Student Programs
This category captures student associations and data related to programs and includes the following data views and resources
Districts can publish Student Resources on the basis of the current selection by selecting PUBLISH SELECTION - Publish records for current student selection. This option does not work if it is scheduled to run at a later time.
This data view represents the program(s) that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, STN Number, Grade Level, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.
The following Program Types are currently published for Indiana Ed-Fi:
Curricular Materials Reimbursement (Textbook)
Multilingual Learners (Language Minority)
School Food Services (Free / Reduced Price meals)
Virtual Education
Special Education
Special Education - Choice Voucher
Section 504
High Ability Program
Parent in Military
Unaccompanied Youth
Title I
Alternative Education
Refugee Program
Foreign Exchange Program
Districts are only required to update end date for the Special Education Program records. For the other program records if the end date is left blank the records will continue to publish for students with their respective school enrollment records with the required begin, end dates, and the school ID.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real-time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | Derived from: [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then: [CST_SubDistricts]Subdistrict_Number | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | Derived from: [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then: [CST_SubDistricts]Subdistrict_Number | R |
/type | ProgramType - The type of program. | String | [CST_PubProgram]Type | R |
/name | The formal name of the program of instruction, training, services, or benefits available through federal, state, or local agencies. | String | [CST_PubProgram]Name | R |
studentReference A reference to the related students resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year on which the Student first received services. | Date | [ReEnrollments]EntryDate where [ReEnrollments]EntryDate fall between the first day and last day of term record for school, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is empty, or [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is less than [ReEnrollments]ExitDate and the first day of the term is less than [ReEnrollments]Exit Date. Otherwise: [Students]EntryDate, if populated. Otherwise: [Terms]FirstDay | R |
High Ability Program
This data view represents the High Ability program that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
If a student is enrolled in multiple schools within the date range of his or her High Ability program record, a separate Student Programs record is published for each school, with start and end dates reflecting each school's enrollment.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student has an active High Ability status for the current year.
The most recent High Ability start date is prior to the end of the school year (June 30th) and the end date is null or after the start of the school year (July 1st)
If the student's High Ability dates include enrollments at multiple schools, separate records are published for each school using enrollment entry and exit dates.
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real-time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year of the latest High Ability services that Student received or the first enrollment for the school year in the district. If the most recent record has an end date that is prior to the start of the selected year, then the record is not published. | Date | [S_IN_STU_HIGH_ABILITY_C]StartDate [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program during current year or stopped receiving High Ability services. Not published for end of year | Date | [S_IN_STU_HIGH_ABILITY_C]enddate, [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | N |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | Derived from: [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then: [CST_SubDistricts]Subdistrict_Number | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | Derived from: [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then: [CST_SubDistricts]Subdistrict_Number | R |
/programName | The name of the High Ability program. Valid values: 1 - General Intellectual 2 - High Ability Math 3 - High Ability Language Arts 4 - High Ability Other | String | [S_IN_STU_HIGH_ABILITY_C]HighAbility | R |
/programType | High Ability | String | High Ability | R |
reasonExitedDescriptor | The reason the child left the program within the district. This field is included if the end date is published. Valid values:
| O | ||
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Virtual Education Student Programs
This data view represents the virtual education programs that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
'Virtual Education' or 'Virtual Due to COVID-19' publish without error for students where the 'Virtual Student' flag is set to 'Y' or 'C', respectively.
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | Derived from: [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then: [CST_SubDistricts]Subdistrict_Number | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/type | ProgramType - The type of program. | String | Virtual Education | R |
/name | Program Name - Virtual Education Y = Virtual Education C = Virtual Due to COVID-19 | String | [S_STU_X]VirtualStudent | R |
studentReference A reference to the related students resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year on which the Student first received services. | Date | Populates the most recent date from: [Students]EntryDate or the first day of the school year | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year of the first day after the date of an individual's last attendance at a campus (if known), the day on which an individual graduated, or the date on which it becomes known officially that an individual left school. | Date | The last in-session date prior to [Students]ExitDate | R |
Section 504 Programs
This data view represents Section 504 programs that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
If a student is enrolled in multiple schools within the date range of his or her Section 504 record, a separate Student Programs record is published for each school, with start and end dates reflecting each school's enrollment.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student has an active 504 status for the current year.
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received 504 services. | Date | [S_STU_X_504]startdate, [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving 504 services. Future dates are not published. | Date | [S_STU_X_504]enddate, [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | N |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | Derived from: If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then: | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/programName | Name of the 504 program. | String | Section 504 Placement | R |
/programType | Type of 504 program. | String | Section 504 Placement | R |
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Unaccompanied Youth Program
This data view represents the Unaccompanied Youth program that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
If a student is enrolled in multiple schools within the date range of his or her Unaccompanied Youth program record, a separate Student Programs record is published for each school, with start and end dates reflecting each school's enrollment.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student has an active Unaccompanied Youth status for the current year.
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received Unaccompanied Youth services. | Date | [S_IN_STU_UNACCOMPANIED_YOUTH_C]StartDate [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving Unaccompanied Youth services. Future dates are not published. | Date | [S_IN_STU_UNACCOMPANIED_YOUTH_C]enddate, [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | N |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | Derived from: If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then: | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/programName | Unaccompanied Youth | String | Unaccompanied Youth | R |
/programType | Unaccompanied Youth | String | Unaccompanied Youth | R |
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Foster Care Programs
This data view represents Fost Care programs that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
If a student is enrolled in multiple schools within the date range of his or her Foster Care Program record, a separate Student Programs record is published for each school, with start and end dates reflecting each school's enrollment.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student is in foster care in the current year.
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received Foster Care program services. | Date | [S_IN_STU_Foster_Care_C]startdate [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving Foster Care program services. Future dates are not published. | Date | [S_IN_STU_Foster_Care_C]enddate [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | N |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | Current enrollment schoolid (normally [Students]schoolid,[ReEnrollments]schoolid, or Access school override) | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/programName | Foster Care | String | Foster Care | R |
/programType | Foster Care | String | Foster Care | R |
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Homeless Program
This data view represents the Homeless program that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
If a student is enrolled in multiple schools within the date range of his or her Homeless Program record, a separate Student Programs record is published for each school, with start and end dates reflecting each school's enrollment.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student is in the Homeless program for the current year.
The Homeless start date is prior to the end of the school year (June 30th) and the end date is null or after the start of the school year (July 1st).
If the student's Homeless dates include enrollments at multiple schools, separate records are published for each school using enrollment entry and exit dates.
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received Foster Care program services. | Date | [S_IN_STU_HOMELESS_C]StartDate [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving Homeless program services. Future dates are not published. | Date | [S_IN_STU_HOMELESS_C]enddate [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | N |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | current enrollment schoolid (normally [Students]schoolid,[ReEnrollments]schoolid, or Access school override) | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/programName | The Homeless program type. Valid values:
| String | [S_IN_STU_HOMELESS_C]PrimaryNighttimeResidence | R |
/programType | Homeless | String | Homeless | R |
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school. | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Homebound Program
This data view represents the Homebound program that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
If a student is enrolled in multiple schools within the date range of his or her Homebound record, a separate Student Programs record is published for each school, with start and end dates reflecting each school's enrollment.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student's Homebound status is active for the current year.
The Homebound startdate is prior to the end of the school year (June 30th) and the end date null or after the start of the school year (July 1st).
If student's Homebound dates include enrollments at multiple schools, separate records are published for each school using enrollment entry and exit dates.
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received Homebound program services. | Date | [S_IN_STU_Homebound_C]StartDate [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving Homebound program services. Future dates are not published. | Date | [S_IN_STU_Homebound_C]enddate [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | N |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | current enrollment schoolid (normally [Students]schoolid,[ReEnrollments]schoolid, or Access school override) | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/programName | Homebound/Hospitalized | String | Homebound/Hospitalized | R |
/programType | Homebound | String | Homebound | R |
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school. | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Parent in Military Programs
This data view represents Parent In Military programs that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
If a student is enrolled in multiple schools within the date range of his or her Parent in Military Programs record, a separate Student Programs record is published for each school, with start and end dates reflecting each school's enrollment.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student has a parent in the military for the current year.
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received Parent in Military program services. | Date | [S_IN_STU_Active_Duty_C ]startdate [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving Parent in Military program services. Future dates are not published. | Date | [S_IN_STU_Active_Duty_C ]enddate, [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | N |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | current enrollment schoolid (normally [Students]schoolid,[ReEnrollments]schoolid, or Access school override) | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/programName | Parent in Military | String | Parent in Military | R |
/programType | Parent in Military | String | Parent in Military | R |
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Multilingual Learner Programs
This data view represents Parent In Military programs that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The Instructional_Program is not null.
Record is active during current year and [S_IN_STU_LM_C]enddate is null or prior to July 1st.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student has a parent in the military for the current year.
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
For program spanning multiple schools, begin date will be the same.
For different programs a separate record is published with its begin date.
If student changes program during the year and has multiple enrollments:
Each program is published for each of the enrollments during when it was valid.
The end date and code 99 are published only for the schools the student was enrolled in when the program change happened.
Example: If a student is enrolled in School 1 to the ELL program Content-based ESL and moves to School 2, while at School 2 changes to Dual Language/Immersion, then the District would end-date first program record and create new program record, and if student later moves to School 3.
School 1 and School 2 publish Content-based ESL with the same begin date, School 1 record does not have exit date, School 2 record has exit date with code 99. School 2 and School 3 publish Dual Language/Immersion with the same begin date.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received Parent in Military program services. | Date | [S_IN_STU_Active_Duty_C ]startdate [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving Parent in Military program services. Future dates are not published. | Date | [S_IN_STU_Active_Duty_C ]enddate, [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | N |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | Derived from: [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then: [CST_SubDistricts]Subdistrict_Number | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | Derived from: [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber If subdistricts are configured ([Prefs]Value = '1' where name = 'PSSR_SubDistrict'), then: [CST_SubDistricts]Subdistrict_Number | R |
/programName | The latest insructional program based on the program end date. | String | [S_IN_STU_LM_C]Instructional_Program | R |
/programType | Multilingual Learners | String | Multilingual Learners | R |
reasonExitedDescriptor | The reason the student left the program within the district. This element is required if the student exited the program. Valid values:
| C | ||
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Student Special Ed Programs
This data view represents the special education program(s) that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, STN Number, Grade Level, Program Name, Entry Date, End Date, Reason Exited, Special Education Setting, Last Publish Date, Publishing ID, and Resource ID.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
Student is enrolled in the current year.
The start date of the reocrd is at least one day earlier than the end date of the current school year. RECENT UPDATE
The end date must be between July 1 and start date of the current school year
Student is not excluded from Ed-Fi reporting.
Special Education must be set to Yes or the student has an active S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C record:
[S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]BeginDate must be before the end of the selected school year (June 30th).
[S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateOfTermination must be null or after the start of selected school year (July 1st).
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student has a program record for Special Education program where the begin date falls with the year for the Term selected in the PowerSchool UI.
IEP review date must in the current year.
If SPED Placement is 58 and parental consent date is in the current school year and IEP review date is null or in the future then the record is published.
If SPED Placement is 58 and parental consent date is in the current school year and the IEP review date is in the upcoming school year then the record is published with no active enrollment, even if the Evaluation Record’s Parental consent date is in the previous school year.
For multiple school enrollments:
Separate record is published for each school enrollment where services were provided
Previous record must have a termination date and reason for termination - usually '99' for students continuing in SPED
Subsequent record must have begin date (dependency)
If the student selection criteria are met and Publish SPED Student with no active enrollment is selected then the SSA and the SPED record with previous no-show enrollment record or summer withdrawal will be published.
Resource Output
The studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: studentSchoolAssociations.
If Special Education is set to Yes but student does not have an active S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C record then a minimal record is published:
BeginDate is the earliest enrollment in the district for selected year (current INSite)
EndDate and Reason Exited are blank, and not published
SpecialEducationSetting descriptor is blank, and not published
ideaEligibility is blank, and not published
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | If [S_IN_STU_X]Access_School and [S_IN_REN_X]Access_School are not blank and the Primary Enrollment flag is false then it is [S_IN_STU_X]Access_Schooll, otherwise, enrolled schoolId | |
studentReference A reference to the related students resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year on which the student first received services. | Date | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]BeginDate, if populated, or S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ParentalConsentDate with program name, 'Undefined', if populated If neither of the above values is populated, the record does not publish. Instead, it will show with a dependency due to a missing begin date, unless student is Choice Voucher | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year on which the student exited the program or stopped receiving services | Date | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateOfTermination Where [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateOfTermination is less than the earliest date from [ReEnrollments]EntryDate where [ReEnrollments]EntryDate fall between the first day and last day of term record for school, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is empty, or [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is less than [ReEnrollments]ExitDate and the first day of the term is less than [ReEnrollments]Exit Date. Or [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateOfTermination is earlier than [Students]EntryDate Or [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateOfTermination is earlier than [Terms]FirstDay And [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ReasonForTermination has a value of 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 | O |
educationOrganizationId | The name of the school that where student is enrolled in the Special Education program during the enrollment. | String | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]SchoolID | |
programReference A reference to the related programs resource. | ||||
/educationOrganizationID | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/name | The name of the Special Education program. | String | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]SpecialEdPlacement | R |
/type | Special Education | Type | Special Education | R |
reasonExitedDescriptor | The reason the child left the program within a school or district. Valid values:
This element is required if the student exited the program. | Descriptor | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ReasonForTermination Where [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateOfTermination is less than the earliest date from [ReEnrollments]EntryDate where [ReEnrollments]EntryDate fall between the first day and last day of term record for school, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is empty, or [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is less than [ReEnrollments]ExitDate and the first day of the term is less than [ReEnrollments]Exit Date. Or [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateOfTermination is less than [Students]EntryDate Or [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]DateOfTermination is less than [Terms]FirstDay And [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ReasonForTermination has a value of 1, 11-17, 99 | O |
ideaEligibility | The selection is based on the student's eligibility for Special Education. Valid values:
| Integer | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C ]StudentEligibility | IN |
iepReviewDate | The initial evaluation date. | Date | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]IEPReviewDate | IN |
lastEvaluationDate | The most recent evaluation date. | Date | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]LastEvaluationDate | IN |
specialEducationSettingDescriptor | If the student receives special education services from the public school district but is located in a facility that is not considered a public school or charter school, choose the application location code. | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C ]SpecialEducationLocation If 38 then 'Parentally-placed in Private Schools' (same as 56) If the code is 99, this field does not publish (same as 58) | IN | |
IN extensions | IN | |||
/disabilities | N | |||
/disabilityDescriptor | The exceptionality area that best describes student's exceptionality. | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C ]ExceptionalityPrimary [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C ]ExceptionalitySecondary | C | |
/orderOfDisability | Primary or Secondary Exceptionality. Valid values:
| C | ||
/firstStepsTransitionDate | The date the special education services started for the student transitioning from First Step. This field is blank if the Circumstances Relevant to Timeline selection is '3 - Preparation for transfer from First Steps'. | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]FirstStepsTransitionDate | ||
/parentalConsentDate | The date the parent provided written consent for the initial evaluation, the date the student transferred from another school during an evaluation, or the date that the student was referred to the school from First Steps. | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C]ParentalConsentDate | ||
/SpecialEducationEvaluationTimelineDescriptor | The circumstance that is relevant to the evaluation timeline. | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C ]TimelineCircumstances | ||
/TimelineComplianceDescriptor | The reason deadline was missed or services did not begin. | [S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C ]TimelineCompliance |
Title I Programs
This data view represents Parent In Military programs that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
If a student is enrolled in multiple schools within the date range of his or her Parent in Military Programs record, a separate Student Programs record is published for each school, with start and end dates reflecting each school's enrollment.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting and Ed-Fi publishing.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student's Title I program is active for the current year.
The Title I start date is prior to the end of the school year (June 30th) and the end date is null or after the start of the school year (July 1st).
The student must belong to a public school.
If student's Title dates include enrollments at multiple schools, separate records are published for each school using enrollment entry and exit dates.
If the Title I record was valid during all enrollments, the published records are identical except for the beginDate and schoolId
If the Title I beginDate is after the end of enrollment, it should not be published for that enrollment
If a Title I record has an end date, it is not published for enrollments starting after the end date
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received Title I program services. | Date | [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C]startdate [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving Title I program services. Future dates are not published. | Date | [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C]enddate, [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | N |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | If [S_IN_STU_X]Access_School and [S_IN_REN_X]Access_School are not blank and the Primary Enrollment flag is false then it is [S_IN_STU_X]Access_Schooll, otherwise, enrolled schoolId | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/programName | Name of the Title I program. | String | If [S_IN_SCH_X]TitleISchool = 0 or blank then derived from [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C][S_IN_STU_X]ESEA_Title_I_Program: If [S_IN_SCH_X]TitleISchool= 1 then derived from xtsch.Title_I_Program: | R |
/programType | Type of Title I program. | String | If [S_IN_SCH_X]IsTitleISchool = 0 or blank then derived from [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C]ESEA_Title_I_Program: - if 6 then Title I Part D Subpart 1&2 (need to use character code for '&') - if 1 then Title I Part A - if 3 then Title I Part A and Migrant Title I Part C If [S_IN_SCH_X]IsTitleISchool = 1 then derived from [S_IN_SCH_X]Title_I_Program: - if 1 then Title I Part A - if 3 then Title I Part A and Migrant Title I Part C | R |
reasonExitedDescriptor | The reason the student left the program within a school or district. This element is required if the student exited the program. Valid values:
| String | Publish End if Year (EOY) if the system date is on or after the end of school year term and [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C]EndDate is blank or [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C]EndDate is on or after the end of school year term. Publish '99' if [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C]EndDate is earlier than the end of school year term and [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C]EndDate is before the published enrollment date at school. | C |
titleIPartAParticipantType | Eligible | Y | Only 1 descriptor defined, if student is ineligible, does not have Title I program record | R |
services | ||||
/serviceDescriptor | The Title I service, Instructional, Support, and Extended Time. Valid values:
| Include all selections from [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C]Title_I_Instruction, [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C]Title_I_Support, [S_IN_STU_TITLE_C]Title_I_Extended_Time Title_I_Instruction: [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Instruction_Reading [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Instruction_Math [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Instruction_Science [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Instruction_Vocational [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Instruction_Social Title_I_Support: [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Support_Guidance [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Support_Health [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Support_Home TITLE_I_Extended_Time: [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Extended_Time_PreK [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Extended_Time_ExDayKindergarten [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Extended_Time_Before [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Extended_Time_After [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Extended_Time_Saturday [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Extended_Time_Summer [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Extended_Time_JumpStart [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Extended_Time_YearRound [S_IN_STU_X]Title_I_Extended_Time_Other | IDOE | |
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Alternative Education Programs
This data view represents Alternative Education programs that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
If a student is enrolled in multiple schools within the date range of his or her Alternative Education Programs record, a separate Student Programs record is published for each school, with start and end dates reflecting each school's enrollment. For each Alternative Education program record within PowerSchool with Begin Dates in the current school year, only one StudentAlternativeEducationProgramAssociation record is published.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
The student's Alternative Education program is active for the current year.
The Alternative Education start date is prior to the end of the school year (June 30th) and the end date is null or after the start of the school year (July 1st).
If student's Alternative Education dates include enrollments at multiple schools, separate records are published for each school using enrollment entry and exit dates.
If the Alternative Education record was valid during all enrollments, the published records are identical except for the begin date and schoolId.
If the Alternative Education beginDate is after the end of enrollment, it should not be published for that enrollment.
If the Alternative Education record has an end date after July 1st but before the start of the school year term, the record must be published with the schoolId of the the first enrollment (a no-show enrollment).
If a student is enrolled in an Alternative Program that is not valid for their school district then a dependency message appears while publishing, "Dependency on Unmatched Program LEAOrgID".
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real-time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received Alternative Education Program services. If the program's begin date does not fall within the date range of the student's enrollment record but is within the date of the school year, then the published begin date defaults to the student's entry date. | Date | [S_IN_STU_ALTERNATIVE_EDU_C]StartDate [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving Parent in Military program services.
| Date | [S_IN_STU_ALTERNATIVE_EDU_C]enddate, [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | C |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | If [S_IN_STU_X]Access_School and [S_IN_REN_X]Access_School are not blank and the Primary Enrollment flag is false then it is [S_IN_STU_X]Access_Schooll, otherwise, enrolled schoolId | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/programName | Alternative Education | String | Alternative Education | R |
/programType | Alternative Education | String | Alternative Education | R |
reasonExitedDescriptor | The reason the student left the program within a school or district. Valid values:
If a student exited the school prior to the end of the school year and the exit reason is null, then the exit reason defaults to 5 - Transferred/returned to other school setting prior to completing the program. | Descriptor | S_IN_STU_ALTERNATIVE_EDU_C]Exit_reason | C |
alternativeEducationEligibilityReasonDescriptor | The reason that makes the student eligible for Alternative Education. | [S_IN_STU_ALTERNATIVE_EDU_C]Eligibility_reason | IDOE | |
programMeetingTimes | ||||
/programMeetingTimeDescriptor | When the student attends the course. Valid values:
| [S_IN_STU_ALTERNATIVE_EDU_C]Program_time | IDOE | |
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Curricular Material Reimbursement
This will be published in the studentProgramAssociations resource from 2024-2025 school year. The records will only be published for Private schools/districts.
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
Student must not be flagged for non-participation ([S_STU_X]StudentNotparticipating is not 1).
The student's lunch status must be F, FDC, R, or RDC.
Resource Output
The studentCurricularMaterialProgramAssociations resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real-time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received Curricular Material Reimbursement Program services. If the program's begin date does not fall within the date range of the student's enrollment record but is within the date of the school year, then the published begin date defaults to the student's entry date. | Date | [Students]entrydate [ReEnrollments]entrydate | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving Parent in Military program services.
| Date | [Students]exitdate [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | C |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | Derived from: [Schools]School_Number | R |
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/programName | Curricular Material Reimbursement. | String | 'Curricular Material Reimbursement' | R |
/programType | Curricular Material Reimbursement | String | 'Curricular Material Reimbursement' | R |
livesWithParentReference | ||||
/parentUniqueId | A unique alphanumeric code is assigned to a parent. This field will not publish from 2024-2025 school year | String | derived from [person]id and [prefs]districtnumber | IDOE |
studentDoesNotLiveWithParent | Indicates if the student lives with parents. This field will not publish from 2024-2025 school year
| String | LivesWith | |
reasonExitedDescriptor | The reason the child left the program within a school or district. Valid values:
| Descriptor | O | |
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |
Foreign Exchange Programs
This data view represents Foreign Exchange programs that a student participates in or is served by. The published view layout provides the Student Number, School ID, Program Type, Program Name, Entry Date, and End Date.
If a student is enrolled in multiple schools within the date range of his or her Foreign Exchange Programs record, a separate Student Programs record is published for each school, with start and end dates reflecting each school's enrollment.
Foreign Exchange Program
Primary PowerSchool Source Data
Selection Criteria
Records are published if the following criteria are met:
The student must not be excluded from state reporting.
The student's school of enrollment must not be excluded from state reporting.
The studentUniqueID (Indiana Student Number) must be populated in PowerSchool ([Students]State_StudentNumber).
Resource Output
The studentProgramAssociation resource is dependent on the prior publishing of the following resources: students and programs.
LEAs and Schools may upload (publish) data to the Ed-Fi ODS in real time or on-demand ("Run Now" button).
Click Export to export the data collection results to an Excel spreadsheet.
Data Element | Description | [Table]Data Type | Stored in [Table]Field | Req'd |
educationOrganizationReference A reference to the related educationOrganization resource. | R | |||
/studentUniqueID | The student associated with the program. | String | [Students]State_StudentNumber | R |
beginDate | The month, day, and year the Student first received Parent in Military program services. | Date | [S_IN_STU_FRGNEXCHNG_C]StartDate [ReEnrollments]entrydate, whichever is later | R |
endDate | The month, day, and year the student exited the program or stopped receiving Parent in Military program services. Future dates are not published. | Date | [S_IN_STU_FRGNEXCHNG_C]EndDate [ReEnrollments]exitdate, whichever is earlier | N |
/educationOrganizationID | The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services. | Integer | current enrollment schoolid (normally [Students]schoolid,[ReEnrollments]schoolid, or Access school override) | R |
reasonExitedDescriptor | The reason the child left the program within the district. This field is included if the end date is published. Valid values:
| O | ||
programReference A reference to the related Program resource. | R | |||
/educationOrganizationId | The Education Organization associated with the program. | Integer | 1088000000 | R |
/programName | Foreign Exchange | String | Foreign Exchange | R |
/programType | Foreign Exchange | String | Foreign Exchange | R |
additional fields for display only | ||||
/schoolname | The name of the school | String | [sch]school_name | |
/studentnumber | The student associated with the program. | Integer | [Students]student_number | |
/studentname | The student's name. | String | [Students]lastfirst | |
/gradelevel | Grade level of the most recent enrollment in the selected year. | Integer | [ReEnrollments]grade_level |