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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates. 



Release Note

PSSR-309568All States/Provinces: ReportWorks Startup Time Update

The ReportWorks/SRP config files have now been modified to be called only through the re-initialization cycle. This improves the SRP startup times and avoids previously reported failures.

PSSR-311828All States/Provinces: State Validation Tab Visible for All States

The State Validation tab that was introduced in SR 22.12.2 in error is now removed from the System Reports area of PowerSchool.

PSSR-308481All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report Update

Incident Profile Report: Version 1.3

The Incident Profile report has been updated and no longer duplicates incident data.


Added Schoolid Field on the Enrolment Fields and FTE SnapShot Report

Enrolment Register and FTE Snapshot: Version 1.1

Enrolment Fields Report: Version 4.9

Reports are enhanced to include a new school id field. The run date field is now printing on the top right corner of the Enrolment fields report. The School Id field will print empty and will be populated in the February release.

PSSR-308658Daily Attendance Record – Remove Gender Field From Report Header

Daily Attendance Record: Version 3.3

The student’s Gender has been removed from the Daily Attendance Record Report.

PSSR-310297Elementary Progress Report (1–6) – Gradebook – NA Flag Is Not Selected for Music

Elementary Progress Report (1-6) - Gradebook: Version 4.7

The N/A checkbox for Music is now selected if a student is not enrolled in a Music subject and does not have standard grades for music.

PSSR-310293Elementary Progress Report (1–6) – Gradebook – NA Flag Is Displayed Incorrectly for Music and Visual Arts

Elementary Progress Report (1-6) - Gradebook: Version 4.7

The Elementary Progress Report (1-6) logic has been updated to populate the NA flag correctly for Music and Visual Arts, based on whether the student is enrolled in the subject or has standard grades populated.

PSSR-309567Enrolment Fields Report Filters Schools To Include List Based on a Run-Time Parameter

Enrolment Fields Report: Version 4.9

Report is now enhanced to filter students on the basis of school category.

PSSR-312773EQAO Extracts –- Logic Enhanced to Identify a Mature Student

EQAO Extracts: Version 6.8

Enhanced Grade 9 MATH and Grade 10 OSSLT logic to identify a Mature student. A mature student is a student who is at least 18 years of age as of August 31st of the current school year. This logic is used for setting the student type field to 3 (Adult).

PSSR-310600EQAO Extracts - Logic Enhanced to Identify a Mature Student

EQAO Extracts: Version 6.8

Enhanced Grade 9 MATH and Grade 10 OSSLT logic to identify a Mature student. A mature student is a student who is at least 18 years of age on or after January 1 of the current school year.

PSSR-309050Kindergarten Communication of Learning: Initial Observations - Times Late Field Pulling Extra Tardy Values

Kindergarten Communication of Learning Initial Observations: Version 2.4
The Kindergarten Communication of Learning Initial Observations report has been modified to pull the correct value in the Times Late field.

PSSR-307199March and June Elementary OnSIS Submissions Exclude Educator Information Beginning 2022–2023

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 15.8
The report has been enhanced to exclude SCHOOL_SUBMISSION/SCHOOL/SCHOOL_EDUCATOR_ASSIGNMENT segment and its sub-segments from the March and June Elementary OnSIS Submissions starting the 2022-2023 school year and onwards.

PSSR-307586OCAS/OUAC Reports – Not All Schools With Secondary Grades Are Available for Selection

OUAC Transmission: Version 8.8
OCAS Transmission: Version 8.7

When running reports from the district, the logic for the Schools to Include report parameter has been updated to include schools with a high grade greater than grade 8. This enables ECPP K-12 schools to be displayed in the list.

PSSR-308647ON77 – Enrolment Register and FTE Snapshot – Short Term Solution To Control ON_HIGH_CREDITS Table File Size

Enrolment Register and FTE Snapshot: Version 1.1

Report updated to create records only if there is a change in the student's data. The following fields are examined. Also, if the report runs for OnSIS count dates, records are generated even if there are no changes to the fields.

PSSR-304014OnSIS Night, Summer, ECPP - Online Learning Graduation Requirement - Ministry Updates 2022-2023

OnSIS Summer School Submission: Version 7.1

OnSIS Night School Submission: Version 9.8

OnSIS ECPP Submission: Version 4.5

Starting 2022-2023, a new tag ‘ONLINE_GRADUATION_REQUIREMENT_TYPE’ is generated for the OnSIS submissions with valid values 1, 2, or NULL.

PSSR-303385OnSIS Summer, Night & ECPP - Other Course Information - Ministry Updates 2022-23

OnSIS Summer School Submission: Version 7.1
OnSIS Night School Submission: Version 9.8
OnSIS ECPP Submission: Version 4.5

OnSIS Summer, Night, ECPP reports have been updated to report the Other Course Information new value Online (4).

PSSR-277585OnSIS Verification Section G Reports – Enhance Report To Support New Native Language Inuktitut

Additional Reference: PSSR-277584

OnSIS Verification - Summary Report: Version 2.0
OnSIS Verification - Details Report: Version 1.8

Section G1 and G2 Summary and Detail reports are enhanced to include new Native language Inuktitut.

PSSR-307747Remove Obsolete Tags From Elementary and Secondary Suspension/Expulsion Transmission Files

OnSIS Elementary Submission: Version 15.8

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 17.8

The following tags are no longer valid for the STUDENT_INFRACTION segment and have been removed

  • discretionary_mandatory_flag
  • board_ministry_set_flag

Also, the reports are enhanced to send the proper actions for the following segments: STUDENT_INCIDENT, STUDENT_INFRACTION, STUDENT_OUTCOME, SUSPENSION_EXPULSION_PROGRAM, NON_ACADEMIC_PROGRAM

PSSR-309728Special Programs - Invalid Exceptionality Value

The expired Exceptionality value of '13 - Deaf-Blind (Alt Prog)' has been updated to reflect that it is not available after Aug 31, 2009.

PSSR-308818Status Sheet – Long SHSM Program Names Causes Display Issues

Ontario Student Status: Version 8.3

Ontario Student Status logic has been enhanced to accommodate long SHSM program names and print the Earned Date field correctly on the report.

PSSR-309370User was Unable to Delete 'Language Program Minutes'

Delete button is now working as expected.

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