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Incident Management Code Setup

Incident Types

Users must create at least one Incident Type and may create as many as appropriate for local use.

Codes and Sub-Codes

The following codes and sub-codes will be created. Note that the category state aggregate report codes appear in parentheses and must appear exactly as shown as they are used in OnSIS reporting to identify the correct fields. The Category (Code) name can be changed to meet local needs.

Code Type




OnSIS Appeal (ON-Appeal)

Refer to Appeal Outcome Type entries in the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

OnSIS Expulsion From Board (ON-Expel-Board)

Refer to Infraction Authority Type entries in the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

OnSIS Expulsion From School (ON-Expel-School)

Refer to Infraction Authority Type entries in the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

OnSIS Suspension (ON-Suspend)

Refer to Infraction Authority Type entries in the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Reported To Police (ON-Police-Report)

n/a – T(rue) if defined, F(alse) if not defined


OnSIS Expulsion Infraction Type (ON-Infraction-Expel)

Refer to Infraction Type entries in the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet. – codes starting with "E" and the code "OTH"

OnSIS Suspension Infraction Type (ON-Infraction-Susp)

Refer to Infraction Type entries in the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet. – codes starting with "B", "S", and the code "OTH"


Days (Days)



Refer to OnSIS Incident Site Type table (Loc-xxxx)


Action Attribute

OnSIS Susp/Expl Program Type (ON-Pgm-Type)

Refer to Suspension Expulsion Program Type entries in the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

OnSIS Susp/Expl Program Status (ON-Pgm-Status)

Refer to Suspension Expulsion Program Status Type entries in the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

OnSIS Non-Academic Pgm – Anger Management (ON-NonAcad-Anger)


OnSIS Non-Academic Pgm – Drug/Alcohol (ON-NonAcad-Drug)


OnSIS Non-Academic Pgm – Family Counselling (ON-NonAcad-Family)


OnSIS Non-Academic Pgm – Other (ON-NonAcad-Other)


OnSIS Non-Academic Pgm – Life Skills (ON-NonAcad-Life)


OnSIS Non-Academic Pgm – Individual Counselling (ON-NonAcad-Individ)


Users may alter the pre-loaded set of sub-codes for a particular code but it is imperative that all sub-codes that are to be reported to OnSIS have: a) the 'State Reportable' flag set on and b) the 'State Code' field set to a valid OnSIS value.

Action records are attached to the appropriate incident participants who have a participant role of 'Offender'. Note that when action records are created for an incident they must explicitly be attached to the appropriate participants and not just the incident.

Attribute records are attached to the incident. Only one such record with a category of 'ON-Police-Report' should be attached to an incident. If the attribute is attached to the incident, the value in the submission is 'T' (true), otherwise the submitted value is 'F' (false).

Behavior records are attached to the appropriate incident participants who have a participant role of 'Offender'. Multiple such records with a state aggregate report code of 'ON-Infraction-Expel' or 'ON-Infraction-Susp' may be attached to a participant, but only one of them should have the 'primary behavior' flag set on. Note that when behavior records are created for an incident they must explicitly be attached to the appropriate participants and not just the incident.

Action Attribute records are attached to the appropriate action records. Only one penalty action record for an offender participant for an incident should have 'ON-Pgm-Type, 'ON-Pgm-Status', and 'OnSIS Non-Academic Pgm' action attribute records attached. Note that a separate 'ON-NonAcad-xxxxx' attribute is present for each non-academic program.

The language translation mechanism will be used to modify the Action Attribute header in the Update Action dialog to include the following (or something similar):

"A program must be offered (i.e. Suspension/Expulsion Program Type must be set) if a student is suspended for 6 or more days or is expelled. If a student is suspended for 11 or more days or is expelled a non-academic program must be offered. If a student is suspended for less than 6 days offering a program is optional.

If a program is offered, Suspension/Expulsion Program Status must be set.

If a non-academic program is offered, at least one of the displayed programs must be set to 'Yes'."

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