District Setup
The following data elements are required for district setup.
On the Start Page, click the School link. The school list appears.
Choose District Office. The district Start Page appears.
Click District. The District Setup page appears.
Defining District Courses
Courses > Edit Course District Information
Courses > View Master Course List > New
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Alternate Course Number | Enter the alternate course number. This field is used to identify the subject code on the ECA Barcode labels as well as subject codes for the DOE-CP report. Valid values for the field may be found in the Subject Code List for DOE-CP, available from the state. The field must contain numeric values only. | [Courses]Alt_Course_Number | Max 12 | DOE_CP |
Course Name | Enter the course name. | [Courses]Course_Name | Max 40 | DOE_CP |
Course Number | The course number. | [Courses]Course_Number | Max 11 | DOE_CP |
Department | Enter the course department. | [Courses]Sched_department | Max 12 | DOE_CP |
Subject Area | Enter the subject area for this course. | [Courses]alt_subject_number | Max 10 | DOE_CP |
Eligible for HS Credit | Choose one of the following options:
| [S_IN_CRS_X]High_School_Credit | 1 | DOE-CC |
Exclude from CP/CC Report | Choose Yes to prevent this course from being extracted on the Course Completion (DOE-CC) and the Certified Positions (DOE-CP) extracts. No is the default. | [S_IN_CRS_X]Exclude_From_CPCC | DOE-CC DOE_CP | |
Dual Credit | Choose Yes if the student received both high school credit and post-secondary institution credit as a result of taking this course. Choose No if the student did not receive nor attempt to receive dual credit for this course. | [S_IN_CRS_X]Dual_Credit | 1 | DOE-CC |
Applied Units | An Applied Unit is an applied course that is tied to the IDOE course via alternate achievement standards or content connections and completed with the approved course description. Valid Values:
| [S_IN_CRS_X]Applied_Units | 1 | |
Post Secondary Institution | If the Dual Credit field equals Yes, enter the state-assigned number of the post-secondary institution from which the student received dual credit. Refer to the IDOE Web site for a list of valid post-secondary institution codes. | [S_SGR_X]Post_Secondary_Institution | 20 | DOE-CC |
District Information
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Name of District | Enter the district name. | [Prefs]Name=districtname [Prefs]Value | N/A | DOE_ISTEP DOE_PE DOE_STN DOE_AT DOE_TI DOE_CP CRDC Report |
District Number | Enter the district number. | [Prefs]Name=districtnumber [Prefs]Value | N/A | DOE_ISTEP DOE_PE DOE_STN DOE_AT DOE_TI DOE_LM DOE_CP |
State Information
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Publish Staff Type 2 ("Staff") in Ed-Fi | The checkbox is not selected by default.
| N/A | 1 |
Districts of Residence
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
District ID | Enter the four-digit number that follows the number 10 in the District Number. For example, if the District Number is 1078650000, then the District Id is 7865 (four digits after the number 10) When using sub-districts, enter the number that corresponds to the letter, A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc. This is field does not accept letters. Refer to Sub-District Setup. | Derived from: [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then: [CST_SubDistricts]Subdistrict_Number | DOE_ME | |
District Name | Enter the district name. | [Prefs]Name=districtname [Prefs]Value | N/A | DOE_ME |
Creating Exit Codes
Navigation: Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Code set | Select the Code set type. | [CODESET]CODETYPE=ExitCode | ||
Code | Enter the exit code. See the Appendix for valid values. | [CODESET]Code | 2 | Summer OASIS |
Display Value | Enter the code display value. | [CODESET]DisplayValue | ||
Description | Enter the exit code meaning. See the Appendix for valid values. | [CODESET]Description | N/A | Required Setup |
Sort Order | Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page. | [CODESET] UIDisplayOrder | N/A | |
Start Date | Enter a start date to activate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveStartDate | 8 | |
End Date | Enter an end date to inactivate this code. | [CODESET]EffectiveEndDate8 | 8 |
Defining Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings
Define federal ethnicity and race settings. Use these settings to define the sequence in which the federal race categories and race codes appear on the Demographics page, Student Selection > General Demographics.
For more information, see PowerSchool Help > System Help.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Ethnicity Decline to Specify | If your state allows the parent/guardian to decline to specify the student's ethnicity, select this option and enter the label you want to display on the Demographics page, Not used in state reporting. | N/A | 1 | N/A |
Race Decline to Specify | if your state allows the parent/guardian to decline to specify the student's race, select this option and enter the label you want to display on the Demographics page, Not used in state reporting. | N/A | 1 | N/A |
Federal Race Categories | For Sort, enter the order in which you want the federal race code checkboxes to display on the Demographics page. Refer to the Community article that explains how to set up the Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings. | N/A | 1 | DOE_STN |
District Race Codes | For Sort, enter the order in which you want the federal race code checkboxes to display on the Demographics page. | N/A | 1 | DOE_STN CRDC Report |
Creating Ethnicity Codes for Scheduling and Reporting
Define ethnicity codes for scheduling purposes. These codes are not used in state reporting. For more information, see PowerSchool Help.
Navigation: Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes > [New/Edit] Ethnicity Code
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Code | Enter the ethnicity code. | [Gen]Cat=ethnicity [Gen]Value | 1 | N/A |
Description | Enter the ethnicity description. | [Gen]Cat=ethnicity [Gen]Name | Max 50 | N/A |
Setting Up District Schools
Navigation: Schools/School Info > Edit School
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
School Name | Enter the school name. | [Schools]School_Name | Max 60 | DOE_ISTEP DOE_PE DOE_STN DOE_AT DOE_TI DOE_LM DOE_ES DOE_AD CRDC Report |
School Number | The school number. For public schools, the school number is preceded by the district number for reporting. | [Schools]School_Number | N/A | DOE_PE DOE_STN DOE_AT DOE_T DOE_LM DOE_GRI DOE_ES DOE_AD DOE_CP DOE_RT DOE_SE DOE-CC DOE_EM DOE-LE |
Alternate School Number | Enter the alternate school number. | [Schools]Alternate_School_Number | N/A | DOE_ME DOE_AT DOE_RT DOE_ES DOE_SE DOE_EM |
Exclude From State Reporting? | Select to exclude the school from state reporting. | [Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting | N/A | DOE_PE DOE_STN DOE_AT DOE_TI DOE_ES DOE_AD DOE_CP DOE-CC DOE-ME DOE-EM CRDC Report |
Grades | Enter the school grades (lowest-highest). See District Setup for valid values. | [Schools]Low_Grade [Schools]High_Grade | N/A | DOE_PE DOE_STN DOE_AT DOE_TI DOE_LM DOE_ES DOE_AD DOE_CP CRDC Report |
Private School Number | The Private School number is used only by non-public schools. A typical school number for non-public schools is a letter followed by 3 numbers. The letter is converted to a digit (A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4) and preceded by 100000 to form the state ID for reporting. | [S_IN_SCH_X]SchoolNumberPrefix | 4 | DOE_PE DOE_STN DOE_AT DOE_ME DOE_AT DOE_RT DOE-EM CRDC Report |
Eligible for HS Credit | Choose Yes to identify courses that are eligible for HS Credit. Use this option to set the default for each course offered at your school. You can override this default setting at the Course level, if applicable. For example, you can set this flag to No for an elementary school; there is usually no need to override any elementary courses to grant high school credit for those courses. At the middle school, you can set this flag to No, and then override the Eligible for HS Credit flag for the specific courses that qualify for HS credit. At the high school, you should set this flag to Yes. If applicable, you can override any courses that do not qualify for high school credit at the Course Level. | [S_IN_SCH_X]High_School_Credits_Earned | 1 | DOE-CC |
CHIRP School Code | Enter a CHIRP-specific school code. Only values of A-Z and 0-9 can be entered into this field. | [S_IN_SCH_X]CHIRP_School_Code | 50 | |
Restraint/Seclusion Plans URL | Enter the URL of the school's Restraint / Seclusion plan. | [S_SCH_X]RestraintSeclusionURL | 200 | Restraint/Seclusion Form |
Title 1 School | Select if enrolled in Title 1 program. This option is unchecked by default. | [S_IN_SCH_X]IsTitleISchool | 1 | |
Title I Instruction | Select all applicable Title I Instructions services. Hold the Control (CTRL) key on the keyboard to make multiple selections. Valid values:
This field appears if Title 1 School is selected. | [S_IN_SCH_X]Title_I_Instruction | 50 | |
Title I Support | Select all applicable Title I Support services. Hold the Control (CTRL) key on the keyboard to make multiple selections. Valid values:
This field appears if Title 1 School is selected. | [S_IN_SCH_X]Title_I_Support | 50 | |
Title I Extended Time | Select all applicable Title I Extended Time services. Hold the Control (CTRL) key on the keyboard to make multiple selections. Valid values:
This field appears if Title 1 School is selected. | [S_IN_SCH_X]Title_I_Extended_Time | 400 | |
Program Type | The type of Title 1 program:
| [S_IN_SCH_X]TitleI [S_IN_STU_X]ESEA_Title_I_Program | 1 | |
Minimum section enrollment days for Ed-Fi publishing | Enter the minimum days determined by the school district for a student's section enrollment to be published. StudentSectionAssociation, transcript Courses, and Academic records are not published if the student is enrolled less than the minimum days specified here. | [S_IN_SCH_X]MinSectionDays | 2 (max limit 30) | |
Exclude Student Email publishing for Grades | Select the required Grade Levels for which the Student Email has to be stopped from getting published via Student Demographics. The drop-down values depend on the Grades entered in the School Setup. | [S_IN_SCH_XExclude_stu_email_grade | 50 |
Indiana School Calendar Information
Navigation: District Setup> Schools/School Info > Edit School > Indiana School Calendar Information
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Calendar Type | Select the calendar type:
| [S_IN_SCH_X]CalendarType | ||
Schedule Type | Select the schedule type:
| [S_IN_SCH_X]ScheduleType | ||
Begin Time | Enter the usual start time of a school day in 24-hour HH:MM format. For example, 08:00. | [S_IN_SCH_X]BeginTime | ||
End Time | Enter the usual end time of a school day in 24-hour HH:MM format. For example, 13:00. | [S_IN_SCH_X]EndTime | ||
Non-Instructional Minutes | Enter the non-instructional minutes. For example, lunch, recess, etc. The non-instructional time cannot exceed 480 minutes. | [S_IN_SCH_X]NonInstructionalMinutes | ||
Instructional Time in Minutes | If this checkbox is selected then the Instructional Minutes field becomes mandatory. | [S_IN_SCH_X]IntructionalTimeInMinutes | ||
Total Waiver Days | Enter the total number of waiver days. | [S_IN_SCH_X]TotalWaiverDays | ||
Exclude From Inst Calendar | Check the box to exclude the school from the instructional calendar. | [S_IN_SCH_X]ExcludeFromInstCalendar | ||
Attendance Mode for Ed-Fi | To validate Ed-Fi attendance, choose the attendance records to be processed:
Refer to Recommended Attendance Setup. | [S_IN_SCH_X]EDFI_ATT_Mode |
Mapping Course Completion Status
Use Course Completion Mapping to map each PowerSchool grade to its respective state-required completion status. The mapped values are used to determine the state-required completion status that is extracted for publishing course trascript records.
Before generating the Course Completion report, you must map each unique grading scale used in your district/school.
Navigation: District Setup > Course Completion Mapping
To create a new record, follow these steps:
Navigate to District Setup > Course Completion Mapping. The Indiana Course Completion Mapping page appears.
Click Edit next to the applicable Grade Scale Name. The Indiana Grade Scale Course Completion Mapping page appears.
Click New. The New Mapping page appears.
If a mapping exists, the New button does not function as only one course completion mapping is allowed per grade scale. Use the Edit link to modify an existing mapping record.
In the From PowerSchool Grade column, use Ctrl+Click to select each PowerSchool letter grade that corresponds to the value in the State Value/Description column. For example, for Passing Grade you could select multiple grades ranging from A through D.
Repeat step 4 to map Failing Grades, No Grade Awarded, and Incomplete values.
When all state completion statuses are mapped, click Submit.
Course Completion Status:
1 = Passing Grade, 2 = Failing Grade, 3 = No Grade Awarded, 4 = Incomplete
Mapping Course Grades
Use Course Grade Mapping to map each PowerSchool grade to its respective course final grade (based on a 4-point scale). The mapped values are used to determine the grade that is extracted for publising course trascript records.
Before generating the Course Completion report, you must map each unique grading scale used in your district/school.
Navigation: District Setup > Course Grade Mapping
To create a new record, follow these steps:
Navigate to District Setup > Course Grade Mapping. The Indiana Course Grade Mapping page appears.
Click Edit next to the applicable Grade Scale Name. The Indiana Grade Scale Grade Mapping page appears.
Click New. The New Mapping page appears.
If a mapping exists, the New button does not function as only one course Grade mapping is allowed per grade scale. Use the Edit link to modify an existing mapping record.
In the From PowerSchool Grade column, use Ctrl+Click to select each PowerSchool letter grade that corresponds to the value in the State Value/Description column. For example, for 4.0 you could select multiple grades ranging from A+ through A-.
Repeat step 4 to map all applicable grades to state values.
When all state completion statuses are mapped, click Submit.
For Ed-Fi Publishing, all un-mapped grades on the Course Grade Mapping screen default to the Grade Scale - 'Grade Points (GPA)' value (as set on the District Office > Grade Scales screen)
Mapping Final Grades
Use Final Grade Mapping to map the PowerSchool store code and Term ID for each school in your district. The mapped values are used to determine the store code that is extracted for publising course trascript records for each class with that specific term length.
You must complete a Final Grade Mapping for each school in your district and for each term from which you wish to extract a store code that represents the Final Grade for that class. Complete this mapping before generating the IN DOE-CC report.
Navigation: District Setup > Final Grade Mapping
To create a Final Grade Mapping record:
Navigate to District Setup > Final Grade Mapping
Click Edit next to the School for which the mapping is being defined. Terms already defined displayed on the Indiana Final Grade Mapping page.
To edit a record, click the associated Edit link.
Click New. The New Final Grade Mapping Record page appears.
For PowerSchool Term, choose the term length for a course such as 20xx - 20xx for year-long courses or Semester 1 for first semester courses.
For Final Grade Store Code, enter the code (for example, S1) that identifies the set of final grades to be extracted for students who took a course in this term.
Enter the term's Completion Date (the term ending date).
Click Submit.
Repeat steps 3 to 7 for each term that has a grade awarded that should be reported to the state.
Reporting Year-Long Class Grades as Semester Grades
For those schools that need to report grades for a full-year course so that it is apparent that the grades are from different semesters, use the optional Course Length and PowerSchool Term Override fields on the Final Grade Mapping page.
To report grades for a full-year class that has two final grade store codes (S1 and S2), create two Final Grade Mapping records, one record for each semester:
For the Final Grade Mapping record for Semester 1 (which contains the PowerSchool Term for the full-year class and Store Code S1), enter a Completion Date that is the last date of Semester 1, set the optional field Course Length to "Semester", and set the optional field PowerSchool Term Override to "Semester 1".
For the Final Grade Mapping record for Semester 2 (which contains the PowerSchool Term for the full-year class and Store Code S2), enter a Completion Date that is the last date of Semester 2, set the optional field Course Length to "Semester", and set the optional field PowerSchool Term Override to "Semester 2".
To report year-long class grades as semester grades:
Navigate to District Setup > Final Grade Mapping
Click Edit next to the School for which the mapping will be defined.
Click New. The New Final Grade Mapping Record page appears.
Complete the following fields:
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
School Number | The school number. | [S_IN_Final_Grade_Mapping_S]SchoolID | 4 | DOE-CC DOE-LE |
PowerSchool Term | Choose the term of the year-long course; for example, 2019-2020. | [S_IN_Final_Grade_Mapping_S]TermID | 4 | DOE-CC |
Final Grade Store Code | Enter the code that has been set up to identify the set of grades to be extracted for any student that took the course in this term. For example, the store code used to indicate grades stored for Semester 1 may have been set up as "S1". | [S_IN_Final_Grade_Mapping_S]StoreCode | 2 | DOE-CC |
Completion Date | Enter the last date of attendance for this term (semester). | [S_IN_Final_Grade_Mapping_S]Completion_Date | 10 | DOE-CC |
5. Click Show next to Optional eTranscript Override Fields to display the following fields:
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Course Length | Choose Semester.. For further information, see Report Year-Long Class Grades as Semester Grades, above. | [S_IN_Final_Grade_Mapping_S]Course_Length | 30 | |
PowerSchool Term Override | Choose Semester 1 or Semester 2. For further information, see Report Year-Long Class Grades as Semester Grades, above. | [S_IN_Final_Grade_Mapping_S]TermID_Override | 11 |
Creating Discipline Incident Letter Templates
Start Page, District Setup, Discipline Incident Letters
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Letter Title | Enter the title of the letter. | [S_IM_LETTER_SETUP_S]Title | 2000 | Discipline Incident Letters |
School | Choose the name of the school from which the letter is being sent. | [S_IM_LETTER_SETUP_S]SchoolID | 11 | Discipline Incident Letters |
Incident Type | Choose the type of incident:
| [S_IM_LETTER_SETUP_S]IncidentType | 11 | Discipline Incident Letters |
Action Code | Choose the action code for the letter.
| [S_IM_LETTER_SETUP_S]ActionCode | 11 | Discipline Incident Letters |
Action Subcode | Choose the action subcode. The Action Subcode options change based on the Action Code. | [S_IM_LETTER_SETUP_S]ActionSubcode | 11 | Discipline Incident Letters |
Opening Paragraph | Enter the standard text for the opening paragraph of the letter. | [S_IM_LETTER_SETUP_S]OpeningParagraph | 4000 | Discipline Incident Letters |
Closing Paragraph | Enter the standard text for the closing paragraph of the letter. | [S_IM_LETTER_SETUP_S]ClosingParagraph | 4000 | Discipline Incident Letters |
Signature | Enter the signature for the letter. | [S_IM_LETTER_SETUP_S]Signature | 4000 | Discipline Incident Letters |
Set up Sub-Districts
Use the Sub-District Configuration page only if your organization runs a single version of PowerSchool with multiple districts. Create one sub-district record for each LEA on your server.
Enable Sub-District Configuration
Prior to creating sub-districts, sub-district functionality must be enabled.
Navigation: District Setup > Indiana Sub-District Information: Enable Sub-District Configuration
This link is only available if you have not enabled sub-district functionality. Once sub-districts are enabled, the Sub-District Configuration link will be available.
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Enable Sub-District Configuration | Select to turn on sub-district functionality. | [Prefs]PSSR_SubDistrict |
Configure Sub-Districts
Use the Sub-district Configuration only if your organization runs a single version of PowerSchool with multiple districts. You can use this option to create CST_Subdistricts and CST_SchoolSubDistricts database tables to store sub-district data.
District Setup > Indiana Sub-District Information: Sub-District Configuration > New Sub-District
District Setup > Indiana Sub-District Information: Sub-District Configuration > Edit
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
District Number | Enter the number assigned to this district by the state. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Number | N/A | |
Name | Enter the name of the district. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Name | N/A | |
Abbreviation | Enter an abbreviation to identify this district. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Abbr | N/A | |
Address | Enter the mailing street address for the district. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Address | N/A | |
City | Enter the city for the district's mailing address. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_City | N/A | |
State | Enter the two-digit state abbreviation for the district's mailing address. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_State | N/A | |
Zip Code | Enter the zip code for the district's mailing address. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_ZipCode | N/A | |
Phone Number | Enter the district's phone number with the area code. | [CST_SubDistrict]SubDistrict_Phone | N/A | |
Fax Number | Enter the district's fax number with the area code. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Fax | N/A | |
Superintendent | Enter the name of the district's superintendent. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Superintendent | N/A | |
Superintendent Phone Number | Enter the district superintendent's phone number with the area code. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Superintendent_Phn | N/A | |
Superintendent Fax Number | Enter the district superintendent's fax number with the area code. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Superintendent_Fax | N/A | |
Superintendent Email | Enter the district superintendent's email address. | [CST_Subdistricts]SubDistrict_Superintendent_Eml | N/A | |
Schools | In the Available Schools list, click to select each school in the list that belongs to this district. Click the Right Arrow button to move the schools to the Assigned Schools list. | [CST_SchoolSubDistricts]SchoolID [CST_SchoolSubDistricts]SubdistrictID | N/A |
Cohorts Setup
Enter Cohort details to report Ed-Fi details.
Classic Interface: Start Page > District Setup > Scroll down to Indiana State Information
Enhanced Interface: Start Page > District Management > More
Data Element | Additional Information | [Table]Field Name | Length | Used in these Reports |
Cohort | Enter a name for the Cohort. | [S_IN_COHORTS_SETUP]CohortName | 20 | |
School | Choose the school to which the cohort is added. | [S_IN_COHORTS_SETUP]SchoolID | ||
Cohort Type | Choose the type of Cohort. The displayed values are retrieved from the associated Cohort. | [S_IN_COHORTS_SETUP]CohortType | 310 | |
Cohort Scope | Choose the scope of the Cohort. The displayed values are retrieved from the associated Cohort. | [S_IN_COHORTS_SETUP]CohortScope | 310 | |
Active | Select to indicate that a Cohort is active. This field is selected by default. | [S_IN_COHORTS_SETUP]CohortActive | 1 | |
Exclude from Publishing | Select to exclude the Cohort from publishing. | [S_IN_COHORTS_SETUP]CohortExcludePublishing | 1 |