OnSIS API Reporting Setup
The OnSIS Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) submission of OnSIS data directly from PowerSchool and reduces manual steps. This section details the setup for OnSIS API.
The system must be set up for every instance of the SMS system. If everyone in a board uses the same instance of the PowerSchool SMS they would all be using the same setup values.
If the board also has a separate testing environment of PowerSchool then that testing instance would also be set up and it will have its own set of setup values.
Step 1: Copy the Redirect URL posted at the top of the page and send it to OnSIS (ONSIS_SISON (EDU) ONSIS_SISON@ontario.ca) to register your application domain and receive the credentials and communication settings values.
Navigation: District Office, District Management, Compliance, OnSIS API Reporting Setup
Step 2: Enter the received credentials and communication settings into the appropriate fields on the OnSIS API Reporting Setup page. All fields are mandatory. Errors entering the settings will cause failure when using the API.
The submission will fail if there are errors in the setup fields.
Field | Description |
Client ID | Client ID received from OnSIS, which is the same for all instances. |
Client Secret | This is a password that is unique for each instance. This field is masked and encrypted. Click the eye icon to reveal the value. |
Authenticaton URL/Board | The authentication URL provided by OnSIS. This URL is the same for all instances. |
Authentication Token URL | The authentication URL provided by OnSIS. This URL is the same for all instances. |
API URL / Port | The authentication URL provided by OnSIS. The address will vary for ONSIS Test API and ONSIS production API sites. |
Scopes | The authentication URL provided by OnSIS. This URL is the same for all instances. |