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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-261917All States/Provinces: Attendance Change History Report

Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.0
Attendance Change History Report is a new System report that lists the students with attendance changes during the selected period.

PSSR-267750All States/Provinces: Edit School Page - Security updates

Implemented Security updates on the Edit School page.

PSSR-259236All States/Provinces: Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in Public Portal Pref Does Not Save

The Miscellaneous page in District is updated to save the Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal correctly.

PSSR-269275All States/Provinces: Health Report Update

Health Report: Version 1.3

The Health report is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-252074All States/Provinces: Learning Preferences Code Updates

The following updates are made to the Learning Preference Code definition page:

  • The Alternative Report Code and Set as Default fields are now editable
  • The Edit & New Digital Equity & Learning Preference record page is now updated to honor the Learning Preference Set as Default setting.
PSSR-267527All States/Provinces: Teacher Portal - All Students Page - Security Updates

Implemented Security updates on the All Students page in the Teacher Portal.

PSSR-265894All States/Provinces: tlist_sql/table_info tag Use Update

The improper use of tlist_sql/table_info tags, related to Prefs, has been fixed on the following page:


PSSR-269123All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Administration Record Update

Yearly Medication Administration Record: Version1.3

The Yearly Medication Administration Record is updated and it runs (and completes) as expected when a medication has a time value entered.

PSSR-257496All States/Provinces: Yearly Medication Inventory Report Update

Yearly Medication Inventory Report: Version 1.1

The yearly Medication Inventory Report is updated, and it runs (and completes) as expected for medications with “Received”.

PSSR-268157Allow Hyphen in the Gender Description Field

Users can enter hyphen in the gender description field.

PSSR-266146Community Hours - Duplicate Community Hours Records Issue

Community hours duplicate records were created if the Activity Description text has special characters. Also, the user was unable to delete duplicate records. Both issues have been fixed.

PSSR-265292Continuing Education Registers – Day School Pupil Field Logic Enhancements to Support Quad/Octo Schools

Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in Continuing Education Credit Courses: Version 4.1
Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in Adult Indigenous Language Instruction: Version 3.6
Register of Enrolment in the International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Program: Version 3.9
Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in the Literacy and Numeracy Program: Version 3.9

For Quad/Octomester schools, reports are enhanced to calculate the student attendance type for the count dates (Oct/Mar) based on the sum of the student FTE at all schools the student was enrolled in the semester the count date falls in.
Day School Pupil is considered FT if FTE is >= 0.7 otherwise PT.

PSSR-260962Elementary Progress Report 1–6, 7–8, French and NA Box Not Checked When Run on Multiple Students

Additional References: PSSR 250677

Elementary Progress Report 1-6: Version 4.1

Elementary Progress Report 7-8: Version 3.9

Reports are enhanced to generate correct values for NA and French flags when run for multiple students.

PSSR-266073OnSIS Elementary – Issue Closing Up Classes That Collapsed in the Middle of a Term

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 14.7

When a class is collapsed due to mass change of students to Learn@home school, the CLASS_END_DATE (last day of class) which aligns with the term last date causes issues in OnSIS. When all students leave a class before the Count Date, the report is enhanced to set the CLASS_END_DATE to the latest exit date [cc.dateleft] of students in the class.

PSSR-265293OnSIS Night – Attendance Type Logic Enhancements to Support Quad/Octo School Models

OnSIS Night School Submission: Version 9.2

Report enhanced to calculate the student attendance type for the count dates (Oct/Mar) based on the sum of the student FTE at all schools the student was enrolled in the semester the count date falls in. Student Attendance Type is considered FT if FTE is >= 0.7 otherwise PT and hence affecting the calculations of the Average Daily Enrolment > ADE_SEPTEMBER_JUNE


OnSIS Night and Summer Enhance to Use Grad Planner Logic for Course Repeats

OnSIS Summer School Submission: Version 6.7

OnSIS Night School Submission: Version 9.2

Reports have been enhanced to use Grad Planner logic for Course repeats.

PSSR-266145OnSIS Secondary School Submission – ADE for E-learning Student (09) Is Not Reporting Correctly

Enrolment Fields Report: Version 4.3

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 16.6

Report enhanced not to report ADE for E- learning students, i.e., Student with Board residence status as 09.

PSSR-267399OnSIS Secondary Submission – June – High Credit FTE Calculated Incorrectly

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 16.6
Report enhanced to correctly calculate the High Credit FTE when running June Submission. Report now uses the last in session date instead of the count date in the calculations.

PSSR-267287OnSIS Secondary, Enhance Student Enrolment Segment for Transferred out Students for the June Submission for Quad/Octo Model

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 16.6
Student left during the June submission and have Student_mobility_type_exit one of (18, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73), the Enrolment_end_date is calculated and the Student_mobility_type_exit is extracted otherwise both fields is sent as blank indicating that the student is enrolled on the last day of school.

PSSR-266879OnSIS Student ADE – Enhance Report to Support Quad/Octo School Models

OnSIS Student ADE Report: Version 1.9
For Quad/Octomester schools, report enhanced to calculate the student attendance type for the count dates (Oct/Mar) based on the sum of the student FTE at all schools the student was enrolled in the semester the count date falls in.
Student Attendance Type is considered FT if FTE is >= 0.7 otherwise PT.


OnSIS Summer Was Failing in Some Districts Due to New Course_repeats_flag Field Logic

OnSIS Summer School Submission: Version 6.7

Report no longer fails.

PSSR-268708 Security Updates

Updates were made to prevent security attacks in the Sections and French Cards pages.

PSSR-261070Use Templates Instead of Inserting Report Logo on Top of an Older Template

Elementary Progress Report 1-6: Version 4.1

Elementary Progress Report 7-8: Version 3.9

Both reports are updated to use the latest templates from the Ministry. This will resolve issues connecting to School Messenger.

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