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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-238229Enhanced the CTCC Facility list to display all Section 23 schools on several pages

CTCC Facility list will display all Elementary and Secondary Section 23 schools on the following student enrollment pages:

  • Enroll New Student
  • General Info of Ontario Provincial Information: General Information
  • Edit Current Enrollment
  • Edit Previous Enrollment
  • Re-Enroll Student
  • Create New School Enrollment
PSSR-238271 OnSIS Secondary - Enhance COURSE_COMPLETE_FLAG and COURSE_INCOMPLETE_FLAG for the mark of I -COVID-19

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 15.3
For students with mark 'I' for grade 11 or 12 courses will have COURSE_COMPLETE_FLAG as F and COURSE_INCOMPLETE_FLAG as T under the class enrollment segment.

PSSR-239609 OnSIS Secondary - Update action to 'SEGMENT' fails to get generated when TOTAL_CLASS_COURSE value is different from the value sent in the previous submission

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 15.3

In the scenario when the CLASS segment was previously sent to the Ministry, the class segment was not included in the submission file even when there is a change in the TOTAL_CLASS_COURSE field. The report has been corrected to generate the UPDATE record for this scenario.

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