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Staff Assignments (CP) / Staff Contact Association

General Information

  • Ed-Fi Staff Assignments records = Certified Position data
    • Ed-Fi resource: staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociations
  • Staff Assignments can be submitted in three different ways:
    • Push by DOE from Link Portal to Data Exchange (State Ed-Fi ODS)
      • District security personnel create the assignments in the Link portal, which gets pushed to Ed-Fi by the state.
    • Manual Import using the state provided import template
    • Submission through the SIS using Ed-Fi

      It is recommended to use only one of the above three methods for your non-teaching staff to avoid 'data thrashing'.

  • Staff Contact Association Records:
    • Ed-Fi resource: staffEducationOrganizationContactAssociations
    • A Staff Ed Org Assignment Association record connects the staff to the Corporation or School for access to IDOE systems in the LINK portal (Unified Access)
    • Provide the correct work email address (staff member's email address on his Information page must match the LINK portal domain established during the initial setup of the education organization with IDOE)

Additional helpful articles:

DOE Guidance:

Importing Staff Assignments: How To Mass Import Staff Assignment Records Into The S_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C Table (Community Article)

Staff Selection Criteria

  • A staff member is active at some point during the school year or taught a section at some point during the year
  • The staff member is not Lunch Staff (staff status not equal to 3)
  • The staff member is not marked to be excluded from Ed-Fi (S_USR_X.excludefromEdFi not equal to 1)
  • The Staff member's School Staff record is not excluded from state reporting (S_IN_SSF_X.state_excludefromreporting not = 1)

Staff Assignments Publishing Logic

Staff Assignments publishing:

  • Staff Assignments are published using the Staff Associations resource on the IN DOE Data Exchange (Ed-Fi) dashboard
    • Click Run Now > Publish Changes or Publish All
  • Staff Assignments are dependent on Staff Demographics publishing first.

For staff meeting the selection criteria listed above, staff assignment records are generated based on the following checks:

  1. Report any active manually created Staff Assignment records that exist for the staff member on the staff member's Staff Assignments page (select a staff member > Information > Staff Assignments).
  2. If no Staff Assignment records exist on the staff member's Staff Assignments page, generate records based on User Access Roles assigned to the Staff member on his Security Settings > Admin Access and Roles page in the 'Roles and Schools' section of the page.
    1. Note: Only Staff User Access Roles mapped to a state 'Staff Classification' on the Data Exchange 'Code Set Mappings' screen are published. (District Office > Start Page > System > Code Set Mappings (under Data Exchange); select Staff Classifications)
  3. If none of the above conditions apply, then:
    • Check the Staff Type and generate records for each school in which the staff member is affiliated (select a staff member > Security Settings > Teachers and Affiliations) based on the following:
      • If Staff Type = Teacher (1) - generate a 'Teacher' Staff Assignment record
      • If Staff Type = Staff (2), then check the 'Publish Staff Type 2 ("Staff") in Ed-Fi' setting on the District Info screen at District Office
        • If the district preference for staff type 2 is enabled, generate a Staff Assignment record
        • If the district preference for staff type 2 is not enabled, no record should be generated
      • If Staff Type = Lunch Staff (3)- no record should be generated
      • If Staff Type = Substitute Teacher(4) - publish a 'Substitute teacher' record
      • If the Staff Type is blank - no record should be generated
  4. Regardless of items 1 - 3 above, for staff members (or teachers) having taught a section at any time during the school year, automatically generate a Staff Assignment Teacher record for each school they taught a section (if a Teacher record had not already been created according to the above logic).
  • Staff assignment records are only required by the state for non-teaching staff members meeting one or both of the following scenarios:
    • A staff member needs a specific level of access at the state level.
    • The staff member is the primary point of contact for their assigned role.
      • For example, Principal, Superintendent, 504 Coordinator, SPED Coordinator, Data Exchange Contact, etc.
  • When creating new Staff Assignment records in PowerSchool, the start date should be the date the staff member was first assigned to this role or the first day of the current school year, as appropriate.
    • The staff member's original hire date can also be used as the start date, but this assumes that the staff member's assignments have remained constant since their original hire date.

Staff Contact Association Publishing Logic

Staff Contact publishing:

  • Staff Contacts are published using the Staff Associations resource on the IN DOE Data Exchange (Ed-Fi) dashboard
    • Click Run Now > Publish Changes or Publish All
  • Staff Contacts are dependent on Staff Demographics publishing first

For the staff, meeting the Staff Selection Criteria listed above, staff contact association records are published according to the below logic:

  • One Contact Association record is published for each staff member's active School Staff records.
    • IE: One record for each active School Affiliation on the staff member's Security Settings > Teachers and Affiliations page.

Data Mapping

See the following article to review Ed-Fi transaction data element mappings:

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