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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-281819All States/Provinces: New Office Visit Details Report

Office Visit Details: Version 1.0

A new Office Visit Details report is now available on the System Reports tab and can be run for a specific school and for a specific time frame based on user defined Start and End Date parameters.

The report can be run to include any (or all) of the various data groupings (listed below) within an Office Visit record.

Visit Details

This data grouping displays:

  • Visit Reason
  • Vital Signs
  • Accident Info
  • Assessment
  • Outcome & Actions
  • Change Reason

The report can also be configured to return Office Visit data by student or by date.

At this time, the report will return the results in an HTML format but a PDF output option is being developed and will be released in a future release.

PSSR-287591District Search – New Indexes on Legal Name Fields

In order to improve performance, new Indexes on LEGAL_LAST_NAME and LEGAL_FIRST_NAME columns of the S_ON_STU_X table are created.

PSSR-291087Enrolment Report – Student Unexpectedly Showing on Part-Time Register

Enrolment Report: Version 5.3

Report updated to correctly calculate the start date of student’s cross-enrolled course term.

PSSR-285054EQAO - Support Transcript Entry Date Override

EQAO Extracts: Version 5.8
Report logic has been updated to consider the Transcript Entry Date Override field if populated when calculating DateEnteredSchool and DateEnteredBoard.

PSSR-281860New School Search Feature

We are pleased to announce the release of the new school search feature, that allows users to search a school from the list of Ontario schools provided by the Ministry Schools Reference tables. The Ontario Ministry of Education maintains boards and schools reference tables and it is critical that school boards have the most recent values in order to remain compliant with the Ministry of Education Reporting and Ontario School Information System (OnSIS) submissions.

Additional References: PSSR-281860, PSSR-281861,

Created standalone table S_ON_SCHOOL_BOARDS_S to store Board information. This table will be maintained by PowerSchool. Refer to online data dictionary for table structure.

Created standalone table S_ON_MINISTRYSCHOOLS_S to store School information. This table will be maintained by the boards. Refer to the online help Appendix P – Ontario Schools Reference File Import for import step by step instructions and to the data dictionary for table structure.

Additional References: PSSR-285576, PSSR-285617, PSSR-285588, PSSR-285589, PSSR-285710

New School BSID fields were added to several pages to store Previous/Receiving Schools BSID. These fields are autocomplete, once the user start typing part of a School BSID, School Name, or Board abbreviation, the list is populated with matching values for the user to select from. School BSIDs are stored on the student and enrolment records.

Once a school is selected, other School information fields are populated (where applicable) from the reference table (school name, school address, and school language type). This feature reduces human errors and will maintain clean and consistent data.

Affected pages: Enroll New Student, Enroll New Student Living in Same Household, Create New School Enrolment, Re-enrol Student, Transfer Info, and Transfer Student Out

PSSR-285568ON00 - District Level Preference to Force School Search

Additional References: PSSR-285583 , PSSR-285619 , PSSR-285582, PSSR-285577, PSSR-285854, and PSSR-285711

New 'Force Use Of School Search' flag is added to the Ontario Provincial Information page. This flag can be optionally used by boards to disable school information fields (school name, address, and language) on several pages to force users to populate those fields by searching and selecting a school through the new School BSID field.

Navigation: District office > District > District Info > Ontario Provincial Information page.

School Fields are disabled on the following pages if the flag is selected: Enroll New Student, Enroll New Student Living in Same Household, Create New School Enrolment, Re-enrol Student, Transfer Info, Transfer Student Out., and Province > General Info tab.

PSSR-291185OnSIS Secondary Missing Educator When the Assignment Starts and Ends in Same Submission Period

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 17.0

Educator Assignment and Class Assignments starting and ending in the same submission period are included if the educator assignment ended on or after the last day of class.

PSSR-290543OnSIS Secondary School Submission – Invalid BOARD_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER Tag Submitted for Private Schools

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 17

Report logic has been enhanced to exclude BOARD_EMPLOYEE_NUMBER tag if the report is run for private schools.

PSSR-290205OnSIS Secondary – Wrong Class Language Type Is Reported for Native Classes

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 17

Report logic has been enhanced to set the language to the board language if the section/course language of instruction is set as Native language.

PSSR-292872OSSD Diploma Date Calculation - Support Literacy Requirements New Rule

OSSD Diploma Date Calculations: Version 1.6

Literacy requirements are not applicable to students working towards their OSSD or OSSD/SHSM and graduating between March 13, 2020 and Sept 4, 2022, Report has been updated to calculate the diploma date for such students regardless whether they met the literacy requirements or not.

PSSR-289552OST - New Online Learning Graduation Requirement section

Ontario Student Transcript: Version 7.4

Ontario Student Transcript report has been updated to include the Online Learning Graduation Requirement section as per Ministry Update 2021-2022.

PSSR-290758ON35 Secondary Report Card Does Not Print Cross-Enrolled Student Who Is Transferred Out

Secondary Report Card: Version 6.5

Report is updated to print cross-enrolled students if the student has classes in the selected reporting period regardless of whether or not the student is currently active.

PSSR-291197Secondary Report Card Not Printing Cross-Enrolled Students Who Are Later Enrolled in Same School as Cross-Enrollment

Secondary Report Card: Version 6.5

Report updated to print cross-enrolled students if the student has classes in the selected reporting period regardless of whether the student is transferred to the cross-enrolled school or not.

PSSR-289425Secondary Report Cards - GradeBook - (LEGACY): Version 6.3

Under the Provincial Reports Legacy section, a legacy version of the Secondary Report Card has been created. This version of the report generates the Secondary Report Card Final (semester and non-semester) using the template that was in effect for 2016-2017 through 2020-21.

PSSR-292904Several Reports Fail for Students with SSHGD Diploma

OCAS Transmission: Version 8.5
OUAC Transmission: Version 8.6
Ontario Student Transcript: Version 7.4
OCAS - Electronic Transcript: Version 2.2

Reports updated to support students with Diploma type “Secondary School Honors Graduation Diploma(99)”.

PSSR-262606Transcript - AODA - Support accessibility

Ontario Transcript version 7.4

Ontario Transcript is now an accessible document. Users will have the option to print accessible or inaccessible version of the report.

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