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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.

Minimum PowerSchool SIS version required to install SR

Before installing SR, verify that you are running one of the following versions of PowerSchool SIS.

  • PowerSchool SIS
  • PowerSchool SIS
  • PowerSchool SIS
  • PowerSchool SIS



Release Note

PSSR-246889Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

As of November 25, 2020, PowerSchool State Reporting only supports PowerSchool or later, and our Technology and Support teams will focus solely on supporting PowerSchool versions or later.


Contact Tracing Report Update - Busing Data

Contact Tracing Report: Version 1.1

The Contact Tracing report is updated and now pulls busing data based on a newly added report parameter.

With the busing data parameter checked, the report will pull students that may have shared the bus with the report the student is run for based on the following:

  • Bus Number

  • Route Number

  • Day

  • From/To School

PSSR-247358Data Validation Report - Update

Data Validation Report: Version 2.4

The validation to ensure that the student's Year of Entry to Canada does not fall after the student's enrolment start date has been disabled for the 2020-2021 school year, to align with the Ministry's OnSIS rules.

PSSR-239091Elementary Report Card (7-8) Shows 0% Median Scores For Select Standards In One School

Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook: Version 5.6

To meet Ministry recommendations, when the median for a subject is a value of I or R, the median field in the report is now left blank. In the case when the median is the average of two marks, one of which is I or R then the median field in the report is also set to blank.

PSSR-240673Elementary Report Cards (7–8) – Gradebook Is Not Selecting French Field for All Students When Run for a Group of Students

Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook: Version 5.6

The report is updated to select the French field appropriately for each student when run for a group of students.

PSSR-230303Enhance Calculate Course Repeats Logic - Several reports were impacted

Additional References: PSSR-230308, PSSR-242768, PSSR-243551, PSSR-245701, PSSR-246591, PSSR-249404, PSSR-230309, PSSR-230313, PSSR-230314

Ontario Student Status: Version 7.2
Ontario Student Transcript Report: Version 7.0
Ontario Secondary Report Card: Version 6.0
OSSD Diploma Date Calculations: Version 1.2
OCAS Transmission: Version 7.8
OCAS - Electronic Transcript: Version 1.6
OUAC Transmission: Version 7.9
OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 15.8
Potential Scholars: Version 3.0
Specialist High Skills Major Record: Version 3.9

The reports are enhanced to calculate repeats on the alt course number (the five-character course number).

The following is the high-level logic of the common function used by all the reports. For more details on the affected fields and pages on each report, please refer to the online guide.

The function process the students records as follows:

  • groups the records with the 'Calculate Repeats on Course Number flag' selected and calculate repeats based on the course_number - ( all 6/more characters) for those courses

A co-op course cannot be a repeat of a regular course with the same Alt Course Number; so the function performs the following:

  • groups records with the Calculate Repeats on Course Number field not selected and Course is co-op
    and calculate repeats based on the Alt Course Number
  • For the rest of the records where the Calculate Repeats on Course Number field is not selected and the course is regular (not co-op) repeats are calculated based on the Alt Course number for this group.

Only final marks for credited courses that are not excluded from transcripts or GPA are considered for repeat calculation. Failed classes are not considered for repeat calculation.

The logic consider records with

  • Earned Credit Hours > 0
  • Potential Credit Hours > 0
  • Display on Transcript = Yes
  • GPA Calculation = Include
  • Course Credit Hours > 0
PSSR-230231New Field- Calculate Repeats on Course Number

Additional References: PSSR-230233, PSSR-230234

A new field, Calculate Repeats on Course Number, is added to the following pages:

  • Start Page > District/School Setup > Courses > Edit Course > Ontario Provincial Information page
  • Start Page > School Setup > Select Section > New/Edit Section > Ontario Provincial Information section
  • Start Page > Student Selection > Historical Grades > New/Edit Stored Grades

When this field is selected for a section, course, or historical grades record, the course repeat logic uses the course number instead of the alt course number when calculating course repeats.

Database field

  • [S_ON_SEC_X]CalcRepeatsOnCrsNum
  • [S_ON_CRS_X]CalcRepeatsOnCrsNum
  • [S_ON_SGR_X]CalcRepeatsOnCrsNum
PSSR-249965OCAS/OUAC - CommunityInvolvment Calc Enhancements - COVID-19

OCAS Transmission: Version 7.9
OUAC Transmission: Version 7.9

The reports are enhanced to mark students as achieving their community hours if the student has completed 20 hours or more starting with the 2020-2021 school year.

PSSR-251602OnSIS Elementary – Support Cross-enrolled Students

OnSIS Elementary Submission: Version 13.8

The OnSIS Elementary Submission is enhanced to include the school's cross-enrolled students in the transmission file. Students who are cross-enrolled should have a school enrollment at another school during the cross-enrollment period. Also, the cross-enrolled school and the school in which the student is enrolled should both have the same attendance conversion for DAYS_ABSENT_YTD and TIMES_LATE_YTD tags to populate correctly. SECOND_LANGUAGE_PROGRAM and SPECIAL_ED segments are now generated for the cross-enrolled students for the October submission.

PSSR-236124OnSIS Secondary Submission - Diploma Segment is Not Appearing For Selected Students Who Are No Longer Enrolled

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 15.8

The OnSIS Secondary Submission now generates the Student_Non_Enrolment segment for the appropriate students when running for a selected group of students as well as all students.

PSSR-248343OnSIS Student ADE Report - Update

OnSIS Student ADE: Version 1.8
The issue causing the Student ADE report to fail for Night schools is corrected.

PSSR-251288Remove Early Years Tags from ONSIS Elementary Report

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 13.8
Beginning with the October 2020 Elementary submission, the Early Years Experience information is no longer collected by OnSIS. As a result, the Early Years Experience information is not included in the file, and the submission's SUBMISSION_PERIOD_TYPE is changed to OCTELEM3.

PSSR-237221Schools Language Instructional Minutes Replace Virtual Tables with Extended Tables

The Language Instructional Minutes page under Schools is updated to use the extended tables and fields rather than the virtual tables and custom fields. This will improve performance. There is no change in functionality.

PSSR-230355Script to Select ‘Calculate Course Repeats on Course Number Flag’ for Graduated Students

Review an optional script for setting the 'Calculate Repeats On Course Number' flag to ON.

This script selects the 'Calculate Repeats on Course Number Flag' for all the historical grades records for all graduated students in the board (students with diploma date is not blank). This allows reports to calculate repeats using the course number (old logic) and reports are printed the same for graduated students.

PSSR-245841Secondary Report Card – Enhance SHSM Calculation to Use Course Repeat Logic

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 15.8

The report is enhanced to select the SHSM flag only for current and completed courses that are used to fulfill an SHSM course credit requirement. Repeated courses (based on the new course repeats logic) should not have the SHSM flag selected.

  • Page three of the report is also enhanced to reflect correctly the SHSM credit counts under Earned in this Report and Earned to Date, excluding repeated courses credits.
PSSR-245839Several Reports Enhanced to Print H Note Based on Course Repeat Logic

Ontario Student Transcript Report: Version 7.0
OCAS - Electronic Transcript : Version 1.6
OCAS Transmission: Version 7.8
OUAC Transmission: Version 7.9

Reports are enhanced to print the H notes on the basis of new course repeat logic. H Note indicates the course credit has been used to fulfill a SHSM course credit requirement. As of the report run date, if the course is completed after the student has met the requirements for the SHSM program or the student has exited from the program, the course is not flagged as a SHSM course. If a SHSM course is repeated (as per the new logic ), the H note is printed only for the instance with the highest mark.

PSSR-245304SHSM Progress – Enhance Page to Use the Course Repeat Logic

SHSM Progress page displays a student's current and completed SHSM courses counted towards the program. This page is enhanced to use new common course repeats logic. Changes include:

  • Completed courses printed on the page should not include repeated Courses based on the new Logic.
  • When Include in progress courses flag is ON, a current course should not fulfill a category if it is a repeat.
  • When Examine Exclude From GPA Flag is on, the logic examine this flag when calculating course repeats.
PSSR-237222Special Programs SHSM Replace Virtual Tables with Extended Tables

The SHSM program page, under Special Programs at the district level, is updated to use the extended tables and fields rather than the virtual tables and custom fields. This will improve performance. There is no change in functionality.

PSSR-237224Student Community Hours Replace Virtual Tables and Custom Fields with Extended Tables

The Student Community Hours pages are updated to use the extended tables and fields rather than the virtual tables and custom fields.


Student Digital Equity and Learning Preference Tracking Available in the Public Portal

A new page is now available (if enabled) in the public portal that will enable parents and guardians to enter learning preference and digital equity data for their student or students.

This functionality is disabled by default. To enable, navigate to the following page:

  • Start Page> District Setup> Miscellaneous

If enabled, parents/guardians have the ability to create records and populate the following fields:

  • Effective Date

    • Defaults to the current date

  • Learning Preference

  • Requested Timeframe

  • Requesting Parent/Guardian

    • Defaults to the current user

  • Internet in Residence*

  • Internet Access*

  • Internet Performance*

  • Device Access*

    • Only display options 1, 2, & 5

The Comment field is not visible when a parent/guardian is creating a record but it will the following string will get saved for any record created in the public portal:

  • Created in the public portal

Additionally, if a parent/guardian has entered a Digital Equity & Learning Preference record previously and they create a new record, the above elements that are marked with an asterisk will be pre-populated based on the values in the existing (previous) record.

PSSR-237223Student SHSM Replace Virtual Tables and Custom Fields with Extended Tables

The Student SHSM pages are updated to use the extended tables and fields rather than the virtual tables and custom fields.

PSSR-242138Update New Feature to Store Second_Language_Program Segment of XML Files in Permanent Tables

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 15.8

The OnSIS Secondary submission now saves Second_Language_Program segment data to S_ON_STU_XML_SECOND_LANG_C table to enable boards to validate the data before uploading files to OnSIS.

PSSR-242137Update New Feature to Store Second_Language_Program Segment of XML Files in Permanent Tables

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 13.8

The OnSIS Elementary submission now saves Second_Language_Program segment data to S_ON_STU_XML_SECOND_LANG_C table, enabling boards to validate the data before uploading files to OnSIS.

PSSR-242151Update New Feature to Store STUDENT_CLASS_ENROLMENT Segment of XML Files in Permanent Tables

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 15.8

The OnSIS Secondary submission now saves the STUDENT_CLASS_ENROLMENT segment data to S_ON_STU_XML_CLASS_ENROL_C table, allowing boards to validate data before uploading files to OnSIS.

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