo_Ministry_Content = 2, THEN

[S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type must = 19

Status Sheet, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Other Course Information

Credit Recovery (1)

Ministry Developed Content (2)

Upgrading Credit Course (3)

Online (4)

Credit Recovery: Indicates whether the section is used for credit recovery.

Ministry Developed Content: Indicates whether the section contains content developed by the ministry.

Select both options if the section is used for credit recovery and the content is ministry developed

Upgrading Credit Course: Identifies secondary courses that were upgraded by students during the summer,.  This value is applicable 2019-2020 onwards and is only visible for summer schools.

Online: Identifies whether the course is taken online.  This value is applicable 2022-2023 onwards.


If Credit Recovery is selected, Delivery Type must be one of the following:

  • 1 - Regular day

  • 8 - Summer

  • 9 - Night

  • 18 E-learning – not through provincial LMS,

  • 19 - E-learning through provincial LMS

If Ministry Developed Content is selected, Delivery Type must be 19 - E-learning through provincial LMS.

If Online is selected, Delivery Type must be one of the following:

  • 2 – Independent Study

  • 4 - Co-op

  • 12 - DC: team-taught coll crs

  • 16 - Correspond/Self-study

If Upgrading Credit Course’, then is selected Course Delivery Type must be one of the following:

1 – Regular

2 - Independent study

16 - Correspond/Self study

18 - E-learning - not through provincial LMS

19 - E-learning through provincial LMS. otherwise an error message is displayed under the field "Incorrect Other Course Information'

[S_ON_SEC_X]OthCrsInfo_Credit_Recovery = 1 When selected otherwise NULL

[S_ON_SEC_X]OthCrsInfo_Ministry_Content = 2 When selected otherwise NULL

[S_ON_SEC_X]OthCrsInfo_UpgradCrdtCourse = 3 when selected otherwise NULL

  • 1 = Credit Recovery

  • 2 = Ministry Developed Content

  • 3 = Upgrading Credit Course

  • 4 = Online

If [S_ON_SEC_X]OthCrsInfo_Credit_Recovery = 1, THEN

[S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type must be in (1, 8, 9, 18, or 19)

If [S_ON_SEC_X]OthCrsInfo_Ministry_Content = 2, THEN

[S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type must = 19

If [S_ON_SEC_X]OthCrsInfo_Online = 4, THEN

[S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type must be in (2,4,12,16)

OnSIS Submissions

Classroom Type

Select from the pop-up menu.

Refer to Classroom Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Campus Number

The campus number can be up to 20 characters

 The following characters can be included:

  • a-zA-Z0-9ÀàÄäÂâÁáÈèÉéÊêËëÎîÏïÌì ÔôÖöÓóÜüÙùÛûÚúÇçÿŸ/, ""';:=_.`~!@#%-$&^{}[](|)*+?\

  • Accents are to be accepted.

Note: The following characters are not to be included:

  • < and >

  • Control characters (ESC, CTRL, Alt, TAB, Page Up, Page Down, Space, Insert)


OnSIS Submissions, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Language Program Type

Select from the pop-up menu.

If not selected here, the course level setting is used.

  • C - Core

  • E - Extended

  • I - Immersion

  • N - Intensive Core


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Language Of Instruction

Select from the pop-up menu.

Refer to Language Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Only the English, French, and Native languages are available.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Submissions, Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language - French Cards

Class Name

If undefined, [Courses]Course_Name used.


Secondary Report Card, Continuing Education Registers, (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary), OnSIS submissions.

Class Code

Generated by OnSIS Create Class Codes process.

Normally this field should not be changed manually. This field is editable only if a preference named "AllowClassCodeEdit" is present in the Prefs table with a value of 1. If the preference is not present or has a value other than 1 the field is read only.


OnSIS Submissions

Instruction Mode

Select the Section Instruction Mode, if different than the School/Course

Valid Values:

  • (01) FT In-person learning

  • (02) FT remote learning

  • (03) Combination of in-person and remote learning


EQAO Grade 9 Math Extract

Previous Year Class Flag

Select if the class is continued from the previous year.


OnSIS Submissions

Defining Continuing Education Information

Continuing Education Registers

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Course Offering

Select from the pop-up menu.

If not defined, the course offering entered at the course level is used.



It is mandatory to set course offering for summer courses.

Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy and Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language)

Continuing Education (Summer) OnSIS submission ( Summer)

Class Start Date

Enter a date if the class start date used to determine number of sessions and ADE is different than the start date of the associated scheduling term.

The date must fall within the scheduling term.


Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy and Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary), OnSIS Submissions (Summer, Night)

Class End Date

Enter a date if the class end date used to determine number of sessions and ADE is different than the end date of the associated scheduling term.

The date must fall within the scheduling term.


Continuing Education Registers (Summer School,Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy and Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary), OnSIS Submissions (Summer, Night)

Start Time

The start time of the class.

Start Time must be less the End Time


Continuing Education Registers (Adult Credit, Summer School, International Languages Elementary, Literacy and Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language)

End Time

The end time of the class.

Start Time must be less the End Time


Continuing Education Registers (Adult Credit, Summer School, International Languages Elementary, Literacy and Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language)

Total Instruction Minutes

The total number of minutes of instruction for a class.

Total Instruction minutes must be greater than Zero


Continuing Education Registers (Adult Credit, Summer School, International Languages Elementary, Literacy and Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language)

Number Of Lessons/Work Units

Select from the pop-up menu.

If not defined, the number of lessons/work units entered at the course level is used.



Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online)

Eligible for Small Class Adjustment

Select if eligible for adjustment.


Continuing Education Registers (Adult Credit)

Literacy and Numeracy Delivery Code

Only displayed if the current school year is 2015-2016 or earlier.

Select from the pop-up menu:

  • After School (1)

  • Before School or Lunch time (2)

  • Integrated Extended-Day Program (3)

  • Late Afternoon and Evening Program (4)

  • Weekend (5)

  • Summer (6)

If not defined the delivery type used at the course level is used.


Continuing Education Registers (Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Register of Enrolment in the International Languages Elementary (ILE) Program

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

ILE Register Type

Select from the pop-up menu:

  • <blank> (default)

  • "International Languages Elementary (ILE) Program"

If not defined, the register type entered at the course level is used.

Determines if the section is included in the International Languages Elementary  register.


Continuing Education Registers (International Languages Elementary)

International Language

Select from the pop-up menu.

If not defined, the course offering entered at the course level is used.


Continuing Education Registers (International Languages Elementary)

Other Language Description

When International Language is “Other (OTH)”, enter the language description.


Continuing Education Registers (International Languages Elementary)

Time of Day Type

Enter the time of day for the International Language Elementary (ILE) class


Continuing Education Registers (International Languages Elementary)

ILE Delivery Code

Select from the pop-up menu:

  • After School (1)

  • Before School or Lunch time (2)

  • Integrated Extended-Day Program (3)

  • Late Afternoon and Evening Program (4)

  • Weekend (5)

  • Summer (6)

If not defined the delivery type used at the course level is used.


Continuing Education Registers (International Languages Elementary)

Entering Independent Study and e-Learning Information

Independent Study And E-Learning

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Independent Study Class Flag

Select if the class is an independent study class.


OnSIS, Enrolment Report, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language,  International Languages Elementary), Enrolment Fields Report

Number of Scheduled Teacher Contact Sessions (required to complete course)

Select from the pop-up menu with range from 10 to 30.

If not defined, the number of sessions entered at the course level is used.

[S_ON_SEC_X] IS_NumberSessionsCompleteCrs

Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

Duration of each Scheduled Teacher Contact session (minutes)

Requires a minimum value of 30.

If not defined, the number of minutes entered at the course level is used.


Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

Note: The product of the two values above [Number of Scheduled Teacher Contact Sessions x Duration of each Scheduled Teacher Contact session] MUST equal or exceed the value of 600 x [Courses]Credit_Hours.

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

Number of Work Units (required to complete course)

Select from the pop-up menu with a range from 1 to 30.

If not defined, the number of sessions entered at the course level is used.


Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, OnSIS

Creating Graduation Requirements

Graduation Sets

Graduation Sets > Graduation Requirement Set

Graduation Sets > Graduation Requirements > New / Edit Graduation Requirement

Data Element

Additional Information



Used in these Reports

The individual fields in this section will be defined in a later documentation release.

Create a graduation set for each SHSM program offered by the board. If the credit requirements for a SHSM program change, a new graduation set for that program must be created.

Appendix D contains a description of how generally graduation sets are configured to describe SHSM program credit requirements. Refer to the ministry's sector-specific guides for credit requirements specific to a particular program.

The individual fields in this section will be defined in a later documentation release.

Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet

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