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This category captures overall cumulative academic information and course transcript grades. The Transcripts category includes the following data views and resources.

Districts can publish Student Resources on the basis of the current selection by selecting PUBLISH SELECTION - Publish records for current student selection. This option does not work if it is scheduled to run at a later time.

Academic Records

This data view represents a detailed list of studentAcademicRecords successfully published to the ODS, and represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student, and functions as the header record for the student Transcript category. The published view layout provides the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, STN Number, School Year, Grade Level, Store Code Term, Cumulative Earned Credits, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.


This resource represents the cumulative record of academic achievement for a student, and functions as the header record for the student's courseTranscript.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [Students]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).

  • The student must have at least one final stored grade record for the term where the section associated with the stored grades is not excluded from state reporting and the stored grades record is not excluded from the transcript.

  • The method credit earned type must be one of the below-mentioned values: Transfer Credit, Transfer Credit Out of State, or Transfer credit Homeschool.

  • Course Completion Mapping, Final Grade Mapping, and Course Grade Mapping must be updated.

  • Historical Grade must exist for the student in the current school year.

Resource Output

  • A separate studentAcademicRecord is published for each combination of student, school year, and term (derived from storecode).

  • The studentAcademicRecords resource is dependent on the prior publishing of Ed-Fi resources: students and studentSchoolAssociation.

  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS manually through Publish All / Publish Missing or by scheduling a time to publish ("Schedule" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


[Table]Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field



A reference to the related educationOrganization resource.



The education organization associated with the studentAcademicRecord.


Derived from:


If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then:




A reference to the related schoolYearType resource.



The school year associated with the studentAcademicRecord.


Derived from:

YearId for term selected in the PowerSchool UI



A reference to the related students resource.



The student associated with the studentAcademicRecord.





The name of the term associated with the studentAcademicRecord, for example, First semester, Second semester, Year long, Year Round (for Summer school).

The Year Term Academic Record is published if there is a graduation date between July 1st and June 30th of the current year, even when the student is not enrolled in a year-long class.


Derived from:






The description of grade point average whether Weighted and Unweighted. Even if Nonweighted is selected, it considered as Unweighted.





The average grade point value earned by student.


Fields are taken from Historical Grade page

For unweighted


Formula for Weighted



The cumulative number of credits an individual earns by completing courses or examinations during his or her enrollment in the current school as well as those credits transferred from schools in which the individual had been previously enrolled.


Sum of [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs for all final grade records for all school years in which the student was in grades 7 - 12 where the section and stored grade is not excluded from state reporting.

Calculated per term. Derived from:

Includes all schools attended during the term



The maximum grade point value that can be achieved. Default value is 4.0


If blank ,


Transcript Courses

This data view represents the final record of a student's performance in their courses at the end of a semester or school year. The published view layout provides the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, STN Number, Grade Level, Store Code Term, Final Letter Grade, Final Numeric Grade, Course Code, Section, Course Title, Teacher Name, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.

One transcript record for each unique combination of StudentId, state reporting SchoolId, TermId (term descriptor), and state reporting Course Code from final grades in StoredGrades.


This resource represents the final record of a student's performance in their courses at the end of a semester or school year.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • [Students]

  • [Courses]

  • [StoredGrades]

Selection Criteria

Records are published if the following criteria are met:

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The section associated with the stored grades must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The stored grades record must not be excluded from the transcript.

  • The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).

  • The Store Code for the grade must be a final grade code for the course term.

  • The CC records for section/courses must not be excluded from publishing.

  • The method credit earned type must be one of the below-mentioned values: Transfer Credit, Transfer Credit Out of State, or Transfer credit Homeschool.

  • Course Completion Mapping, Final Grade Mapping, and Course Grade Mapping must be updated.

  • Historical Grade must exist for the student in the current school year.

Resource Output

  • A separate courseTranscripts record is published for each student and each course attempt with a stored grades record that meets the required criteria.

  • A courseTranscript record is published for each unique State Course Code.

  • The courseTranscripts resource is dependent on the prior publishing of Ed-Fi resources: students, courses, and studentAcademicRecord.

  • LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS manually through Publish All / Publish Missing or by scheduling a time to publish ("Schedule" button).

Note: Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Data Element


[Table]Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field



A reference to the related course resource.



The district associated with the course.


Derived from:


If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then:




The actual code that identifies the organization of subject matter and related learning experiences provided for the instruction of students.





A reference to the related schools resource.



The school where the course was taught.


Derived from:


Transfer Courses: [StoredGrades]SchoolID



A reference to the related StudentAcademicRecord resource.



The student associated with the studentAcademicRecord.





The education organization associated with the studentAcademicRecord.


Derived from:


If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then:




The identifier for the school year.


Derived from:

YearId for term selected in the PowerSchool UI



The name of the term associated with the studentAcademicRecord, for example, First semester, Second semester, Year long, Summer school.

The Year Term Academic Record is published if there is a graduation date between July 1st and June 30th of the current year, even when the student is not enrolled in a year-long class.


Derived from:






The result from the student's attempt to take the course. The result type are Pass, Fail, Incomplete, In Progress, or No grade awarded.


  • If the course was dropped with negative TermId, then 'Incomplete'; otherwise In progress

    • If any section in the grouped course is Pass then publish Pass

    • If none passed but one is Fail then publish Fail

    • If none passed or failed and all are withdrawn then publish Incomplete

    • This field reports In Progess:

      • If a grade has not been entered for the stored grade record and the CC record is active

      • If the final grade mapping has not been set for the associated term with the stored grade and the CC record is active

      • If the course grade mapping/course completion mapping has not been set up for the associated grade scale and the CC record is active and

      • If CC exit date is before the current date then publish No grade awarded. If CC exit date is on or after the current date then publish In Progress. However,

  • If grade is blank, then 'In Progress', otherwise:

  • Value is derived from Course Completion Mappings in the District Setup

  • If mapping not provided, then:

    • If StoredGrade (SG) Percent > 70, then 'Pass'

    • If SG Grade = 'W', or 'I', or student dropped section, then 'Incomplete'

    • If SG PotentialCrHrs > 0 then

      • When EarnedCrHrs >= PotentialCrHrs, then 'Pass'

      • When EarnedCrHrs > 0 or Grade is blank or Percent = 0, then 'Incomplete'

      • Otherwise 'Fail'

    • If Grade is null and percent is null or 0, then 'Incomplete'

    • If Grade starts with 'F' then 'Fail'

    • If Grade's Grade scale GraduationCredit or IsProficient = 1, then 'Pass'

    • If Grade's Grade scale GraduationCredit = 0, then 'Fail'

    • if highest graduationcredit in gradescale where sg.percent >= cutoffpercentage = 0 then 'Fail'

    • Otherwise 'Pass'


Derived from:




The number of credits attempted for a course.


When [StoredGrades] is less than 7: '0'

Otherwise: [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs



The number of credits awarded or earned for the course. If a student has multiple earned credits for one or more courses with the same State Course Code in the same term, the sum of the earned credits is published.

If courseAttemptResultType is 'Incomplete' then this field is null.


When [StoredGrades]Grade_Level is less than 7: '0'

Otherwise: [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs



The state assigned two-digit number of the post-secondary institution from which the dual credit was received.



When Course (S_CRS_CC_X.Dual_Credit) and Section (S_SEC_CC_X.Dual_Credit) are set to Dual_Credit = "(Y) Yes" and have a final grade StoredGrade



The student's grade level at time of course.





The type of credits earned for the course.

If courseAttemptResultType is 'Incomplete' then this field is not published.


  • If StoredGrades Course_Credit_Basis = 'HighSchoolDualCredit' then 'Dual Credit', otherwise

  • If CC Dual_Credit = 'Y' then 'Dual Credit'; if not 'N' and Section Dual_Credit = 'Y' then 'Dual Credit'; if not 'N' and course dual_credit_yn = 'Y' then 'Dual Credit', otherwise

  • If CC applied_units = 'Y' then 'Applied Unit'; if not 'N' Section applied_units = 'Y' then 'Applied Unit'; if not 'N' and course applied_units = 'Y' then 'Applied Unit', otherwise...

  • Default to 'Regular Credit'



The final indicator of student performance in a class as submitted by the instructor. The final grade is published with a decimal and a zero (0) preceding or after the decimal if required. For example, 0.5, 1.0, or 2.5. If a student has multiple Final Grades in one or more courses with the same State Course Code in the same term, the average of the numeric grade is published.

If courseAttemptResultType is 'Incomplete' then this field is not published.


When [StoredGrades]Percent is greater than 0: [StoredGrades]Percent


When [StoredGrades]Grade is blank: '0'

If no grade mapping exists and the Grade Points value is more than 4, then 4 is published.



The method the student earned credit is displayed.

If all the referrencing Method Credit Earned fields are blank then the Classroom credit is pubished.






The descriptive name given to a course of study offered in a school or other institution or organization. In departmentalized classes at the elementary, secondary, and postsecondary levels (and for staff development activities), this refers to the name by which a course is identified (e.g., American History, English III). For elementary and other non-departmentalized classes, it refers to any portion of the instruction for which a grade or report is assigned (e.g., reading, composition, spelling, and language arts).





The descriptive name given to a course of study offered in the school, if different from the CourseTitle.


Populated from the first valid value.

If [StoredGrades]Course_Number does not equal [Sections]Course_Number (published course code): [Courses]Course_Name
where [Courses]Course_Number = [StoredGrades]Course_Number


If [StoredGrades]Course_Name does not equal [Sections]Course_Name: [StoredGrades]Course_Name



The local code assigned by the school that identifies the course offering, the code from an external educational organization, or other alternate course code.


Populated from the first valid value.

If [StoredGrades]Course_Number does not equal [Sections]Course_Number: [StoredGrades]Course_Number




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