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Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Outcomes Import


This import reads a file provided by the ministry containing results from the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) for OSSLT. The import adds the outcomes to the StudentTestScores table for the corresponding French or English OSSLT tests. The import also creates a result page, saved for subsequent viewing on the OSSLT Outcomes Import Results page.

Selection Criteria

This import has no specified selection criteria.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



File To Import

Click the Browse button and navigate to and select the file provided by the ministry. Required.

Test Date

The specified date is used as the test date when creating OSSLT test history records. This date should be within the start and end dates of the school year.

Import Process

When an OSSLT import occurs, the selected file is read by PowerSchool and values are extracted from the file. This includes:

The first line of the file is treated as the header of the file. Data is examined for the following import fields. File is expected to be comma delimited text file and fields be in the following order:

Data Element




The Ontario Education Number of the student.



The language of the test. ( 1 for OSSLT-E and 2 for OSSLT-F)



[Schools]Alternate_School_Number if blank [Schools]School_Number



The outcome the student received on the OSSLT



The date of the test, YYYYMMDD



  • A check for tests named ‘OSSLT-E’ and ‘OSSLT-F’ is performed. If they do not exist within PowerSchool, they are created.

  • A check for test scores named ‘Outcome’ for the two OSSLT tests is performed. If they do not exist within PowerSchool, they are created.

  • For each record in the imported file, the following occurs:

    • The corresponding student record is found, based on the StudentOEN (this will match the Students.State_StudentNumber value within PowerSchool). This is needed to determine the grade level for the StudentTestScore record, as well as the StudentID.

    • The corresponding school record is found, based on the SchoolMident (this will match either the Schools.Alternate_School_Number or Schools.School_Number value (if Schools.Alternate_School_Number= 0). This is needed to help determine the term id for the StudentTestScore record.

    • The corresponding termID is found, based on the SchoolMident and UpdateDate. The termID will be a year record for the selected school that contains the UpdateDate. 

    • The test (OSSLT-E or OSSLT-F) will be determined by the Language ( 1 for OSSLT-E and 2 for OSSLT-F)

    • Using all this data, a StudentTestScore record is created, with the AlphaScore value set to the imported OSSLTOutcome.

  • The results of the import (successes or failures) will be sent to the import log for later review. The results of the import log are discussed in the Import Results section.

  • Because the import may be performed for multiple schools, most results will only be available at the District Office level.

For Import Results, refer to Import Results.

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