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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Course Repeat Flag Logic for Course Pairs - Update

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 19.9

Starting from the October 2024 Submission, the COURSE_REPEAT_FLAG will be set to True if a student repeats any of the following course pairs:  GLS1O/GLE1O, BTT1O/BTT2O, HFN1O/HFN2O, HIF1O/HIF2O, BBI1O/BBI2O, BEM1O/BEP2O.


Schema Update for Database Replication

The S_LDV_TABLE_CONFIG_S table was fixed to prevent replication failure.

This only affects our Connected Intelligence customers.


Student Compliance Menu Updates

The Student Compliance Menu is updated to display student pages alphabetically within each group.


Universal Rostering

The metadata has been added to the All Users end point for OneRoster v1p1 & V2p2.


Universal Rostering

To comply with the recent update to OneRoster v1.2, all User objects will now include a username. If there is no username value in the SIS, then the Universal Rostering API response will provide a whitespace string.


Universal Rostering

getAllUsers end Point has been enhanced to get current year data in response while Passing a currentYear parameter as True.

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