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Provincial Reporting Release Notes



Release Note

PSSR-236507Elementary Report Cards: Print Special Comment as Mandated by the Ministry

Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook: Version 5.4
Elementary Report Cards (1-6) - GradeBook: Version 4.8

For the 2019-2020 Final Report Card only, the following comment is printed under the logo for both public and Catholic versions of the report "This report card is for a reporting period that included provincially-mandated school closure from March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2020."

PSSR-235727Enhance EXSMS-0003 SMS Student School Enrolment Import - Ministry Updates 2019-2020

The PAE import is updated to support the new Ministry layout for the EXSMS-003 School Enrollment file. A new field named Designated_School is added to the ON_School_Enrollments PAE table to be used for the designated school value from the EXSMS-003 PAE file.

PSSR-236508Kindergarten Communication of Learning: Print Special Comment as Mandated by the Ministry

Kindergarten Communication of Learning Report Card: Version 2.6

For the 2019-2020 Final Report Card only, the following comment is printed under the logo for both public and Catholic versions of the report: "This report card is for a reporting period that included provincially-mandated school closure from March 13, 2020 – June 30, 2020."

In addition, the first page of both report versions is updated to include the new logo.

PSSR-235507Ontario Student Transcript: Enhancement to Community Involvement N/A Flag

Ontario Student Transcript: Version 6.6
OCAS - Electronic Transcript: Version 1.4

The rules for the Community Involvement N/A Flag on the Ontario Student Transcript report are updated to check the flag for students who are not working towards OSSD or OSSD/SHSM diploma, as well as for student who earned their OSSD or OSSD/SHSM diploma on or after March 13 and the community hours earned to date are less than 40.

Also, to improve the performance of the Ontario Student Transcript report, extended schema fields are now used instead of custom fields.

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