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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-227948Additional Information (DOE-AD) Report: Students Marked as (Y)Yes for Certain Fields are Reported Inconsistently

The following fields on the DOE-AD tab are updated to store a 1 for Yes and Null for No, as these are the values required to report a Y to the state:

  • Foster Care
  • Student of Active Duty Parent/Guardian
  • Unaccompanied Youth
PSSR-232743Course Completion (CC) Report and UI Update: New Course Completion Status code - (4) Incomplete

Course Completion (CC) Report: Version 3.0
The Course Completion Mapping page and the Course Completion (CC) Report are updated to accommodate the new (4) Incomplete status for Course Completion Status. A final grade that is mapped to a Grade Scale on the Course Completion Mapping page where the Course Completion Status is (4) Incomplete, now extracts a 4 for the Course Completion Status on the report.

PSSR-228490Ed-Fi Framework: Performance Improvement Update

Performance improvements are made to the publishing of data.

PSSR-230011Ed-Fi INSITE: Correct Dependency of Transcripts to improve performance

Internal logic has been updated allowing for improved performance for transcript dependencies.

PSSR-189033Ed-Fi INSITE: Support auto-map values for gradingPeriodDescriptors

Ed-Fi INSITE now supports auto-map values for gradingPeriodDescriptors.

PSSR-229512 Indiana DOE-RT Report Extract: Incorrectly Extracts Alternate School Number for Transferring School

Indiana DOE-RT Report Extract Version 2.9
When a student was transferred from one school to another, the report was incorrectly extracting the alternate school number for the transferring school, instead of the alternate school number for the school into which the student was being transferred. This issue is resolved and the correct alternate school number is now reported.

PSSR-165806Indiana Reports Are Updated to Support Removal of Extract Viewer Links

Extract viewer links are removed from the following reports:

  • DOE-EM
  • DOE-EV
  • DOE-IR
  • DOE-ME
  • DOE-RT
  • DOE-SE
  • DOE-TI
  • DOE-TR
PSSR-230386Real Time (DOE-RT) Records Not Sorted Correctly for Transferred Students

Real Time (DOE-RT) Report: Version 2.9
The Real Time report now sorts the withdrawal records for the previous school enrollment first, followed by the new school enrollment record.

PSSR-229861 Section 504 Plan - Updated Display Logic for Options

To provide additional clarity, the display logic for the Section 504 Plan options is updated. The new display logic follows the existing standard, where the value that is stored in the database is noted in parentheses.
Updated options:
() No
Note: The value stored in the database has not changed.

PSSR-232311Unable to Set Appropriate Page Permissions for IN State Reporting Fields on Log Entry Page

Page permissions for the Indiana State Reporting section of the Log Entry page are updated and now work as expected.

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