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Staff - School Affiliations

The following data elements are required for assigning staff to multiple schools. The first three pages of navigation are removed for brevity:

Start Page > Staff > [Select Staff Member] > Security Settings – {Staff Name}.

  1. On the Start Page, click Staff.

  2. Select a staff member.

  3. Select Security Settings for existing staff members.

  4. Click on the Security Settings tab.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Teachers and School Staff – School Affiliations

Click ADD to add a new school affiliation, or click on a field to edit settings for the affiliation.

Home School

Select if this is the primary school for the staff.





Check if staff is currently active at this school.



EQAO Submissions, Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, Daily Absence Report, Continuing Education Registers





EQAO Submissions, Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, Daily Absence Report, Continuing Education Registers

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