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The Lessons/Work Units link in the Navigation pane in PowerTeacher allows users to enter marks indicating completion of individual work units (for independent study classes) and lessons (for correspondence/self-study/e-learning classes). These marks can also be entered using the Completed Work Units/Lessons tab on the State/Province - ON student data entry page in the administrative portal.

A collapsible row is present for each of the teacher's indepdendent study (IS) and correspondence/self-study/e-learning (CE) classes. Classes for which the teacher is designated as the primary teacher or a co-teacher are displayed. Independent study classes are those for which [S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class is true. Independent study classes taken a day schools, summer schools, and night schools are included. Correspondence/self-study/e-learning classes are those for which ([Sections]ON_Delivery_Type is one of: '2', '3', '16', '18', or '19'.

Only correspondence/self-study/e-learning classes taken at a school for which the Summer School flag ([Schools]IsSummerSchool), the Night School flag ([Schools]ON_IsNightSchool) or the Independent Study flag ([S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class) is on are included. When expanded, the row for a class contains a row for each student enrolment in the class. To enter marks for completed work units and lessons for a student, press the Choose Student link for the class enrolment.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Lessons/Work Units - Independent Study And Continuing Education Classes

Lessons/Work Units Completed

If not entering marks for individual lessons/work units, enter the number of completed lessons/work units associated with the class enrolment.

Leave undefined or set to zero if the number of completed lessons/work units is to be determined from [S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C].

[S_ON_CC_X] NumberOfCompletedUnits

If defined, reports use this value rather than counting the number of [S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C] records for the class enrolment.

For IS classes this number may not exceed the lesser of 30 or the value of [S_ON_CRS/SEC_X]IS_WorkUnitsCompleteCrs.

For CE classes this number may not exceed the lesser of 20 or the value of [S_ON_CRS/SEC_X]ConEd_CompleteCrsLessons.


Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning), OnSIS Submissions

Edit Completed Lessons/Work Units

To enter marks for completed work units and lessons for a class, press the Enter date link for the class enrolment.


Select the student for which to enter lesson/work unit marks.

When the page is loaded, the currently selected student in the pop-up menu is that selected with the Choose Student link on the calling page.

When the Submit button on the page is pressed, data is posted for the current student and the page is re-displayed for the next student in the list, with that student now as the currently selected student in the pop-up menu. If the page is at the bottom of the list, the next student is the first in the list.



Work Unit / Lesson


The column header changes depending on the type of class: "Work Unit" for IS classes, "Lesson" for CE classes.

Display only.


For IS classes, the number of displayed work units runs from 1 to [S_ON_SEC_X]IS_WorkUnitsCompleteCrs

For CE classes, the number of displayed lessons runs from 1 to [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_CompleteCrsLessons


Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning), OnSIS Submissions


Enter the mark achieved upon completion of the work unit/lesson.

If a student has more than one enrolment in a class, the mark can be edited only in the enrolment for which the mark was originally posted. If the Mark field for a work unit/lesson is display only, that indicates the mark is associated with another enrolment in the class and must be edited there.



Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning), OnSIS Submissions

Date Marked

Enter the date the lesson/work unit was marked.

If not entered, the lesson is deemed marked on the last day the student is enrolled in the class.



Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning), OnSIS Submissions

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