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School Calendar Setup

Indiana State Reporting Calendar Setup

This document explains the information needed for data collection and publishing of the Calendars and Calendar dates.

District Office

School calendar information was previously entered by hand via DOE Online. Starting this year, calendar information is published from the SIS via Ed-Fi. To facilitate this, a section is added to Schools/School Info under District Setup. Before entering school calendar information, you must set up Ed-Fi and download the State Codes (Descriptors). This is the first item on the Ed-Fi Dashboard, under ‘Download Data’. After verifying that the descriptors are downloaded, go to Schools/School Info under District Setup and select a school to add or edit its calendar data.

On the School Info page, scroll to the last header, Indiana School Calendar Information:

  • Choose a Calendar Type from the drop-down list. The calendar type should be appropriate to the type of school.

  • Select the Performance Qualified School checkbox if your school is Performance Qualified.

  • Select the Exclude School from Instructional Calendar checkbox. If multiple schools use the same state reporting School ID and this is not the main school (the school that would have completed this data online in the past).

  • Click Submit.

Create Calendar Membership Types for any calendar day type needed at any of your schools, then map the new calendar membership types to a state descriptor.

  1. At District Office, click District and then Calendar Membership Types.

  2. Click New to create a new Calendar Membership Type.

    1. Enter a unique Code value and description (any code value can be used).

  3. From the Ed-Fi Dashboard at the District Office, run a Download of Descriptors (State Codes) for the current school year.

  4. From District Office, click System, click Code Set Mappings (under Data Exchange), then select the Calendar Events code set for the IN DOE profile.

  5. Map the new codes to the state descriptors.

For a list of all calendar event codes, review the School Calendar Event Code List article.

School Setup (Each School)

When configuring a school's calendar to have the correct in-session days, bell schedule, and cycle days, populate the Type field to specify the 'type' of calendar day.

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