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Overview of 2023-2024 Changes

This page discusses 2023-2024 Ed-Fi publishing changes and data collection. This is a high-level summary, with links to more detailed information if needed.

Summary of Changes

With the State Reporting Release, a new Data Exchange Profile for the school year 2023-2024 has been made available.

  • Refer to the Data Exchange Setup walkthrough in the Quick Reference section of the Ed-Fi Indiana Specific Resources.

  • With the State Reporting Update, we will be rolling over the DEX key and secret key for all the instances and we will be seeding the Data Exchange and Authentication URLs.

  • With the State Reporting Update, if a staff assignment record has no end date then we are updating the Begin Date of the Staff Assignment Records to 15th July 2023.

  • For the new IN DOE 6 profile, Districts will have to complete all the code set mappings for the 23-24 school year.

Major Updates

Data Exchange Dashboard Changes

  • The Data Exchange dashboard has been updated with the below-mentioned modifications.

    • The Dashboard has now been divided into different sections for better usability. The sections are:

      • Download Data (Existing): Download section for the Descriptors, Organization Directory, State Courses, State Programs, and Assessment Accommodation descriptors.

      • Publish Organization Data:

        • Setup: Includes Locations (Rooms) and Periods.

        • Calendars: Includes Calendars, Calendar Dates, Sessions (Terms), and Grading Periods.

        • Schedules: Includes Course Offerings and Sections.

      • Publish Student Data:

        • Identification: Includes Students' data.

        • Enrollment: Includes Student School Association, Student Education Organization Responsibility Association, and Student Education Organization Assessment Accommodations.

        • Demographics: Includes Student Education Organization Association.

        • Section: Includes Students' Sections' data in which they are enrolled.

        • Programs: Includes all of the Students' Programs' data.

        • Contacts: Includes Students' Parents' data.

        • Discipline: Includes Students' Discipline data which contains the Discipline Incident, Discipline Behavior, and Discipline Action resources.

      • Publish Staff Data:

        • Demographics: Includes Staff’s Demographics data.

        • Associations: Includes Staff’s Contacts and Assignment Records.

        • Sections: Includes Staff’s sections data in which they are scheduled.

      • Publish Attendance and Transcript:

        • Attendance: Includes Students’ Attendance data.

        • Transcript: Includes Students' Academic and the Course Transcripts Records.

The ability to publish the student resources based on student selection from the start page is now available. An option called Publish Selection is now available for all the Resources under the Publish Student Data and the Publish Attendance and Transcript Sections. Furthermore, Publish Selection option is now available for the whole section as well.

Calendar Changes

All existing publishing logic for the calendars remains the same, except the below-mentioned elements have been removed from the publishing of the Calendar Resource

  • ScheduleDescriptor

  • BeginTime

  • EndTime

  • NonInstructionalMinutes

  • TotalWaiverDays

As Schedule Descriptor is not required and will not get published for the 23-24 session and onwards, the Schedule Type field has been hidden from the Schools/School Info page for years 23-24 and onwards.

Code Set Mapping for Term Types

Code Set Mapping for Term Types is now available and mapping the Term Types will be mandatory for the Districts to be able to publish the Organization Calendars. The term types which will not get mapped will not get published to the State.

Student Updates

The below-mentioned updates are now available to the Students' data as per the updated Indiana DOE guidelines.

Students Changes

  • The Students Resource will only contain the students' identification information, which contains:

    • Student Unique ID

    • First Name

    • Middle Name

    • Last Surname

    • Suffix

    • Birth Country

    • Birth Date

    • Gender/Sex

The Student's data aka the Students' Identification data will always get published as long as they have all the above-mentioned data filled in and the student is not excluded from the State Reporting.

Student Demographics Changes

  • Students Demographics data previously got published under Students resource, will now be get published by the StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation. And, the resource will have the below-mentioned data elements:

    • addressTypeDescriptor

    • apartmentRoomSuiteNumber

    • streetNumberName

    • City

    • stateAbbreviationDescriptor

    • postalCode

    • nameOfCounty

    • Address Begin Date

    • Address End Date

    • electronicMailTypeDescriptor

    • electroncMailAddress

    • limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor

    • hispanicLatinoEthnicity

    • languageDescriptor

    • uses/languageUseDescriptor

    • raceDescriptor

    • sexDescriptor

    • ellInstrumentUsedDescriptor

    • usInitialSchoolEntry

Student Demographics will get published in all the scenarios. As long as the above-mentioned data elements are filled in the resource will get published and the publishing of the demographics data is not dependent on the Primary School Of Enrollment Flag anymore.

Responsible Organization Changes

The publishing logic and the data elements for the Responsible Organization data remain the same and the only difference is that the Resource has been renamed to StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociation.

Assessment Accommodations Changes

The publishing logic and the data elements for the Assessment Accommodations data remain the same and the only difference is that now multiple options for all 6 testing subjects for ILEARN are available under Testing Information. Districts will now have the ability to choose the testing subjects for which the ILEARN data must get published. The existing checks for the Grade Levels remain the same.

Students Discipline Data

Starting the 2023-24 school year, the Students' Discipline Data will get published to the State ODS via Data Exchange. And, to accomplish this we have shifted from Log Entries to Incident Management. Please refer to the full guidance below:

Special Education Program Publishing Updates

  • We have added a new dropdown field called School to the New/Edit Special Education Program Page.

  • Using this School field, Admins will be able to choose the School for which the Special Education Program Record must get published.

  • The rest of the publishing logic for the Special Education Program records remain the same except that the dependency from the Student School Association Records has been removed and if a student switches school within the District or outside the District in case of Districts with a Sub-District Setup, a new record for the Special Education Program must get created for it to get published to the State.

Minor Updates:

  • Post Secondary Institution has been removed from the Course Offerings.

  • For all the required resources, the element Term ID has been replaced by Session Name.

  • The below-mentioned elements will not get published with the Course Transcript Resource anymore:

    • Classroom Identification Code

    • Class Period Name

    • Sequence Of Course

Coming Soon

  • Ability to store Multi-Lingual Learner historical data.

  • Missing data views for Student Accommodations and Student Programs.

  • Publishing of Summer Course Transcripts data and the Course Transcripts Transfer Credits.

  • Publishing of Expelled Attendance Records.

  • Quick Discipline Incident templates.

  • Validation Report for Incident Management.

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