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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-258077All States/Provinces: Common Snapshot Report Failure

The Snapshot reports are fixed now and the reports are running and showing the completed successfully status as expected.

PSSR-258722All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences Functionality Updates

The following updates have been made to the Learning Preferences functionality:

  • Learning Preferences Code creation link is moved to District Setup page under the Code Sets link.
    • If a state has code sets disabled then the Learning Preferences Code creation link can be found at the last section under the Code Setup Header
  • The Code Start Date & Code End Date are now editable.
  • The Learning Preferences link at Student-Level is renamed Digital Equity & Learning Preferences.
  • When creating a new record, field values from the last record with the greatest Effective Date carry forward if present.
    • Fields that copy to a new record:
      • Internet In Residence
      • Internet Access
      • Internet Performance
      • Device Access
      • Device Type
      • Device Serial number
      • Paper Learning Packets
  • Access to the Digital Equity & Learning Preferences link, at the student level, is now governed by a check box in the "Edit Security Group" page (path below).
    Path: Start page> System> Groups>[ select group ]
    Upon receiving the update, administrators must go into security groups and give the appropriate groups access to this page.
    Note: This security group setting is suppressed for ND and TX.
PSSR-247607All States/Provinces: Learning Preferences Functionality Updates

The following updates have been made to the Learning Preferences functionality:

  • Learning Preferences Code creation link is moved to District Setup page under the Code Sets link.
  • The Code Start Date & Code End Date are now editable.
  • The Learning Preferences link at Student-Level is renamed Digital Equity & Learning Preferences.
  • When creating a new record, field values from the last record with the greatest Effective Date carry forward if present.
    • Fields that copy to a new record:
      • Internet In Residence
      • Internet Access
      • Internet Performance
      • Device Access
      • Device Type
      • Device Serial number
      • Paper Learning Packets
PSSR-256308Learning Preferences Cannot Be Setup In Ontario Districts

Learning Preferences Link has been restored.
Learning Preferences Code creation link is moved to District Setup page under the Code Sets link.
If a board has code sets disabled then the Learning Preferences Code creation link can be found at the last section under the Code Setup Header.

PSSR-259115Edit School Page – Add New Flag to Indicate if School is Using Flip Week Setup

A new flag 'School uses Flip Weeks' is added on the following two pages:
District> Schools/School Info > Select Secondary School >
Select Secondary School > Special Functions > Edit School >
This flag should be selected for schools using Quad/Octomester flip week setup. The flag should be selected before schools run Enrolment fields, Enrolment Report (Secondary Quad/Octomesters Setup), and OnSIS Secondary reports for the 2020-2021 school year onwards.

PSSR-258912Alternate Day 16 Dates Definition at District Level

District Office > District Info page, Define Day 16 dates page is enhanced to include another set of Dates "Alternate Day 16 Dates". Schools using Quad/Octomester Flip weeks setup will need to define both sets of dates (Day 16 dates & Alternate Day 16 Dates). Day 16 dates should fall in the first cycle week (ex: cycle A) and the Alternate Day 16 dates should fall in the second cycle week (ex: cycle B). Valid dates fall within the selected school year's start and end dates.

PSSR-259358Enrolment Fields, Enrolment Registers (Secondary Quad/Octomester Only) – Enhance Reports to Support Quad/Octomester Flip Weeks Setup – October

Additional Reference: PSSR-259357 
Enrolment Report: Version 1.2
Enrolment Fields Report: Version 4.2
Enrolment report enhanced to calculate the minutes for Quadmester schools with flip week setup. Audit columns show the sum of quadmester minutes calculated on Day 16 and Alternate Day 16 dates defined on District office. The 'Enrolled Minutes' column gives the average minutes of all quads in the semester.

Enrolment fields report logic for calculating fields is enhanced to support Quadmester flip weeks setup. Attendance Type, Enrolled Minutes, Regular Minutes, Regular FTE, Board Residence Status, High Credit Fields like Current Exempt Cr, Current NonExempt Cr, and Is Independent Study Student fields are calculated using the new ministry rules for the 2020-21 school year.
Note: The changes only apply to schools that are setup as using Quadmester model and flip weeks. Also, the calculations require that the Day 16 dates and Alternate Day 16 dates are defined at the district office.
More details on the changes will be posted on the online guide,

PSSR-258669OnSIS Secondary Enhance Report to Support Quadmester Flip Weeks Setup

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 16.1
Report enhanced to support schools using flip weeks. The report uses Day 16 and Alternate Day 16 when checking if the student is enrolled in Native or ESL/ELD class to generate the second language segment.

PSSR-257705OnSIS Secondary - Handle students cross enrolled after the count date to report for Quad/Octomester Models

Additional Reference: PSSR-257569
OnSIS Secondary version 16.1
Report enhanced to include students, cross-enrolled after the count date, and has a second language program to report.
Refer to the online guide for detailed rules on the logic used for generating second language program for future cross enrolled students.

PSSR-256968OnSIS Secondary - Native SECOND_LANGUAGE_PROGRAM Segment Enhancements for Quad/Octomester Models

OnSIS Secondary: Version 16.1
Report enhanced to use Day 16 dates when checking if the student is enrolled in Native second language class to generate the second language segment.
Students not enrolled in the current submission but are cross-enrolled in future second language classes falling in the semester in which the count date falls are reported in submission and the second language segment is generated.

PSSR-257877OnSIS Elementary – Report Card Term/Subject Strand Segment is Generated Successfully for Math

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 14.2

Report enhanced to generate Report Card Term/Subject Strand segment successfully for mathematics.

PSSR-251605OnSIS Elementary – Support Cross Enrolled Students – Report Card Segment – March/June Submissions

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 14.2

The report is enhanced to generate REPORT_CARD segment in the March submission when cross enrolled students withdrew from all their classes during the submission period and for which final marks are to be reported or the Alternate report card is set for term 1 or term 2 and are generated in the June submission for those who are cross enrolled in classes that span the March count date.

PSSR-254476Enhance GRADE_TYPE Calculation to Support Schools Using Quad/Octomester Model

OCAS Transmission: Version 8.0
OUAC Transmission: Version 8.1
For schools using Quad/Octomester model, reports are enhanced to report Grade Type of 'C' for any course running in a traditional semester timeframe (Sept-Jan or Feb-Jun).

  • If the report run date (sysdate) falls within Semester1 then all future courses, that is, courses starting after report run date, and falls in Semester1 are sent with grade_type =' C'. Future courses in Semeste2 will continue to be sent with grade_type as 'P'.
  • If the report run date (sysdate) falls after Semester1 End date then all future courses, that is, courses starting after report run date, and falls in Semester2 are sent with grade_type = 'C'.
PSSR-247101Data Validation Tool Enhancements

Data Validation Report: Version 2.5
The report is enhanced to include the following validation rule:

  • MCE0072a: Invalid Course Delivery Type for Summer schools.
PSSR-247334OnSIS Secondary Submission: XML Validation - New Rules

Additional References: PSSR-247324 PSSR-247105 
OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 16.0
Enhance the report to add more validation rules.
The report is enhanced to include the following validations:

  • MCE0097: Invalid Course Delivery Type for Dual Credit Course, valid value is (01) Regular day. This rule applies to private secondary schools.
  • MCE0081: Invalid Course Delivery Type for Dual Credit Course, valid values are (01) Regular day and (21) DC: On-line. This rule applies to public secondary schools
  • MCE0073: Invalid Course Delivery Type for private secondary schools.
PSSR-254269OnSIS Verification Summary - Create Section B (Enrolment by Grade and Gender) Summary Report

OnSIS Verification - Summary Report: Version 1.3
Section B - Enrolment by Grade and Gender - Summary Report.
Section B is added to the OnSIS Verification Summary report. This report shows Enrolment by Grade and Gender aggregate information. The OnSIS Verification Summary Report can be run at the district and school level. It runs for different submissions (October, March, and June), for elementary and secondary schools.
Note: It is required to save OnSIS XML prior to running this report. Refer to the Online Help for details.

PSSR-254273OnSIS Verification Details - Create Section B (Enrolment by Grade and Gender) Details Report

OnSIS Verification - Details Report: Version 1.3
Section B - Enrolment by Grade and Gender - Detail Report.
This report contains Enrolment by Grade and Gender detail information by student.
To print the report, select the report on the input parameter page. The OnSIS Verification Details Report can be run at the district and school level. It runs for different submissions (October, March, and June), for elementary and secondary schools.
Note: It is required to save OnSIS XML prior to running this report. Refer to the Online Help for details.

PSSR-247788OnSIS Verification Summary - Create Section D (Enrolment by Age and Gender) Summary Report

OnSIS Verification - Summary Report: Version 1.3
Section D - Enrolment by Age and Gender - Summary Report.
Section D report is added to the OnSIS Verification Summary report. This report shows Enrolment by Age and Gender aggregate information. The OnSIS Verification Summary Report can be run at the district and school level. It runs for different submissions (October, March, and June), for elementary and secondary schools.
Note: It is required to save OnSIS XML prior to running this report. Refer to the Online Help for details.

PSSR-247791OnSIS Verification Details - Create Section D (Enrolment by Age and Gender) Details Report

OnSIS Verification - Details Report: Version 1.3
Section D - Enrolment by Age and Gender - Detail Report.
This report contains Enrolment by Age and Gender detail information by student.
To print the report, select the report on the input parameter page. The OnSIS Verification Details Report can be run at the district and school level. It runs for different submissions (October, March, and June), for elementary and secondary schools.
Note: It is required to save OnSIS XML prior to running this report. Refer to the Online Help for details.

PSSR-255814OnSIS Verification Detail - Create Section U (Number of Special Education Graduates - Secondary Only) Detail Report.

OnSIS Verification - Details Report: Version 1.3
Section U - Number of Special Education Graduates - Detail Report.
This report contains Special Education Graduates detail information by Student.
To print the report, select the report on the input parameter page. The OnSIS Verification Details Report can be run at the district and school level. It runs for different submissions (October, March, and June), for secondary schools.
Note: It is required to save OnSIS XML prior to running this report. Refer to the Online Help for details.

PSSR-255807OnSIS Verification Summary - Create Section U (Number of Special Education Graduates - Secondary Only) Summary Report

OnSIS Verification - Summary Report: Version 1.3
Section U - Number of Special Education Graduates - Summary Report.
Section U is added to the OnSIS Verification Summary report. This report contains Special Education Graduates' aggregate information. The OnSIS Verification Summary Report can be run at the district and school level. It runs for different submissions (October, March, and June), for secondary schools.
Note: It is required to save OnSIS XML prior to running this report. Refer to the Online Help for details.

PSSR-254257Save Class Segments into Permanent Tables

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 14.2
The OnSIS Elementary submission now saves Class segment data to S_ON_XML_CLASS_S table. This is a prerequisite step for running OnSIS verification reports. This segment is used by Section N - Enrolment by Class. this verification report will be released in the future.

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