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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

The minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated and can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer to PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.


All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Report Update

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.5
Fixed formatting issues in the Office Visit Clinic Log report: added missing spaces in PDF labels and removed extra spaces in HTML labels.


Elementary Report Card 1-6 Performance Improvement

Elementary Report Cards (1-6) - GradeBook: Version 6.1

We have optimized the back-end systems to enhance the performance of the Elementary Report Card 1-6 when run for All students in a school.


Elementary Report Card 7-8 Performance Improvement

Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook: Version 6.8

We have optimized the back-end systems to enhance the performance of the Elementary Report Card 7-8.


Enhanced UI Updates for School Management Pages

Updates are made for province specific school management pages to conform with the standard enhanced user experience.


Enhanced UI Updates for Staff Pages

Updates are made for province specific staff pages to conform with the standard enhanced UI user experience.


EQAO - PIRLS - 2024-2025 Ministry Updates

EQAO Extracts: Version 7.5

EQAO PIRLS Extract has been updated with the latest ministry updates. A new field, IPRC Exceptionalities is added replacing the 12 IPRC fields, the LearningFormat field is also added and ESL/ELD field is renamed to LanguageLearner.


EQAO Extracts - OSSLT - 2024-2025 Ministry updates

EQAO Extracts: Version 7.5

EQAO OSSLT Extract has been updated with the latest ministry updates. Removed columns SpecProvBreaks, AccBreaks, and AccBraille.


IILE Details and Summary Reports Campus Number Not Matched

International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Summary Report: Version 2.4

The campus number field is enhanced to print full campus number if greater than 10 characters.


OnSIS Night and ECPP Extract Mature Student Flag from Snapshot Record

OnSIS ECPP Submission: Version 5.4
OnSIS Night School Submission: Version 11.2

The reports have been updated to report the student Mature flag from the OnSIS snapshot record beginning 2023-2024 submission onwards. If the student snapshot record does not exist for the count date, the report will use the mature flag from the student record.


OnSIS Secondary Submission – Removed BEM1O/BEP2O from the Course Repeat Logic Used by the Report

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 20.2

As per the ministry guidelines, BEM1O and BEP2O courses are not a repeat of each other. The course repeat logic used by the report has been enhanced to exclude BEM1O, and BEP2O courses from being classified as repeats of each other.


Remove BEM1O/BEP2O from the Course Repeat Logic Function

Ontario Student Status: Version 9.2
Ontario Student Transcript: Version 8.7
Potential Ontario Scholars: Version 3.5
Secondary Report Cards - GradeBook: Version 7.5
OCAS - Electronic Transcript: Version 2.8
OCAS Transmission: Version 9.3
OSSD Diploma Date Calculations: Version 2.5
OUAC Transmission: Version 9.5
Specialist High Skills Major Record: Version 4.4

As per the ministry guidelines, BEM1O and BEP2O courses are not a repeat of each other. The course repeat function used by the reports contained logic that mistakenly identified them as repeat versions of each other. The function logic has been enhanced to exclude BEM1O, and BEP2O courses from being classified as repeats of each other.

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