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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-226763Data Validation Tool Enhancements

Data Validation Report: Version 2.2

The report is enhanced to include the following validations:

  • MCE0070: Invalid Course Delivery Type for Public Secondary Schools.
  • MCE0071: Course Delivery Type is invalid for this school.
PSSR-228272District Info page - New Preference to Use Student Contacts for Reports

You can now set a preference to determine the location from which the student's contact information is retrieved, either the Student Contacts table or the Demographic & Emergency Contacts field. A new Use Student Contacts for Reports checkbox is added on the District Info page, under Board Information/Settings. When this option is selected, the contacts information from the Student Contacts table is reported.

Note: Before using this preference, boards must review student contacts settings to make sure contacts are set up properly as per the logic used by the reports.

PSSR-228110Enrolment Reports - Not pulling Student in the Expulsion Program

Enrollment Reports: Version 4.9
The Enrollment report now includes students who are taking only Independent Study courses and are also enrolled in an Expulsion Program.

PSSR-193344EQAO - Support New Gender Values

EQAO Extracts: Version 4.7

The report is updated to report gender as follows:

  • 1 = Male (M)
  • 2 =  (F)
  • '#'  for all other gender codes.

If Gender is not specified for the student, blank is reported.

PSSR-227376ON00: Ontario Student Transcript Report Not Pulling All ESL Grades

Ontario Student Transcript: Version 6.4

The disclosure policy does not apply to courses in ESL/ELD. The report has been updated not to print any of the student failed marks for ESL/ELD classes.

PSSR-227818OnSIS CTCC - Fields Removed from the Extract - Ministry Updates 2019-2020

OnSIS CTCC Submission : Version 3.3

Starting 2019-2020, the following fields are removed from the student enrolment segment:

PSSR-226829OnSIS CTCC Submission - Enhanced to Use Other Course Information Credit Recovery Flag to Determine Credit Recovery Course

OnSIS CTCC Submission Report: Version 3.3

The report now uses the Other Course Information > Credit Recovery flag to determine if a course is a Credit Recovery course.

PSSR-228260OnSIS Elementary and Secondary - Update reports to get gender from snapshot

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 13.2
OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 14.9

These reports are updated to extract the student's gender from the snapshot; however, if a student's gender cannot be extracted from the snapshot, it is extracted from student's records.

Note: Boards using the new gender values Prefer to Specify (S) and Prefer not to Disclose (N) while still running the March submission, must upgrade to use these versions of the reports.

PSSR-226828OnSIS Night School Submission - Enhanced to Use Other Course Information Credit Recovery Flag to Determine Credit Recovery Course

OnSIS Night School Submission Report: Version 8.5

The report now uses the Other Course Information > Credit Recovery flag to determine if a course is a Credit Recovery course.

PSSR-228028OnSIS Night School Submission - ON Scholarship Date/Flag reported by the incorrect school

OnSIS Night School Submission version 8.5

When a student left one school to join another, the student's Main School Flag was incorrectly generated as T for the school the student left. The report is updated to check the student's latest enrollment that falls between the reported enrollment start and end dates. If the enrollment does not belong to the selected School (different BSID), the report generates the Main School Flag value as F.

Note: The Ontario scholarship date, flag and community hours are generated only when the Main School Flag is T.

PSSR-228258OnSIS Snapshot - Add Gender Field

OnSIS Demographic Snapshot version 2.1

The report is updated to take a snapshot of the Gender field as of the submission count date.

Note: Since the new gender values - Prefer to Specify (S) and Prefer not to Disclose (N) - are only valid starting with the June submission, using this version of the report will allow boards to use the new gender values starting April while still running OnSIS March. To prevent OnSIS critical errors in the March Submission, boards planning to use the new gender values this year must upgrade to the Provincial Reporting March release before March 31st.

PSSR-227821STIX Data Extract and Office Index Card - Update reports to support Student Contacts

Additional Reference: PSSR-227822 
Student Public Health Unit (STIX) Data Extract: Version 2.4
Office Index Card: Version 3.7

The STIX Data Extract and Office Index Card Reports are updated to respect the district Use Student Contacts for Reports flag. When the flag is selected, the reports extract contacts from the Student Contacts tables; otherwise the preexisting logic is used to get the information from the contact information on the Student Demographic and Emergency Contacts pages.

Refer to the Ontario Online Documentation for report logic.

PSSR-228259Student > Province > OnSIS Snapshot Page Updates

The Gender field is added to the the snapshot page. The field values displayed are the values defined in the code sets for genders. The page reflects the value saved in the snapshot table. In addition, the JK/K Timetable type field is removed from the page.

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