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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


CHIRP – Ability To Publish and Request the Data in the 23–24 School Year

With this State Reporting Release, the ability to publish and request immunization data via the CHIRP profile is now available for the 2023-24 school year.


Fix for the Section 504 Plan field

With this State Reporting Release, the issue of data not getting synced to the Section 504 Plan (S_IN_STU_X.section_504_plan_tf) field and the export not working as expected has been resolved.


Minor Fixes on the General State Student Information Page

With this State Reporting Release, the below-mentioned fixes have been applied.

  • The Legal Prefix field is now getting copied over successfully.

  • The Teacher of Record field is now working correctly.


Minor Updates to the State Student Pages

With this State Reporting Release, the Real Time (RT) has been removed and the Access and Accountable School fields have been moved to the Membership tab (ME).


Updates to the Accommodations Page and the Publishing

With this State Reporting Release, the below-mentioned updates have been applied to the Accommodations page and the publishing:

  • If IAM Test Taker is Yes, then all the ILEARN Testing Subjects are set to No.

  • Automatic publishing is now enabled for the fields associated with ILEARN Testing Subjects and the IAM Test Taker.


Missing Staff Classification Values if the Unique ID Service Is Disabled

An issue was found, in which the Staff Classification dropdown values went missing if the Unique ID Service option is disabled. With this State Reporting Release, this issue has been resolved.


Ability to Publish the Summer Transcript Data

With this State Reporting Release, the ability to publish the Summer Course Transcript data is now available. The guide will be updated soon.

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