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Secondary Report Cards - GradeBook Final


The Secondary Report Cards - GradeBook Final report creates a PDF report containing report card information for students in Grades 9 through 12 in the format mandated by the province. Report parameters are used to determine which format (semestered or non-semestered) is generated.

The page 3 of this report prints based on the student’s cohort year. If the cohort year is after 2024 then details about Technological education and STEM-related course group are included. If the student’s cohort year is before 2024 then page 3 is the same as Secondary Report Cards.

The student's cohort year is derived based on this priority:

  1. Cohort year ([S_ON_STU_X]CohortYear)

  2. If cohort year is not defined, then Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board ([S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date)

  3. If both are not defined, then Date Entered Grade 9 outside Ontario [S_ON_STU_X]gr_nine_enroll_dt_outsideON)

  4. If all 3 fields are not defined then the year of the earliest date from grade 9 enrolment is used

If the month of date used to calculate the cohort year falls between January and June, then the cohort year is for the previous year. For example, if the date is February 29, 2021, then the cohort year is 2020.

Selection Criteria

A report card is generated for each student for the logged in school subject to the "Run Report For" parameter described below.

A report card is generated for each student when the previous day in session belongs to the selected year.

A report card can be generated for any student who was enrolled in the school at any time during the school year. If the "Include Cross-Enrolled Students" option is selected the report also includes students not enrolled in the school but who are enrolled in one or more classes at the school.

A report card is not generated for a student whose Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting) is turned on, even if other selection criteria have been met.

If "Ignore Student Exclusion" is unchecked, a student is excluded if either the student's Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting) is on, or if the attendance type (i.e. EnrollmentType field) = EX (excluded) for ALL enrolments (i.e. Students or ReEnrollments record) associated, in whole or in part, with the year for which the report is run (i.e. if there is any overlap between the enrolment start and end dates and start and end dates for the year long term for the year associated with selected PowerSchool term). This indicates the student was excluded for the entire year.

The report includes data only from classes for the student for the logged on school. However, the credit information appearing on page 3 of the final report cards is drawn from data for all schools at which the student has received credit.

The report includes all classes whose scheduling term matches one of the selected "Included Terms" on the report input page.

The report excludes classes that a student drops before the course ends and for which no marks have been posted.

The report excludes courses with course type ([S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type) = "O" (out of board).

By default, the report excludes dropped classes. A dropped class is one where the student leaves the class early (i.e. the latest [CC]DateLeft is on or before [Terms]LastDay for the term to which the class is scheduled, AND the student has not completed the class. A class is deemed completed if any of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date is defined.

  • [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W is on (although the student didn't actually complete the course in this case, for the purposes of the report card we want to treat it as such because full disclosure courses should always be printed).

  • A final mark has been posted. For both credit and non-credit courses, final marks are those whose store code has a mark type designated as final - i.e. [S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type = "F".

If the "Include Dropped Classes" option is selected on the report input page, dropped classes are not excluded.

The report excludes courses where any of the following are true:

  • If the "Secondary Report Card Examine Exclude From GPA Flag" preference ([Prefs]Name = "ON_SRC_ExcludeFromGPA) is true and the "Exclude From GPA" flag ([StoredGrades]ExcludeFromGPA) for the highest included mark is turned on; if the preference is false, the "Exclude From GPA" flag is not examined

  • the course "Exclude From GPA" flag ([Courses]ExcludeFromGPA) is turned on

  • the course "Exclude On Report Cards/Transcripts" flag ([Courses]Sched_Do_Not_Print) is turned on

If the "Include Placeholder Courses" option is not selected, placeholder courses (S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = "P") are excluded.

Note: The school calendar must not have in-session days that are later than the latest term end date for the year. For example. If school ends on June 29th and the year long term ends on June 28th, if June 29th is marked as an in-session day, the report prints no data.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.




The term selected at the top of the PowerSchool page is used to determine the term for which the report is run. It used as a parameter to control the operation of the data retrieval functions referenced in the report output section that follows. (Input Parameter: selectedTerm).

Run Report For

Choose whether you wish to run the report for the current selection of students or have the report search for students based on school. (Input Parameter: current_students).

Include Cross-Enrolled Students

Check if students who are not enrolled in the school but who are taking classes in the school on a cross-enrolment basis are to be included. The parameter is ignored if the report is run for the current selection of students. Default is unchecked.

Sort By

Choose the order in which report cards should be sorted: by student name within homeroom, by student name within distribution period, or by student name. If distribution period sort is selected, the specified distribution date and period is compared to the meeting expression for each of a student's scheduled classes to determine which of his/her classes is used to define the sort key value for the student; the report is sorted by room number, teacher name (legal name if defined else teacher name), and student name.

Note that if the Sort By School ID / Homeroom parameter below is selected, the report is sort by homeroom within school id first, then by the sort option selected for this parameter.

Distribution Date

This parameter applies only when the report is sorted by distribution period. The report determines, for each student, the class that meets in the specified period on the specified date. Sorting is performed based on the course name and section number for the class. Default value is system date.

Distribution Period

This parameter applies only when the report is sorted by distribution period. The report determines, for each student, the class that meets in the specified period on the specified date. Sorting is performed based on the course name and section number for the class.

Semester To Print In Header

Enter text to be printed in the Semester box in the page header. If undefined, the report print the name of the currently selected PowerSchool term.

Print Date

This date defaults to the system date. Enter the date that should be printed on each report card. To save this print date and make it the default, select the checkbox to the far right of the Print Date field.

Report Card Type

Enter the type of report card to generate. One of: Semester - Midterm, Semester - Final, Non-semester - Term 1, Non-semester - Term 2, Non-semester - Final. (Input Parameter: card_type).

Included Terms

Select the terms for classes to be included in the report. Only classes with a scheduling term matching one of the selected terms are included.

First Store Code

Select the store codes used to identify the grades that should be reported for the first reporting period. Marks with these store codes are printed in the "1st" marks rows on the report. (Input Parameter: first_code).

Second Store Code

Select the store codes used to identify the grades that should be reported for the second reporting period. Marks with these store codes are printed in the "2nd" marks rows on the report. This is only used for non-semester report cards. These store codes can be selected independently of the selected report card type. (Input Parameter: second_code).

Final Store Code

Select the store codes used to identify the grades that should be reported for the final reporting period. Marks with these store codes are printed in the "Final" marks rows on the report. These store codes can be selected independently of the selected report card type. (Input Parameter: final_code).

Exclude Previously Completed Courses

Select whether previously completed classes are to excluded. If selected, a class is excluded if all of the following are true:

  • A final mark has been posted.

  • [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date is defined and is earlier than the end date for the class ([Terms]LastDay for the scheduling term for the class).

  • [CC]DateLeft is defined and is earlier than the end date for the class.

If the class meets the above criteria it is excluded even if other marks such as a mid-term mark are present.

Include Dropped Classes

Select whether dropped classes (see the Selection Criteria section above) are included.. Default value is unchecked.

Include Placeholder Courses

Select whether placeholder courses ([S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = "P") are included in the report. Default value is unchecked.

Include Attendance

Select whether values for Classes Missed, Total Classes, and Times Late are to be printed. Default value is checked.

Exclude Attendance For Classes With No Marks

This option is enabled only if Include Attendance is selected. Select whether Classes Missed, Total Classes, and Times Late are to be printed for classes for which no marks or comments are printed. Default value is unchecked.

Suppress Course Median

Select whether course medians are not to be printed. Default value is unchecked.

Attendance Limit Date

Specify the end date for accumulating attendance data for defining Total Classes, Classes Missed, and Times Late. Default value is the earlier of the system date or the end date of the current PowerSchool term.

For School Use

Enter the text to appear in the For School Use section on page 3 of final report cards. (Input Parameter: schoolUse).

Pages To Print

Select from the list the pages to be included in the report. More than one entry may be selected. Default is All Pages.

Sort By School ID / Homeroom

If checked, the report is sorted by first by homeroom within school id, and then in the order specified by the Sort By parameter above. For cross-enrolled students, the school id for the student's primary school is used.

Teacher Name

Select the format in which teacher names should be printed; one of:

  • Use Teacher First Initial and Last Name (default selection)

  • Use Teacher First Initial, Second Initial and Last Name

  • Use Teacher First Name and Last Name

  • Use Teacher Preferred Name and Last Name

Suppress Ministry Logo

Select whether the Trillium logo and "Ministry Of Education" literal are to be suppressed. Default value is unchecked.

Ignore Student Exclusion

Indicate whether the Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag or an attendance type of "EX" (excluded) should exclude a student from the report. If unchecked (the default value), a student's flag and attendance type are examined. If checked, a student's flag and attendance type are not considered for student selection.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Page 1 - Header

Student #

The student number assigned by the school.



The semester for which the report was generated.

If "Semester To Print In Header" is specified, print the entered text, otherwise:

[Terms]name where

[Terms]SchoolId = selectedSchool AND

[Terms]ID = selectedTerm

Reporting Period

The period for which the report was generated according to the report card type selected.

CASE card_type

WHEN SEM1ST then Midterm


WHEN NONSEM1ST then Term 1

WHEN NONSEM2ND then Term 2



END AS reporting_period


This date is the user specified report date.

The default value is the last day for the selected term.


Default value: system date


The student's Legal Name. Format: Last, First Middle

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name


The student's Ontario Education Number.

A board preference "Secondary Report Card format OEN on all pages" can be used to print the OEN in the following format: ###-###-### otherwise, it will be printed as ########.



The student's Grade Level.



The student's homeroom.

[Students]Home_Room. If the student is cross-enrolled [Schools]Abbreviation for the student's primary school is prepended to the homeroom.


The school principal's name is printed on the report.

If the school running the report is an ECPP School and the Board Preference, Print ECPP Principal and Telephone on Report Cards is selected, then the principal name of the school running the report is printed.

Prints the school principal name



The student's address.




[Students]Mailing_Zip, if blank then





School Council Chair

The name of the School Council Chair.

Prints the school name of Council Chair



The name of the school running the report.

If the school running the report is ECPP then the designated school information defined on the student level is printed, if not defined then the designated school defined for the ECPP Facility defined for the student, if ECPP facility is not defined for the student, then the designated School defined for the ECPP school where the student is enrolled is printed. For cross enrolled students, the designated school defined for the ECPP school running the report (school where the class is taken is printed).

S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name if defined, otherwise [Schools]Name

If the school running the report is an ECPP School then

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID/[S_ON_REN_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID, if defined Otherwise

  • ([S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID) defined for the ECPP Facitlty [S_ON_STU_X]CTCC_SchoolsDCID, [S_ON_REN_X]CTCC_SchoolsDCID defined for the student, Otherwise

  • ([S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID) defined for the ECPP school the student is enrolled.


The telephone number of the school printed on the report.

If the school running the report is an ECPP School and the Board Preference, Print ECPP Principal and Telephone on Report Cards is selected, then the telephone number of the school running the report is printed.

Prints the school telephone number



The address of the school printed on the report

Prints the school Address, City, Zip and State






The school’s fax number.

Prints the school fax number

[Schools] SchoolFax


The name of School District.

[Prefs]Value Where [Prefs]Name = DISTRICTNAME


The email and website of School District.

[Prefs]Value Where [Prefs]Name = ON_DISTRICTEMAIL

[Prefs]Value Where [Prefs]Name = ON_DISTRICTWEBSITE


The address of School District.

[Prefs]Value Where [Prefs]Name = DISTRICTADDRESS

[Prefs]Value Where [Prefs]Name = DISTRICTCITY

[Prefs]Value Where [Prefs]Name = DISTRICTSTATE

[Prefs]Value Where [Prefs]Name = DISTRICTZIP

Page 1 and 2 - Courses

Four courses are shown on the first page and five courses are shown in the second page. The following fields are repeated for each of those courses [StoredGradeS]StoreCode in (first_code, second_code, final_code) for the selected students.

Courses are ordered by (major to minor): term start date ascending, term end date ascending, term ID ascending, course code ascending.

Reporting Period

Marks are displayed in the associated row according to the reporting period selected. (Input Parameter: card_type).

CASE card_type


Then print on 1st Row first store codes


Then print on 1st Row first store codes AND on Final row second store codes


Then print on 1st Row first store codes


Then print on 1st Row first store codes AND on 2nd row second store codes


Then print on 1st Row first store codes AND on 2nd row second store codes AND on Final row second store codes


Course Title

The name of the course (up to 23 characters).

The report may append one or more of the strings described to the right. The text is appended only if it is not already present in the course title in the database.


If blank Then [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Name

If blank Then [Courses]Course_Name

For an apprenticeship dual credit course (i.e. a course where the 4th and 5th characters of the ministry course code are "4Y"), the word "(partial)" is appended to the course title if the student earns less than full credit for the course (i.e. [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs is less than [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs).

For co-op courses, where:

  • [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_C is on, or

  • [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type = 4 ),

the word "(Co-op)" is appended to the course title, unless the title already contains that text.

For dual credit course append (Dual Credit) if [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Type = 8 or 9 or [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_T = 1 or [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type = 12 or 13.

Course Code

The code of the course, including the section number for the associated class.


If blank, then [Courses]Course_Number

+ '-' +



The name of the teacher (up to 26 characters).

The latest selected store code associated with the class' scheduling term is determined as follows:. The latest store code is that which appears in the highest store code list (final is higher than second is higher than first). If two associated store codes are selected in the same store code list, the one with the latest TermBins end date is used.

The teacher printed is the lead teacher as of the TermBins end date associated with the latest store code.

The lead teacher is identified by the SectionTeacher record where the role id is that of the lead teacher role (which is the RoleDef record where IsLocked = 1).

[UsersCoreFields] PSCore_Legal_First_Name, [UsersCoreFields] PSCore_Legal_Last_Name and [UsersCoreFields] PSCore_Legal_Middle_Name, If blank then

[Users]First_Name, [Users]Last_Name, and [Users]Preferred_Name as specified by the selected Teacher Name option


Marked if student has been designated ESL or ESD in this course.

[StandardGradeSection]standardGrade value entered for the store code that matches the selected store code on the input parameter page is used to populate this field.

This flag is selected when the [StandardGradeSection]standardGrade is set to 'E' or 'EandII' and associated [Standard]Identifier = S9-12.xx.FLG ( where xx is the couse code) or S9-12.FLG


Marked if student has been designated IEP in this course.

[StandardGradeSection]standardGrade value entered for the store code that matches the selected store code on the input parameter page is used to populate this field.

This flag is selected when the [StandardGradeSection]standardGrade is set to 'I' or 'EandII' and associated [Standard]Identifier = S9-12.xx.FLG ( where xx is the couse code) or S9-12.FLG


Marked if the language of instruction is French. If undefined for the section, the language of instruction for the course is used.

Set to X when [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F

If undefined use [S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang


Marked if the course belongs to an SHSM program, even if credit has not yet been earned. The box is marked for all courses associated with both the student's primary and secondary SHSM program enrolments. The SHSM enrolment records for a student are sorted by entry date desc, exit date desc, dcid desc. The first such record is the primary enrolment and all other enrolments are secondary.

[Courses]Course_Number exists in [ON_SHSM_Calculations]getStudentSHSMCourses for the selected student.

In cases where a completed course is fulfilling a SHSM requirement that would be fulfilled instead (once completed) by an in-progress course (that is, no final mark has been posted or credit earned), the SHSM box is marked for both courses.

The GetStudentSHSMCourses common function, as described in Appendix H, is used to determine whether a course is used to fulfill a SHSM requirement.

Reporting Periods

Marks are displayed in the associated row according to the store codes selected. (Input Parameter: card_type).

Regardless of the selected report type:

  • The 1st row contains marks with store codes selected for First Store Code parameter.

  • The 2ndrow contains marks with store codes selected for the Second Store Code parameter.

  • The Final row contains marks with store codes selected for the Final Store Code parameter.

For a mark to be included in the report, a Final Grade Setup (TermBins) record must exist for the term and store code associated with the mark. The store code used to permanently store course marks to historical grades (StoredGrades) must match the store code used to store learning skills marks (StandardGradeSection).

Percentage Mark

The percentage grade earned for the course.

This field supports the following non-numeric marks:

  • I (incomplete)

  • W (withdrawn)

  • NA (not applicable)

  • ALT (alternate mark)

  • NM (no mark recorded)

When two store codes associated with the class' scheduling term are selected in the same store code list, the mark from the latest store code is used. The latest store code is the store code with the latest TermBins end date. If the Termbins end dates are the same, the mark from the latest StoredGrades record is used, based on the Credit_Date, or on the DCID if the credit date is undefined.


Where [StoredGrades]StoreCode =selected store code

When a final mark is posted it is reported even if the student drops the class. If a final mark is not posted and the student drops the class it is not subject to full disclosure, and the class is still included due to other marks with a selected store code, a blank is posted. The mark is reported if the student withdraws from the course and the course is a Grade 11 or 12 course and subject to full disclosure.

If the student drops or withdraws from a class before it ends and the final mark is posted, the mark, rather than "W", is reported.

Course Median

The median course mark for the course. Rounded to 1 decimal place and printed with a format of z9.9.

Marks from all course sections are considered in calculating the median.

Marks for withdrawn and dropped courses are not used to determine course median. If a final mark is posted, it is used even if the student leaves the course early.

Only marks designated as final ([S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type = "F" for the associated store code) are used.

Marks for which [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromGPA is turned on are not used.

Courses with a non-numeric mark are considered to have mark of 0 for the purpose determining course median.

PSSR_ON_Common.get_course_median_mark(School_ID, Course_ID, Term_ID, Student_grade, Store_Code).

Only marks designated as final ([S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type = "F" for the associated store code) are used.

Where [StoredGrades]StoreCode = selected store code

Blank is printed if the student withdraws from or drops the course.

Blank if "Suppress Course Median" runtime option selected.

Credit Earned

Earned credits for the course.


Where [StoredGrades]StoreCode = selected store code

A "W" is printed if the student withdraws from or drops the course.

If a student withdraws from a course before the class ends ([CC]DateLeft is prior to the end of the term in which the class is scheduled), but completes the class (a final mark is posted), [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs is printed rather than "W". The course is deemed completed if a [StoredGrades] record exists and [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W is not 1 and, for credit courses, [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs > 0.


Strengths and next steps for improvement.


Where [StoredGrades]StoreCode = selected store code

This is only for Semester - Midterm, Non-semester - Term 1 and Non-semester - Term 2 report card types

Teacher requests an interview

Marked if the teacher asks for an interview.

Set to [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade when associated [Standard]Identifier = S9-12. + [Courses]Alt_Course_Number + .IRQ or S9-12. + [Courses]Course_Number + .IRQ, or [Standard]Identifier = S9-12.IRQ

Where [StandardGradeSection]StoreCode = selected store code

Learning Skills and Work Habits

The store code used to permanently store course marks to historical grades (i.e., StoredGrades) must match the store code used to store learning skills marks (i.e., StandardGradeSection).


One of E, G, S, N

Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

Set to [StandardGradeSection]standardGrade when associated [Standard]Identifier = S9-12. + [Courses]Alt_Course_Number + .R or S9-12. + [Courses]Course_Number + .R, OR [Standard]Identifier = S9-12.R

Where [StandardGradeSection]StoreCode = selected store code


One of E, G, S, N

Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

Set to [StandardGradeSection]standardGrade when associated [Standard]Identifier = S9-12. + [Courses]Alt_Course_Number + .O or S9-12. + [Courses]Course_Number + .O, OR [Standard]Identifier = S9-12.O

Where [StandardGradeSection]StoreCode = selected store code

Independent Work

One of E, G, S, N

Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

Set to [StandardGradeSection]standardGrade when associated [Standard]Identifier = S9-12. + [Courses]Alt_Course_Number + .W or S9-12. + [Courses]Course_Number + .W, OR [Standard]Identifier = S9-12.W

Where [StandardGradeSection]StoreCode = selected store code


One of E, G, S, N

Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

Set to [StandardGradeSection]standardGrade when associated [Standard]Identifier = S9-12. + [Courses]Alt_Course_Number + .C or S9-12. + [Courses]Course_Number + .C, OR [Standard]Identifier = S9-12.C,

Where [StandardGradeSection]StoreCode = selected store code


One of E, G, S, N

Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

Set to [StandardGradeSection]standardGrade when associated [Standard]Identifier = S9-12. + [Courses]Alt_Course_Number + .I or S9-12. + [Courses]Course_Number + .I, OR [Standard]Identifier = S9-12.I

Where [StandardGradeSection]StoreCode = selected store code


One of E, G, S, N

Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

Set to [StandardGradeSection]standardGrade when associated [Standard]Identifier = S9-12. + [Courses]Alt_Course_Number + .S or S9-12. + [Courses]Course_Number + .S, OR [Standard]Identifier = S9-12.S,

Where [StandardGradeSection]StoreCode = selected store code


Classes Missed

The number of absences in the class from the date the student enrolled in the class until the latest end date associated with the scheduling term for the class for a selected store code that is <= the specified attendance limit date - only store codes for which StoredGrades records are present for the class are considered for this purpose.

The Record Attendance setting for the class affects how this value is determined:

If the setting is "once for all meetings", it is assumed that all periods for a class on a date have the same attendance code (or no attendance records). Classes Missed is incremented by 1 on a date if an absence code is present.

If the setting is "each meeting separately", Classes Missed is incremented by the number of absence codes posted.

Derived Count [Attendance]ATTENDANCE_CODEID for [Attendance]Att_Date from [CC]DateEnrolled until the latest [TermBins]Date2 associated with the scheduling term for the class for a selected store code that is <= the specified attendance limit date. If no such date can be determined and a student leaves a class early, attendance is accumulated from the start of the student's enrolment in the class until the earlier of the student's exit date or the attendance limit date.

When Attendance is Associated with [Attendance_Code]Presence_Status_Cd = ABSENT

Associated with a [StoredGrade]Course_Number for

[StoredGrade]storecode = selected store code

Blank prints if Include Attendance runtime option is not selected, or if Exclude Attendance For Classes With No Marks runtime option is selected.

Total Classes

The number of times the section met from the start date for the class until the latest end date associated with the scheduling term for the class for a selected store code that is <= the specified attendance limit date - only store codes for which StoredGrades records are present for the class are considered for this purpose.

The Record Attendance setting for the class affects how this value is determined:

If the setting is "once for all meetings", Total Classes is incremented by 1 for a date regardless of the number of periods the class meets.

If the setting is "each meeting separately", Total Classes is incremented by the number of periods the class meets.

PSSR_ON_Common.get_section_num_classes([Students]SchoolId OR [Reenrollments]SchoolID, [Sections]Id, [CC]DateEnrolled, [Terms]LastDay)

Blank prints if Include Attendance runtime option is not selected, or if Exclude Attendance For Classes With No Marks runtime option is selected.

Times Late

The number of tardies in the class from the date the student enrolled in the class until the latest end date associated with the scheduling term for the class for a selected store code that is <= the specified attendance limit date - only store codes for which StoredGrades records are present for the class are considered for this purpose.

The Record Attendance setting for the class affects how this value is determined:

If the setting is "once for all meetings", it is assumed that all periods for a class on a date have the same attendance code (or no attendance records). Times Late is incremented by 1 on a date if a tardy code is present.

If the setting is "each meeting separately", Times Late is incremented by the number of tardy codes posted.

Derived Count [Attendance]ATTENDANCE_CODEID for [Attendance]Att_Date from [CC]DateEnrolled until the latest [TermBins]Date2 associated with the scheduling term for the class for a selected store code that is <= the specified attendance limit date. If no such date can be determined and a student leaves a class early, attendance is accumulated from the start of the student's enrolment in the class until the earlier of the student's exit date or the attendance limit date.

When Attendance is Associated with category [Code_Entity]ce_code = Tardy

Associated with a [StoredGrade]Course_Number for [StoredGrade]storecode = selected store code

Blank prints if Include Attendance runtime option is not selected, or if Exclude Attendance For Classes With No Marks runtime option is selected.

Page 2 - Header

Student #

The student number assigned by the school.



The semester for which the report was generated.

If "Semester To Print In Header" is specified, print the entered text, otherwise:

[Terms]name where

[Terms]SchoolId = selectedSchool AND

[Terms]ID = selectedTerm

Reporting Period

The period for which the report was generated according to the report card type selected.

CASE card_type

WHEN SEM1ST then First


WHEN NONSEM2ND then Second




END AS reporting_period


This date is printed on the report card, and is used to identify the school year to create the report cards for. This data is required for the report to run.

The default value is the last day for the selected term.


Default value: system date


The student's Legal Name. Format: Last, First Middle.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name


The student's Ontario Education Number.

A board preference "Secondary Report Card format OEN on all pages" can be used to print the OEN in the following format: ###-###-### otherwise, it will be printed as ########.



The student's Grade Level.



The student's homeroom.

[Students]Home_Room. If the student is cross-enrolled [Schools]Abbreviation for the student's primary school is prepended to the homeroom.

Page 3 - Learning Skills and Work Habits

This is only for Non-semester - First Period, Non-semester - Second Period and Semester - First Period report card types


The student's Legal Name. Format: Last, First Middle

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name


The student's Ontario Education Number.

A board preference "Secondary Report Card format OEN on all pages" can be used to print the OEN in the following format: ###-###-### otherwise, it will be printed as ########.



The student's Grade Level.



The student's homeroom teacher.

[Students]Home_Room. If the student is cross-enrolled [Schools]Abbreviation for the student's primary school is prepended to the homeroom.

Page 3 - Completion of Requirements for Graduation

This is only for Non-semester - Final Period and Semester - Final Period report card types

Page 3 - Header

Student #

The student number assigned by the school.



The semester for which the report was generated.

If "Semester To Print In Header" is specified, print the entered text, otherwise:

[Terms]name where

[Terms]SchoolId = selectedSchool AND

[Terms]ID = selectedTerm

Reporting Period

The period for which the report was generated according to the report card type selected.

CASE card_type

WHEN SEM1ST then First


WHEN NONSEM2ND then Second




END AS reporting_period


This date is printed on the report card, and is used to identify the school year to create the report cards for. This data is required for the report to run.

The default value is the last day for the selected term.


Default value: system date


The student's Legal Name. Format: Last, First Middle.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name


The student's Ontario Education Number.

A board preference "Secondary Report Card format OEN on all pages" can be used to print the OEN in the following format: ###-###-### otherwise, it will be printed as ########.



The student's Grade Level.



The student's homeroom teacher.

[Students]Home_Room. If the student is cross-enrolled [Schools]Abbreviation for the student's primary school is prepended to the homeroom.

Diploma Requirements - for students whose cohort year is 2024 or later, as well as for those whose cohort year cannot be calculated

Credit in the Earned This Report column includes all credit earned in the current reporting period even if exceeds the number of credits required for a diploma category. Only credits earned at the school printing the report ([S_ON_SGR_X]School_Number = [Schools]Alternate_School_Number for the current school) are included is in this column.

Credits from all schools are included. When determining credits reported under Earned This Report, if the school running the report has a term id for a selected term that matches the term id at another school, credit from classes taken at the other school are included only if there is overlap between the term start and end dates at the schools. If there is no overlap, only credits associated with classes for the school running the report are included. This prevents, for example, credits from a day school taken earlier in the year from appearing as Earned This Report credit on a summer school report card.

If the student is not working toward the OSSD (i.e. [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is not 1 or 4), zero is printed in the Earned This Report and Earned To Date columns for all categories.

A common function, using the logic described in Secondary Report Cards is used to determine the diploma category to which the credit for a course is assigned. The function excludes courses where [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts is on.

Compulsory Credits - Total Required

Student must earn 17 compulsory credits.


Compulsory Credits - Earned this report

A pre-calculated total of Compulsory credits this student has in this report.

current_compulsory_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Compulsory Credits - Earned to Date

A pre-calculated total of Compulsory credits this student has.

to_date_compulsory_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

English (1 credit per page)

Student must earn 4 credits in English.


English - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of English credits earned in this report.

current_english_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

English - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of English credits earned.

to_date_english_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

French as second language

Student must earn 1 credit in French as a second language.


French as second language - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of French credits earned in this report.

current_fsl_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

French as second language - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of French credits earned.

to_date_fsl_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Mathematics (1 credit in Grade 11 or 12)

Student must earn 3 credits in mathematics.


Mathematics - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Mathematics credits earned in this report.

current_math_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Mathematics - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Mathematics credits earned.

to_date_math_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)


Student must earn 2 credits in Science.


Science - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Science credits earned in this report.

current_science_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Science - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Science credit earned.

to_date_science_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Technology education (1 credit in Grade 9 or 10)

Student must earn 1 credit in technology education in grade 9 or 10.


Technology education - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of technological education credits earned in this report.

current_tech_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Technology education - Earned to Date

A pre-calculated total of technological education credits earned.

to_date_tech_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Canadian history

Student must earn 1 credit in Canadian history.


Canadian history - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Canadian history credits earned in this report.

current_history_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Canadian history- Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Canadian history credits earned.

to_date_history_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Canadian geography

Student must earn 1 credit in Canadian geography.


Canadian geography - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Canadian geography credits earned in this report.

current_geography_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Canadian geography - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Canadian geography credits earned.

to_date_geography_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

The arts

Student must earn 1 credit in The arts.


The arts - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of The arts credits earned in this report.

current_arts_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

The arts - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of The arts credits earned.

to_date_arts_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Health and physical education

Student must earn 1 credit in Health and physical education.


Health and physical education - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Health and physical education credits earned in this report.

From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Health and physical education - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Health and physical education credits earned.

From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)


Student must earn 0.5 credit in Civics.


Civics - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Civics credits earned in this report.

current_civics_credits From P PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Civics - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Civics credits earned.

to_date_civics_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

STEM - releated course group

Student must earn 1 credit in a STEM releated course group.


STEM - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of STEM credits earned in this report.

current_stem_credits From P PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

STEM - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Civics credits earned.

to_date_stem_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Optional Credits

Student must earn 13 credits in Optional credits.


Optional Credits - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Optional Credits credits earned in this report.

current_optional_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Optional Credits - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Optional Credits earned.

to_date_optional_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Total Credits Required for Graduation

Student must earn 30 credits in Optional credits.


Total Credits - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of credits earned in this report.

current_total_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Total Credits - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of credits earned.

to_date_total_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Community Involvement

Student must have 40 hours of community involvement activities.


Community Involvement - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Community Involvement hours earned in this report.

Current community hours are accumulated from the earliest start date for an included term until the latest end date for an included term.

current_involvement_hours From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Community Involvement - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Community Involvement hours earned.

to_date_involvement_hours From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Student must complete 2 online learning credits if student cohort is 2020-21 or later, unless the student oped out the requirement.

One credit taken from April 01, 2021 to June 30, 2021 can be counted towards this requirement for students who started grade 9 in the 20-21 school year regardless of whether or not the course is online.

The student's Cohort fields on the Province > General Info tab (Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board, current board? and Cohort years) and the Opted Out of Online Learning Graduation Requirement flag are examined when calculating the online learning graduation requirement.

Online Learning Graduation Requirement


This flag is selected if the student cohort is less than 2020 or if the student Opted out of the requirement

Common function PSSR_ON_Common.StudentOnlineLearningRequirment is used to calculate this field

Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Earned This Report

This is the number of online learning credits the student earned this period out of the total Earned to Date Credits.

Blank if the NA flag is selected.

0 if the requirement applies to the student and the students did not earn any credits that counted towards the requirement in this reporting period.

Common function PSSR_ON_Common.StudentOnlineLearningRequirment is used to calculate this field

Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Earned To Date

This is the total number of online learning credits the student earned. Capped to 2, based on the earliest earned credits that can count towards the Requirement.

Blank is NA flag is selected

0 if the requirement applies to the student and the students did not earn any credits that counted towards the requirement to date.

Common function PSSR_ON_Common.StudentOnlineLearningRequirment is used to calculate this field

Specialist High Skills Major

Students' Specialist High Skills Major

The SHSM enrolment records for a student are sorted by entry date desc, exit date desc, dcid desc. The first such record is the primary enrolment and all other enrolments are secondary. If a student has only a primary SHSM enrolment, one line is printed in this section, containing the data associated with that enrolment. If the student has one or more secondary enrolments, a second line is printed containing all of the secondary program names. The credit totals in each of the 3 columns in the second line in the box are the sum of the credits across all secondary programs, with the proviso that the credit for a particular course is only counted once in a column. If a credit applies to both a primary and a secondary enrolment, it appears on the first line.

This section includes the name of the SHSM program in which the student is enrolled on the latest end date for an included term, regardless of whether requirements for that program have been completed.

shsm From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Specialist High Skills Major - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of SHSM credits earned in the current reporting period.

The credit total is based on the courses returned by the GetStudentSHSMCourses common function as described in Appendix H.

current_shsm_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Specialist High Skills Major - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of SHSM credits earned up to the latest end date for an included term.

The credit total is based on the courses returned by the GetStudentSHSMCourses common function as described in Appendix H.

to_date_shsm_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Graduation Requirement

Marked if the student has the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Graduation Requirement.

Set to X When pssr_on_common.literacyrequirement([Students]ID) in (B,F,E). Refer to Get Student Online Learning Requirement for a description of the values returned by the [PSSR_ON_Common]LiteracyRequirement function.

If the month of date used to calculate the cohort year falls between January and June, then the cohort year is for the previous year. For example, if the date is February 29, 2021, then the cohort year is 2020.

For School Use

Displays For School Use parameter.


Principal Signature Date

This date is the user specified report date.


Diploma Requirements - for students whose Cohort is before 2024.

Credit in the Earned This Report column includes all credit earned in the current reporting period even if exceeds the number of credits required for a diploma category. Only credits earned at the school printing the report ([S_ON_SGR_X]School_Number = [Schools]Alternate_School_Number for the current school) are included is in this column.

Credits from all schools are included. When determining credits reported under Earned This Report, if the school running the report has a term id for a selected term that matches the term id at another school, credit from classes taken at the other school are included only if there is overlap between the term start and end dates at the schools. If there is no overlap, only credits associated with classes for the school running the report are included. This prevents, for example, credits from a day school taken earlier in the year from appearing as Earned This Report credit on a summer school report card.

If the student is not working toward the OSSD (i.e. [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is not 1 or 4), zero is printed in the Earned This Report and Earned To Date columns for all categories.

A common function, using the logic described in Secondary Report Cards is used to determine the diploma category to which the credit for a course is assigned. The function excludes courses where [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts is on.

Compulsory Credits - Total Required

Student must earn 18 compulsory credit.


Compulsory Credits - Earned this report

A pre-calculated total of Compulsory credits this student has in this report.

current_compulsory_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Compulsory Credits - Earned to Date

A pre-calculated total of Compulsory credits this student has.

to_date_compulsory_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

English (1 credit per page)

Student must earn 4 credits in English.


English - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of English credits earned in this report.

current_english_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

English - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of English credits earned.

to_date_english_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

French as second language

Student must earn 1 credit in French as a second language.


French as second language - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of French credits earned in this report.

current_fsl_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

French as second language - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of French credits earned.

to_date_fsl_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Mathematics (1 credit in Grade 11 or 12)

Student must earn 3 credits in mathematics.


Mathematics - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Mathematics credits earned in this report.

current_math_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Mathematics - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Mathematics credits earned.

to_date_math_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)


Student must earn 2 credits in Science.


Science - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Science credits earned in this report.

current_science_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Science - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Science credits earned.

to_date_science_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Canadian history

Student must earn 1 credit in Canadian history.


Canadian history - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Canadian history credits earned in this report.

current_history_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Canadian history- Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Canadian history credits earned.

to_date_history_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Canadian geography

Student must earn 1 credit in Canadian geography.


Canadian geography - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Canadian geography credits earned in this report.

current_geography_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Canadian geography - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Canadian geography credits earned.

to_date_geography_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

The arts

Student must earn 1 credit in The arts.


The arts - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of The arts credits earned in this report.

current_arts_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

The arts - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of The arts credits earned.

to_date_arts_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Health and physical education

Student must earn 1 credit in Health and physical education.


Health and physical education - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Health and physical education credits earned in this report.

From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Health and physical education - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Health and physical education credits earned.

From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)


Student must earn 0.5 credit in Civics.


Civics - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Civics credits earned in this report.

current_civics_credits From P PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Civics - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Civics credits earned.

to_date_civics_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Group 1

Student must earn 1 credit in Group 1.


Group 1 - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Group 1 credits earned in this report.

current_group1_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Group 1 - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Group 1 credits earned.

to_date_group1_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Group 2

Student must earn 1 credit in Group 2.


Group 2 - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Group 2 credits earned in this report.

current_group2_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Group 2 - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Group 2 credits earned.

to_date_group2_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Group 3

Student must earn 1 credit in Group 3.


Group 3 - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Group 3 credits earned in this report.

current_group3_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Group 3 - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Group 3 credits earned.

to_date_group3_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Optional Credits

Student must earn 12 credits in Optional credits.


Optional Credits - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Optional Credits credits earned in this report.

current_optional_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Optional Credits - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Optional Credits earned.

to_date_optional_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Total Credits Required for Graduation

Student must earn 30 credits in Optional credits.


Total Credits - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of credits earned in this report.

current_total_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Total Credits - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of credits earned.

to_date_total_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Community Involvement

Student must have 40 hours of community involvement activities.


Community Involvement - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of Community Involvement hours earned in this report.

Current community hours are accumulated from the earliest start date for an included term until the latest end date for an included term.

current_involvement_hours From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Community Involvement - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of Community Involvement hours earned.

to_date_involvement_hours From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Student must complete 2 online learning credits if student cohort is 2020-21 or later, unless the student oped out the requirement.

One credit taken from April 01, 2021 to June 30, 2021 can be counted towards this requirement for students who started grade 9 in the 20-21 school year regardless of whether or not the course is online.

The student's Cohort fields on the Province > General Info tab (Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board, current board? and Cohort years) and the Opted Out of Online Learning Graduation Requirement flag are examined when calculating the online learning graduation requirement.

Online Learning Graduation Requirement


This flag is selected if the student cohort is less than 2020 or if the student Opted out of the requirement

Common function PSSR_ON_Common.StudentOnlineLearningRequirment is used to calculate this field

Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Earned This Report

This is the number of online learning credits the student earned this period out of the total Earned to Date Credits.

Blank if the NA flag is selected.

0 if the requirement applies to the student and the students did not earn any credits that counted towards the requirement in this reporting period.

Common function PSSR_ON_Common.StudentOnlineLearningRequirment is used to calculate this field

Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Earned To Date

This is the total number of online learning credits the student earned. Capped to 2, based on the earliest earned credits that can count towards the Requirement.

Blank is NA flag is selected

0 if the requirement applies to the student and the students did not earn any credits that counted towards the requirement to date.

Common function PSSR_ON_Common.StudentOnlineLearningRequirment is used to calculate this field

Specialist High Skills Major

Students' Specialist High Skills Major

The SHSM enrolment records for a student are sorted by entry date desc, exit date desc, dcid desc. The first such record is the primary enrolment and all other enrolments are secondary. If a student has only a primary SHSM enrolment, one line is printed in this section, containing the data associated with that enrolment. If the student has one or more secondary enrolments, a second line is printed containing all of the secondary program names. The credit totals in each of the 3 columns in the second line in the box are the sum of the credits across all secondary programs, with the proviso that the credit for a particular course is only counted once in a column. If a credit applies to both a primary and a secondary enrolment, it appears on the first line.

This section includes the name of the SHSM program in which the student is enrolled on the latest end date for an included term, regardless of whether requirements for that program have been completed.

shsm From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Specialist High Skills Major - Earned This Report

A pre-calculated total of SHSM credits earned in the current reporting period.

The credit total is based on the courses returned by the GetStudentSHSMCourses common function as described in Appendix H.

current_shsm_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Specialist High Skills Major - Earned To Date

A pre-calculated total of SHSM credits earned up to the latest end date for an included term.

The credit total is based on the courses returned by the GetStudentSHSMCourses common function as described in Appendix H.

to_date_shsm_credits From PSSR_ON_Secondary_Report_Card.get_students([Students]ID, selectedSchool, [Students]Schoolid, selectedTerm)

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Graduation Requirement

Marked if the student has the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Graduation Requirement.

Set to X When pssr_on_common.literacyrequirement([Students]ID) in (B,F,E). Refer to Get Student Online Learning Requirement for a description of the values returned by the [PSSR_ON_Common]LiteracyRequirement function.

For School Use

Displays For School Use parameter.


Principal Signature Date

This date is the user specified report date.


Page 4 - Header


The student's Legal Name. Format: Last, First Middle.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name


The student's Ontario Education Number.

A board preference "Secondary Report Card format OEN on all pages" can be used to print the OEN in the following format: ###-###-### otherwise, it will be printed as ########.



The student's Grade Level.



The student's homeroom teacher.

[Students]Home_Room. If the student is cross-enrolled [Schools]Abbreviation for the student's primary school is prepended to the homeroom.

Final Page (this page only appears at the end of the report if there are students with data issues)

Student ID

The student's PowerSchool ID


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