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Yearly Attendance Card Report


This report, also known as the Daily Attendance Record, displays a detailed record of student attendance data from the start of the school year until the report effective date. The data for a student is presented in a grid with a line for each month and a column for each day in the month. On each day a code is printed indicating whether the student was present, absent, tardy, or not enrolled on that day. When absent or tardy on a day, the student is marked as AM absent/tardy, PM absent/tardy, or all-day absent/tardy according to how the school is configured (see next section). The report contains a legend describing the meaning of each code displayed on the report.

Report Setup

It is highly recommended that you review the State and Provincial Reporting Day Part Attendance Setup Guide on PowerSource prior to running this report.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

Using records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables, the report includes active and inactive students who are or were enrolled in the school at any time in the current school year between the start of school and the report effective date, unless the student is excluded from provincial reporting (Exclude from Provincial Reporting Flag is selected for the student). If the report is run after the last day of school for the current year, any student not excluded from provincial reporting who was enrolled in the school at any time during the school year is included.

Attendance Selection

The report excludes attendance data that occurs during any enrolment (i.e. Students or ReEnrollments record) associated, in whole or in part, with the period of time covered by the report (i.e. if there is any overlap between the enrolment start and end dates and start of the school year and the specified effective date) for which the attendance type (i.e. EnrollmentType field) = 'EX'. For the purposes of the report, the student is deemed not enrolled on all days during that period.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students

Choose whether you wish to run the report for the current selection of students or have the report search for students based on the current school. The default setting is "Selected N Students Only".

Effective Date

Attendance data will be included up to and including the date specified. The default value is system date or, if system date is after the last day of school, the last day of school for the current year.

Conversion Type

Select how to convert the attendance data. Period and/or Time options will be displayed depending on how the school is set up. Go to School Setup > Attendance Conversions and define the Period and/or Time conversions for AM and PM attendance.

Print Teacher

Select 'Yes' if Teacher name is to be printed in the report header, otherwise select 'No'.

Calculated Fields

Absent Counts

The nightly process calculates the potential periods present, the periods absent, the potential time present and the time absent for each student for AM and PM. The nightly attendance tables will be loaded correctly if every period in the Bell Schedule is assigned to an AM or PM day part and the student has a valid admission status. The current year values are saved in att_daypart_curyear table. The Prior year values are saved in att_daypart_prevyear. Note: In the attendance setup for a school, if the preference is checked to Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school for students enrolled at this school, then all course are included in Potential periods present and absent. But if this preference is not checked, the courses taken at another school will not be included in the counts.

The absent counts are derived from the attendance views. The student attendance is calculated based on the type of conversions set up for either Period to AM/PM or Time to AM/PM attendance values. Depending on the runtime parameter selected, either Period to AM/PM or Time to AM/PM conversions is used to calculate if the student is absent in the AM and PM.

The Attendance Conversions are required setup to calculate AM and PM attendance. The attendance data is always accurate as of yesterday. If a change is made during the day, run the Refresh Attendance Views. See Yearly Attendance Card Report for more information on Bell Schedule and Attendance Conversion setup.

Absent counts are calculated using Attendance Conversion when the number of classes the students is enrolled in matches the number of classes in the bell schedule. The following processing occurs:

  1. Get Calendar Month

  2. For each student, use the new AM/PM views.

  3. Get the Potential Value minus the attendance Value for each Day Part (AM and PM) to determine the absent count per AM and PM

  4. When the sum of the absent attendance for the day = .5, then

    1. add 1 to Half Day Counts based on dates in month

    2. add absent attendance value of .5 to Total count for month

  5. When the sum of the absent attendance for the day = 1, then add 1 to Full Day Counts based on dates in month

Absent counts are calculated without the Attendance Conversions when the student is not enrolled in a full schedule. The nightly tables are still looked at to get the Potential Periods Present and Periods Absent for the AM and PM, but this is compared to the Number of classes in the Bell Schedule for the AM and PM.

  1. Get Calendar Month

  2. For each student, get Potential Value Present for AM and PM.

  3. For each student, get Periods Absent for AM and PM

  4. If Students Period Enrolled in AM = Periods Absent in AM, then student is absent in AM and AM absent is set to .5

  5. If Students Period Enrolled in PM = Periods Absent in PM, then student is absent in PM and PM absent is set to .5

  6. Enrolled Courses for AM

  7. When the sum of the absent attendance for the day = .5, then

    1. add 1 to Half Day Counts based on dates in the month

    2. add absent attendance value of .5 to Total count for a month

  8. When the sum of the absent attendance for the day = 1, then add 1 to Full Day Counts based on dates in month

  9. If a student is absent to every period in which he/she is scheduled on a day, add 1 to the Full Day Counts regardless of whether the periods are AM or PM periods. If more than one class meets in a period on a day, the student is deemed absent to the period if he/she is marked absent to any of those classes.

Late Counts

Attendance codes associated with the 'Tardy' attendance category are considered when the system calculates late counts.

AM And PM Late Counts For The Student By Month:

  1. Get Calendar Month

  2. For each student, get the attendance where the attendance code is associated with a Tardy category

  3. Associate the attendance period with the Bell Schedule period to determine if AM or PM

  4. For each AM or PM Late Code found, add 1 for each time student is late in AM or PM

Deriving Codes Per Day

  1. Get Calendar Month

  2. Get the week number for Each Day of Month (in Attendance Details table below)

  3. Look at the School Calendar to determine the Calendar Type. If the calendar type is B,H,P, G or N move this value to the day.

  4. If the calendar Day is In-Session and the Track in unchecked, then the day will be considered Non-Instruction for that track. For all students assigned to a track that is un-checked on an in-session, a value of N will be displayed for that calendar date.

  5. Otherwise get Student Absent Codes or Student Tardy, Grant, Contact and Non-Instruction Codes

  6. For any day the student is not enrolled in the school, an asterisk will be displayed.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element




Run Date

The date the report was run.

System Date

Effective Date

The effective date of the report.

Based on the School Year at the top of the page, the report will default to either the current date within the school year or the last day of school.

Pupil #

The student's number.



The student's Legal Name. Format: Last, First Middle

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name

Birth Date

The student's date of birth.


Home Phone

The student's home phone number.


Registration Date

The student's entry date for the first enrolment in the school for the current school year.

[Students] or [reenrollments]entrydate


The school name.

Use [S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name if defined, otherwise use [Schools]name where [Schools]school_number = [Students] or [reenrollments]schoolid

Home Room

The student's homeroom.

The student's homeroom as of the report effective date from the main school or from the cross enrolled school is printed. If the homeroom could not be identified on the effective date, then homeroom from the latest school is printed.

Secondary students - grade_level 9 or higher - [Students]Home_Room

Elementary students - grade_level 8 or lower

[Courses]Course_Name + "-" + [Sections]Section_Number

The homeroom class is the one where [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type is 'H' [Sections]room where

[Sections]course_number = [courses]course_number

[S_ON_CRS_X]course_type = 'H'

[courses]course_number = [cc]course_number

[cc]studentid = [Students]id or [reenrollments]studentid for student page displayed


Only displayed if "Print Teacher" is set to 'Yes'.

The lead teacher, as of the report effective date from the main school or from the cross enrolled school is printed. The lead teacher is identified by the SectionTeacher record where the role id is that of the lead teacher role (which is the RoleDef record where IsLocked = 1). If the teacher could not be identified on the effective date, then teacher from the latest school is printed.

[UsersCoreFields] PSCore_Legal_First_Name, [UsersCoreFields] PSCore_Legal_Last_Name if blank

[Users]first_name and [Users]last_name where

[Users]ID = [Sections]teacher

[Sections]course_number = [courses]course_number

[S_ON_CRS_X]Course_type = 'H'

[courses]course_number = [cc]course_number

[cc]studentid = [Students]id or [reenrollments]studentid for student page displayed

This field is Blank for secondary students.


The student's Grade Level.



The student's Ontario Education Number.



The parent or guardian.

[Students]Mother, if exists

Otherwise [Students]father, if exists

Attendance Details By Month


The month of the Attendance counts.

Derived from each month between [Terms]FirstDay and [Terms]LastDay where [Terms]IsYearRec = 1

Day of Month for Each week of the Month

For every month, the day (dd) of the month must be listed under the Month Day (M,T,W, T,F) for each week of the month.

Example of Code to get week number for each day


cd.date_value, TO_CHAR(cd.date_value,'DAY') DayofWeek,

TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(cd.date_value,'mm') || '-01-' || TO_CHAR(cd.date_value,'yyyy'),'mm-dd-yyyy'),'DAY') firstDayMonth,


WHEN upper(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(to_char(cd.date_value,'mm') || '-01-' || TO_CHAR(cd.date_value,'yyyy'),'mm-dd-yyyy'),'DAY')) LIKE 'S%' THEN TO_CHAR(cd.date_value,'W')

WHEN TO_CHAR(NEXT_DAY(cd.date_value,'monday'),'w') = '1' and TO_CHAR(cd.date_value,'dd') > 7 THEN TO_CHAR(5)

WHEN TO_CHAR(NEXT_DAY(cd.date_value,'monday'),'mm') = TO_CHAR(cd.date_value,'mm') THEN TO_CHAR(NEXT_DAY(cd.date_value,'monday'),'w')

ELSE TO_CHAR(NEXT_DAY(cd.date_value,TO_CHAR(cd.date_value,'DAY')),'w')

END calcWeekFromMon,

TO_CHAR(cd.date_value,'W') Oracleweek

FROM calendar_day cd

WHERE cd.schoolid= ####

AND cd.date_value BETWEEN TO_DATE('9/1/2011','mm/dd/yyyy') AND TO_DATE('6/30/2012','mm/dd/yyyy')

ORDER BY cd.date_value

Attendance Code Per Day

The AM/PM value is derived.

Use the Legend from the bottom of the report for the codes

From Calendar for Codes B, H, P, G or N


For Each Student - Gets Absent Codes Based on New Views (see example code above)

For Absent Codes A- All Day Absent, A/ - AM Only and /A - PM only

For Contact Codes C- All Day, C/ - AM Only, and /C - PM only

For Each Student - Get Tardy, Grant and Non-Instr codes by looking at attendance and deriving Attendance Codes assigned to Tardy, Grant and Non-Instr category. (see example above under Deriving Codes per Day)

For Late Codes L/L - Late AM and PM , L/ - AM Only and /L - PM only

For Grant Codes G- Grant All Day, G/ - AM Only and /G - PM only

For Non-Instr Codes N - Non-Inst All Day, N/ - AM Only and /N - PM only

The above codes can be combined for each day

If student is not enrolled on the day "*" is displayed.

If student is enrolled in the school but is not enrolled in any classes "-" is displayed.

For schools running Quad/Octomester Setup: Students that are not enrolled in classes until after the OnSIS count date and has FTE to report, will start showing on the report starting the day they truly arrives to the school and Non instructional will be recorded for the days from the count date until the last day before the student truly arrives to the school.

If the count date falls on a non-insession day, N is printed from the first in-session day before the count date.r

Note: OnSIS Reporting dates must be defined for the selected year. Error messages will be displayed if the dates are not defined or if invalid dates for the selected year were entered.

Absent Days

Count the sum of how many days the student is absent for a full day in the month.

See Calculated Absent Counts section

Absent ½ Days

Count the sum of how many days the student is absent for a half-day in the month.

See Calculated Absent Counts section

If day has the following values


Absent Sum

The number of absences per month.

See Calculated Absent Counts section

Lates Days

The number of days the student was late per month.

See Calculated Late Counts section - Add 1 for each time student is late in AM or PM or both.

If day has the following values:


Lates Cum

Counts the late attendance codes from the beginning of the school year till the end of each month. This is a cumulative count.

See Calculated Late Counts section (The calculation will need to be updated to track cumulative counts for late codes)

Totals for Absent and Lates Counts

Total of each column for Absent and Late Counts.

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