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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Ed-Fi (DOE): Updated Logic for Publishing Student Education Organization Association Records

Corrections to the Student Education Organization Association record selection has been done and below changes reflect for SEOA resource:

  • Updated composite key to indicate responsibility type, using a prefix of ‘A|’ if responsibility = ‘Attendance’ or the prefix ‘F|’ if responsibility =‘Funding’

  • Publish one SEOA for the most recent active enrollment in each district for students who are not excluded from ME

Additional actions required after this fix is applied:

  • Scenario 1: Students with multiple StudentEdOrgAssociation records, but only one should be published:

    • Initiate a ‘Publish All’ process for Student Enrollments

      • This process will generate a ‘Delete’ request for any ‘extra’ StudentEdOrgAssociation records.

  • Scenario 2: Students with a single StudentEdOrgAssociation record in PowerSchool, where the responsibility for a student was changed from Funding to Attendance, the Funding record still exists with the state, and previous attempts at data reconciliation have failed.

    • Initiate a ‘Publish All’ process for Student Enrollments

      • This process will delete the existing StudentEdOrgAssociation records and republish these records using the new Composite Key noted above, making each record unique based on the Responsibility type.

    • Run a Data Reconciliation process for Student Enrollments.

      • Using the updated Composite Key, this process will return any ‘extra’ records found at the DOE, and these records can be selected for deletion.


Ed-Fi (DOE): Student Programs Not Publishing For Some Students

Logic for publishing student program records has been updated to ensure that program records are published for all students meeting the publishing criteria. Impacted customers should initiate a Publish All process for student program records.

The nature of this change may result in the deletion and republishing of some student records. All expected records should be displayed on the students publishing page once the process has been completed.

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