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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-300225All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences - API Updates

Validations to allow alphanumeric characters are added for all Digital Equity and Learning Preference fields, enabling the values inserted via API be visible in the Digital Equity and Learning Preferences UI.

PSSR-290796EAQO Grade 3–6 – Issue with Remote Enrolled Students

EQAO Extracts: Version 6.4

Class Code and Teacher information was incorrectly reported for the remote enrolled students in EQAO Grade 3-6. The issue has been fixed.

PSSR-303849District Info – Update to Print ECPP Principal Name and Telephone on Report Cards

A new preference, 'Print ECPP Principal and Telephone on Report Cards' has been added to the District Info page, under the Board Information/Settings section. If this flag is selected, the ECPP school principal name and school address are printed on the report cards.

PSSR-303853 Report Cards – Print Principal and Phone Based on Board Preference

Additional References: PSSR-303856

Elementary Progress Report (1-6) - Gradebook: Version 4.6

Elementary Progress Report (7-8) - Gradebook: Version 4.4

Secondary Report Cards - GradeBook: Version 6.8

Kindergarten Communication of Learning and Initial Observations Report Cards: Version 2.4

Boards now have the option to print the ECPP or the designated school phone and principal name based on a board preference. Reports have been enhanced to print ECPP school phone number and Principal name if the preference Print ECPP Principal and Telephone on Report Cards' is selected on the district; otherwise, the designated school data is printed.

PSSR-298975Online Learning Graduation Requirement for OnSIS Secondary

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 17.4

Starting 2022-2023, a new tag ‘ONLINE_GRADUATION_REQUIREMENT_TYPE’ is generated with valid values 1, 2, or NULL.

PSSR-301129OnSIS PAE File Import - Enhance EXSMS-0003 SMS Student School Enrolment Import Ministry Updates 2022-2023

The PAE import is updated to support the new Ministry layout for the EXSMS-003 School Enrollment file. Online Graduation Requirement field is added to the ON_School_Enrollments PAE table.

PSSR-300802OnSIS Secondary - Ministry Updates 2022-23 in Other Course Information

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 17.4

OnSIS Secondary School Submission Report has been updated to report the new value online(4) in Other Course Information.

PSSR-302266Reports File Larger Than 1GB Will Fail

Reports which result in more than 1GB file size will stop further processing and an error message will be displayed to the user. This change currently applies to accessible reports, Transcripts, and Student Status Sheet.

PSSR-289826Ontario Student Status Report - Page 2 Header Is Blank If Data Overflows to the Second Page

Ontario Student Status: Version 8.0

The Student Status report now generates a second page for students having more than 54 completed courses and/or more than 12 current courses.

PSSR-266335Student Status Sheet Enhancements

Additional Reference: PSSR-282133, PSSR-290124, PSSR-301251

Status Sheet Report: Version 8.0

Student Status Sheet report now supports accessibility on the Windows Operating system.

Report UI has been updated to select ‘Include Only Currently Enrolled Students’ by default if the ‘All Students’ option is selected under Current Selection Students.

A new column, XEnrolled has been added under the Current courses section. This column has the school abbreviation when the class is taken at a school different than Student’s main school.

The following new fields are also added:

  • Mature Students
  • Entered OSSD after grade 09
  • OYAP Program
  • Online Graduation Requirement

The report has been enhanced to print “No records found” message when the report has no data to report.

PSSR-301220Transcript/Status Sheet Reports Had Wrong Icon Displayed on the Reports Page

Ontario Student Transcript: Version 7.7

Ontario Student Status: Version 8.0

The Ontario Student Transcript and the Status Sheet now display pdf icons on the Report page and both reports support accessibility requirements.

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