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OCAS - Electronic Transcript


The OCAS - Electronic Transcript generates an electronic student transcript in an XML format to submit to OCAS for secondary school students. The report can be run from a school or from the District Office.

An automated web service is also available to the school boards to facilitate the retrieval and transfer of a student's official transcript to the application centres for students who are no longer attending a secondary school. When the student submits their application, they are also given the opportunity to request an electronic copy of their transcript. For school districts that have the new web service setup, the request for the transcript is sent immediately. Using defined matching criteria, the web service searches the school board's SIS for the student and returns the transcript information or a message that the student cannot be located. Refer to Appendix N details and setup instructions.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

School Selection

A student's transcript can be printed by:

  • The school at which the student is currently enrolled.

    An error message is displayed and the student is not output in the following scenarios:

    • If the student is transferred to a school but not yet enrolled.
    • If the student is enrolled with a no-show record and the student has no previous enrollment in that school.
  • If the student is not enrolled at any school, the last school at which the student was enrolled (excluding summer school enrollments). 

  • If the student is currently enrolled at a school, the last school at which the student was enrolled prior to the current enrolment provided the current school has not yet posted marks for the student.

  • To prevent printing from a Night school, the graduation School must be populated with the school that owns the student OSR.

When the report is run from district level, it is smart enough to find the latest school the student is enrolled in and print the school information and the entry date of that school.

A school cannot print the report for cross enrolled students.

Student Selection

The report runs for one student at a time, the student must be currently selected before running the report. The report will be generated for the selected student based on the following criteria:

  • Students' grade level is 9 or higher.

  • The report is generated even if the student has no marks to be printed and no community hours are posted

  • Student is excluded if:

    • Student is cross-enrolled.

    • Ignore Student Exclusion checkbox is not selected

    • Exclude From Provincial Reporting checkbox ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting) is true

    • Attendance type is excluded for the enrolment (EnrollmentType field = EX in the Students or ReEnrollments record) associated with, in whole or in part, the run date (i.e., if there is any overlap between the enrolment start and end dates and the run date).

Graduation Contract Selection

If a student has more than one active Graduation Contract, the report uses the contract with the lowest value in [GPStudentPlan]SortOrder.

Course and StoredGrades Selection

The report selects records from the Course and StoredGrades tables based on the following criteria:

  • Is a secondary course, [S_ON_CRS_X ]Course_Type = M, L, or P

  • StoredGrades record has a ministry course code. If [Courses]Alt_Course_Number is undefined, [Courses]Course_Number is used.

  • StoredGrades record is not excluded from GPA ([Courses/StoredGrades]ExcludeFromGPA = 0 for the associated course).

  • StoredGrades record contains a final mark or the course is subject to full disclosure (Disclosure Mark Flag is true [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1).

    The ESL/ELD or credit recovery courses that would otherwise be subject to full disclosure are excluded; this includes courses for which any of the following are true:

      • [S_ON_SEC_X]Class_Type = RCR
      • [S_ON_SEC_X]]OtherCrsInfo_Cred_Recovery = '1'
      • [S_ON_SGR_X]OtherCrsInfo_Cred_Recovery = '1'
      • First three characters of [Courses]Alt_Course_Number ESL or ELD
  • Is a Grade 9 or 10 course for which the student earned credit. If the course is a repeated course, the following rules apply:

    • If non-zero credit is earned, the course with the highest credit is included.

    • If more than one class has the highest credit value, then the one with the highest mark is included.

    • If more than one class has the same highest credit and highest mark, then the earliest class is included.

  • For non-zero credit courses, the StoredGrades potential credits is greater than zero.

  • For zero credit courses, [S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type for the StoredGrades store code is F (final).

  • If the course is an alternative or modified curriculum course ( [S_ON_CRS_X/S_ON_CC_X/S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A = 1 or Transcript_M = 1) the student is deemed to have passed the course regardless of mark or credit earned. However, if the course is not subject to full disclosure, the class is not included even if the Disclosure Mark Flag is true
    ([S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1)

  • If the student does not complete or fails a course, and the course is not subject to full disclosure, the course is not printed.

    • A course is not subject to full disclosure if:

      • The 4th character of the Ministry course code = 1 or 2 (Grade 9 or 10 course)

    • A language course is not subject to full disclosure if:

      • Course code starts with LN and the course level is 3 or less (4th character of course code = A, B, or C)

      • Course code starts with LV and the course level is 1 (4th character of course code = A)

      • Course code starts with L and the course level is 2 or less (4th character of course code = A or B)

  • The report excludes courses where [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts = 1.

  • The report excludes PLAR courses for which credit earned = 0. These include:

    • PLE99 courses

    • Qxx courses

    • QEV1W courses

    • Other courses where PLAR type is either 2, 5, or 7

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Programs to show in Awards/Special Programs

Choose one or more entries from the list of Programs or select All Programs (the default). If no programs are to be printed in the Specialized Program section of the report, choose NONE. Only selected programs are printed in the Specialized Programs section of the report. Only programs for which the Available For OST/Status Sheet flag is selected appear in the list. Default value is All Programs.

Current Selection Students

The report runs for the currently selected student only and generates the XML for one student at a time.

Ignore Student Exclusion

Select this checkbox to exclude the student if their Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag is selected or if the student has an attendance type of EX (excluded).

  • If this option is not selected (the default), the students Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag and attendance type are examined.

  • If this option is selected, the students Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag and attendance type are ignored.

Document Process

Select an option to indicate whether the XML will be created for a Test or Production environment. The default is Production.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

XML Version and Encoding

Data Element


<?xml version=1.0 encoding= ISO-8859-1?>

XML version and encoding types

HighSchoolTranscript Segment

Data Element



Root Node.

TransmissionData Segment

Data Element




Section Node.


The document version number

Format is H+Date+Time (24hr) HYYYYMMDDHHMMSS



The date the report was run

Format is YYYY-MM-DD



Outer Tag


The Board BSID.

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtnumber Board BSID.


The Board name

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name=districtname


Outer Tag


Area code - OCAS/OUAC contact phone number

Field is calculated as follows:

when report is run from

  • School - Field is derived from the Graduation School if defined for the student otherwise from school running report.

  • District- Field is derived from the Graduation School if defined for the student otherwise from student's latest enrolled school.

First 3 characters of [S_ON_SCH_X]OCAS_Contact_Phone


Phone number - OCAS/OUAC contact

when report is run from

  • School - Field is derived from the Graduation School if defined for the student otherwise from school running report.

  • District- Field is derived from the Graduation School if defined for the student otherwise from student's latest enrolled school.

Last 7 characters of [S_ON_SCH_X]OCAS_Contact_Phone


OCAS/OUAC contact name.

when report is run from

  • School - Field is derived from the Graduation School if defined for the student otherwise from school running report.

  • District- Field is derived from the Graduation School if defined for the student otherwise from student's latest enrolled school.




Outer Tag


The document process code.

The value defined by user selection at runtime



The reference number

Format is H+Date+Time (24hr) HYYYYMMDDHHMMSS


Student Segment

Data Element




Outer Tag


Student Number



The students OEN.


Leading zeros added if length less than 9 characters


The students OCAS Number.




The students date of birth.




The students legal first name.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name or, if no value,



The students legal second name.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name or, if no value,



The students legal last name.

Used for OEN Authentication.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name or, if no value,




The students gender.


Student. Academic Record

Outer Tag


Session BeginDate

The students date of entry.

This is the earliest entry date from the most recent set of continuous enrolments at the school is printed on the report. A gap in enrolment occurs when a student either enrolls in a different school or has no enrolment for a year.

If the Transcript Entry Date is defined on the record with the earliest Entry date, it will be used instead.

[S_ON_STU_X]transcriptentrydate if defined, otherwise

PSSR_ON_COMMON.Get_Student_Entry_Date([Students].ID, [Students]SchoolID)

Session EndDate

The students exit date.



The name of the school granting the diploma.

If the School Granting the diploma is an ECPP school, the designated school is printed instead.

PSSR_ON_Common.GetGraduationSchoolName([Students]ID) - for details, refer to Get Graduation School Name


The school number of the school granting the diploma.

PSSR_ON_Common.GetGraduationSchoolNumber([Students]ID) - for details refer to Get Graduation School Number



The type of diploma or certificate. Reported Awards are (OSSC, OSSD, or OSSD/SHSM)

When [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is not null, then AwardLevel is set to :

  • 1 when [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type = 2

  • 4 when [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type = 1 or 4

  • 7 when [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type = 7

in all other cases, AwardLevel is set to 0.


The name of the diploma or certificate.

When [S_ON_STU_X]ON_Diploma_Date is not null:

[PS_Common_Code]Description associated with [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type.



The name of the Specialized Program in which the student is enrolled.

Only programs selected by the user on the report input page are included in this section.

If more than one program exists, they are ordered in descending order by:

  • Entry date

  • Desc

  • DCID

The first program is reported.

For non-SHSM programs:

[Gen]Name where [Gen]Cat = specprog, AND Selected Awards/ Special Programs parameter = [SpEnrollments]ProgramID



The total number of credits earned.

Sum of [ON_Student_GradPlan.getclasscreditxref]CreditEarned


The total number of compulsory credits earned.

Sum of [ON_Student_GradPlan.getclasscreditxref]CreditEarned where categoryID<99

Student.Academic Record.Course


The course grade type.

Always F


The grade level of the course (not the students grade level).

For ESL/ELD and other international language courses, the course level runs from 1 to 5. The level of these courses are identified by a letter as the 4th character of the ministry course code.

The course level for other courses runs from 9 to 12. The level of these courses are identified by a number as the 4th character of the ministry course code.

N/A if [StoredGrades].Course_Number begins with K, or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A = 1

Blank if [StoredGrades]Alternate_Course_Number is PLE99, QEV1W, QEE99, QMA99, QAP99, or QSE99

Otherwise, value is the 4th character of [Courses]Alt_Course_Number determines the Course Level

  • '1' if 4th character is A

  • '2' if 4th character is B

  • '3' if 4th character is C

  • '4' if 4th character is D

  • '5' if 4th character is E

  • '9' if 4th character is 1

  • '10' if 4th character is 2

  • '11' if 4th character is 3

  • '12' if 4th character is 4

  • '13' if 4th character is 5

  • 'ELSE set to 'N/A'


The course credits achieved.

Format is 4 digits (examples: 1 = 0100, 0.5 = 0050)

The final mark for a credit course is that in which [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs is > 0.

For a non-credit course, it is the [StoredGrades] record for which the mark type ([S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type) for the store code is F (Final).

If this was an alternative course, 0 is displayed.

If the student withdrew from the course, 0 is displayed and Status Code is set to W

For repeated courses:

  • A course is deemed to be repeated if a student has more than one final mark record posted for the same local course number ([Courses]Course_Number).

  • Credit is not earned for a repeated course - the credit for a course is only counted once.

  • Courses containing equivalent credit are not considered repeated, even if more than one [StoredGrades] record with the same ministry course code is present.

  • If the course was repeated, 0 is displayed and Status Code is set to R.

  • If a course is designated as both repeated and withdrawn, the Status Code is set to W rather than R.

  • If a full disclosure record is present for a course ([S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1) and the full disclosure mark is the highest mark, that record is not considered to have the highest for the purpose of determining whether it is a repeated course.

Repeated Grade 9 and 10 courses are not included in the report.

Is 0 if another completed instance of the same course has a higher mark, unless the mark is EQV in which case the actual credit value is displayed.

Numeric marks in [StoredGrades]Grade are converted to numbers for the purposes of determining which instance contains the highest mark.


[StoredGrades]Course_Number begins with K, or

[S_ON_CRS_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_M = 1, or

[S_ON_CRS_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A = 1, or

[StoredGrades]Grade= ALT, then

Value = 0


[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1, or

[StoredGrades]Grade =W, then

Value = 0


[Courses]Credit_hours = 0, then Value = 0


[StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs = 0, then value = 0


Sum of [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs for all courses included in the line.


The course percentage grade

For equivalent credits, EQV is output.

For alternative courses, ALT is output.

If Course Code = PLE, QEV, QEE, QAP, QMA, or QSE, OR

If IStoredGrades]ON_PLAR_Type = 2, 5, or 7

THEN set to EQV


[StoredGrades]Grade is null or empty, AND

[S_ON_CRS_X / S_ON_CC_X /S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A = 1,

THEN value = ALT

Otherwise, is set to [StoredGrades]Grade


The course status

Rules as per CourseCreditEarned

If the course is not Repeated or Withdrawn, this field is blank (not reported).


The course code

For equivalent credits:

  • All courses with a ministry course code of PLE99 are consolidated on a single line with a course code of PLE for each year found.

  • If a course has a course code that is not PLE99 or one of the Q course codes but has PLAR type of 2, 5, or 7, the course is output on its own line.

  • All courses with a ministry course code of QEE99, QMA99, QAP99, and QSE99 are consolidated into lines based on the first three characters of the course code for each year found.

  • All courses with a ministry course code of QEV1W are consolidated on a separate line regardless of year.

  • Number of credits earned for apprenticeship dual credit courses is determined by course codes with a 4th and 5th character of 4T or 4Y (these will account for all dual credit courses). Credits earned for external music is determined by course codes beginning with AMX3M and AMX4M.

  • If the student has earned more than four credits, the four courses with the highest credit are counted, followed by highest marks. Once the required 4.0 credit limit is reached, dual credit courses are not counted.

When courses are consolidated by year, such as PLE99, QEE99, QMA99, QAP99, andQSE99, the consolidation is done by academic year, not calendar year.

[Courses]Alt_Course_Number. If undefined, [Courses]Course_Number

If the line includes consolidated PLE99, value = PLE

If the line includes consolidated Qxx courses as described to the left, value = the first three characters of the ministry course code ([Courses]Alt_CourseNumber)

If the line consolidates QEV1W courses as described to the left, value = QEV1W


The title of the course

(Dual Credit) is appended for team-taught dual credit courses.

(Co-op) is appended for cooperative education.

Dual Credit and Co-op text is appended only if it is not already present in the course title in the database.

For equivalent credits:

  • All courses with a ministry course code of PLE99 are consolidated on a single line for each year found, with a course title of Equivalent Credits.

  • If a course has a course code that is not PLE99 or one of the Q course codes, but has PLAR type set to 2, 5, or 7, the course is output on its own line.

  • All courses with a ministry course code of QEV1W, QEE99, QMA99, QAP99, and QSE99 are consolidated into lines based on the first three characters of the course code for each year found. The course title is set to Equivalent Credits

[S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Name. If undefined, [StoredGrades]Course_Name.

If line contains equivalent credit, Equivalent Credits

(Co-op) is appended if:

[S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type = 4, OR

[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_C = 1, OR

[S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_C =1, OR

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_C, OR

[S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type = 4

(Dual Credit) is appended if:

[S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Type = 8 or 9, OR

[S_ON_CRS_X / S_ON_CC_X /S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_T = 1

For an apprenticeship dual credit course (that is, a course where the 4th and 5th characters of the ministry course code are 4Y), if the student earns less than full credit for the course ([StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs is less than [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs), then (Partial) is appended to the course title.

Student.Academic Record.Course.CourseOverrideSchool


The BSID of the school at which the course is completed.

[S_ON_SGR_X]School_Number or Zeros if the school is an ECPP school

Not applicable for PLE courses.

Note: in case of multiple schools with the same BSID, if any of the schools is an ECPP school, ESIS will be set to Zeros.

Student.Academic Record.Course


The course completion date


If [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date not defined AND

If there is an associated CC record, then value = calendar day immediately prior to [CC]DateLeft, or

If there is no associated CC record and [StoredGrades]TermId is defined (not zero), then value = [Terms]LastDay for the associated term, or

If there is no associated CC record and [StoredGrades]TermId is not defined, then value = [StoredGrades]DateStored (TermID should never be undefined).


If [S_ON_SEC_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is 1,

If [S_ON_SEC_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is 9, value = N

If [S_ON_SEC_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is 8, value = S

If [S_ON_SEC_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is 16, value = C

If [S_ON_SEC_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is not null or if the course is an equivalent credit course, value = O, or

If [S_ON_SCH_X]IsNightSchool is 1, value = N

Otherwise, value = D

Student.Academic Record.Course.LanguageOfInstruction


The language in which the course is taught

LanguageOfInstruction tag is omitted if the language code is not one of the following:

  • ENG

  • FRE

  • CAY

  • CRE

  • DEL

  • MOH

  • OJS

  • OJI

  • ONE

[Sections]Instruction_Lang; if undefined, use [S_ON_CRS_X]instruction_Lang.

Language Codes:

English = ENG

French = FRE

Cayuga = CAY

Cree = CRE

Delaware = DEL

Mohawk = MOH

Ojib-cree = OJS

Ojibwe = OJI

Oneida = ONE

Otherwise, tag is omitted

Student.Academic Record.Course.UserDefinedExtension


The course type

Derived from [S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_C, then is set to O

Otherwise, is set to R if undefined


An X is output for courses in which a compulsory credit has been earned.

For equivalent credits that are the total for regular day school students, the total number of credits is output.

For partial compulsory credits, the appropriate fraction is output. When one credit of a two credit cooperative education course is used as a compulsory credit, 1.00 is output.

Credits for a repeated course and credits associated with a modified curriculum mark are not compulsory.

A common function, based on the logic described in Appendix J - Assigning Credit To Diploma Categories, is used to determine the diploma category to which the credit for a course is assigned, and whether the credit is a compulsory credit. The function excludes courses where [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts is true.

If the credit for the line is not equivalent credit as described above, AND

The associated diploma category is not 99 (optional), AND

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_M is not selected, AND

The earned credit ([StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs) is equal to the potential credit ([StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs),

THEN X is output

Otherwise, the earned credit is output.


C = Cooperative education

If [S_ON_SEC_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type = 4, OR

[S_ON_SEC_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_C = 1

THEN value = C


F = French immersion

If [S_ON_CRS_X ]Transcript_F = 1, OR

[S_ON_CC_X ]Transcript_F = 1, OR

[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_F = 1, OR

[S_ON_SEC_X]Lang_Pgm_Type = C,E,I or N, OR

[Sections]Instruction_Lang = F, OR

[S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = F

THEN value = F


M = Modified curriculum expectations that do not lead to a credit

If any [S_ON_CRS_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_M is true, value = M


I = Interdisciplinary studies

If [Courses]Alt_Course_Number starts with ID, OR

If any [S_ON_CRS_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_I is true, value = I


S = Special indicator noting that the students performance in a Grade 11 or 12 course or an OAC was affected by extraordinary circumstances

If any [S_ON_CRS_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_S is true, value = S


A = Alternative expectations, which do not lead to a credit

If any [S_ON_CRS_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A is true, value = A


H = Specialist HighSkillsmajor

Based on the student's SHSM program as of the report run date, if the course is returned by the GetStudentSHSMCourses common function as described in Appendix H - SHSM Progress: Best Fit Logic, value = H. Is output only if the student earned credit in the course.

Only courses applicable to the reported SHSM program will have a CourseNote of H


X = Substitution for a compulsory credit course

If [GpNode]SortOrder < 99, AND [ON_Student_GradPlan]IsDiplomaGroupsSubstitution > 0,

Value = X


B = Credit count adjusted, combined courses exceed maximum credit value

If any [S_ON_CC_X / S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_B is true, value = B


P = Course taken at a Ministry inspected Ontario private school

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_P is true, value = P.

Student.Academic Record.UserDefinedExtension


Completion of the required number of hours for community involvement.

Students need a certain number of community involvoment hours to graduate:

  • Prior to March 13, 2020, students must complete 40 hours or more.

  • March 13, 2020 to the start date of the 20202021 academic year, students do not need community hours to graduate.

  • From the start of the 2020-2021 school year and before Sept 5, 2022, students must complete 20 hours or more.

  • On or after 5, Sept 2022 the student must complete 40 hours or more.

Community hours values that would normally be rounded up to 40 hours (e.g., 39.996) for printing on other reports are not rounded up for the purpose of determining whether the requirement is complete.

  • 3' If [S\_ON\_STU\_X]Diploma_Type = 1 or 4 and diploma date is set and date is >= March 13, 2020 and < start date of the 20202021 academic year and community hours is < 40.

  • '3' if [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is not '1' or '4' (not working toward OSSD).

  • '0' if no S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C records are present for the student and diploma type is 1 or 4.

  • '1' if the sum of [S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C]Number_Of_Hours is 40 or greater and [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is '1' or '4' (working toward OSSD) or the student is taking non-credit courses with alternative expectations.

  • 1' if the sum of [S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C]Number_Of_Hours is 20 or greater and [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is '1' or '4' (working toward OSSD) and diploma date is greater than Sept 5, 2020 and less than Sept 5 2022 or the student is taking non-credit courses with alternative expectations

  • Otherwise set to '2'


Completion of Provincial Secondary School literacy requirement.


Refer to Appendix F - Literacy Requirement for a description of the values returned by this function.

Value = E when the function returns B (Both)

A space (not completed) is treated as blank


Ministry Identification Number


Leading zeros are added if the length is less than 9


Only SHSM programs selected by the user on the report input page are included in this section.

If the All requirement date is not null and is less than or equal to the system date, the latest SHSM program the student completed is output.

If the student did not complete any SHSM program, then the report outputs the latest incomplete SHSM program where the entry date is less than or equal to the system date, and the exit date is null or greater than the system date. Sorted by Entry Date, Desc, and DCID Desc.

Otherwise, the tag is omitted

[Gen]Value2 (for category specprog)


This tag is output only if the SHSM program is reported:

  • Value is set to N if the reported SHSM is not completed.

  • Value is set to Y if the reported SHSM is completed.

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