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Course Completion (CC)

General Information

  • Course Completion involves: Teacher Section data, Student Section data, and Student Transcript data (grades)

  • Ed-Fi publishing of CC data uses the same setup elements used in the legacy CC report.

  • To receive a class grade and credit, a student must have a Historical Grade record (StoredGrades table) for the course.

    • Standards Grades are not currently supported.

Important Notes regarding Transcript Record publishing:

  • Due to a limitation in the state's data model, we can only publish a single CourseTranscript record for each unique 'Student | School | Term | State Course Code' grade.

    • If a student has two reportable grades for the same school, in the same term, having the same State Course Code, the state asked Vendors to send one CourseTranscript record, having an average of the Grades and a SUM of the credits.

  • PowerSchool is not currently publishing CourseTranscript records for Student Sections having no final Historical Grade (StoredGrades table)

    • We will be updating Transcript Publishing to include a CourseTranscript record for each unique 'Student | School | Term | State Course Code' class enrollment having no Final Grade. - Future Update

Required Setup / Data

The following setup items are either required or recommended for publishing Student Transcript data:

  • Courses / Sections

    • Courses are required to have a State Course Code (Alternate Course Number field populated)

    • Sections require 'Medium of Instruction' be published (defaults to 'Face to Face' if blank)

    • Dual Credit course/sections/section enrollments must have their 'Post Secondary Institution' field populated

    • Earned Credit Type: See Transcripts page (EarnedCreditType section) for reporting logic

  • District Office Mappings (Start Page, District - Indiana State Information section)

    • Final Grade Mapping

      • Determines which Final Grade store code is reported for a Term Course

    • Course Completion Mapping (courseAttemptResultType)

    • Course Grade Mapping (finalNumericGradeEarned)

      • For each grade scale, map Final Grades to the applicable 4-point scale 'grade earned' value

      • For all grades not mapped on the Course Grade Mapping page, the finalNumericGradeEarned is pulled from the Grade Scale Grade Points (GPA) field (Values greater than 4 will report as 4) - Future Update

Publishing Requirements (for CC Certification)

The following Ed-Fi resources are required for CC certification:

  • Student Teacher Sections:

    • Staff Sections (StaffSectionAssociations)

    • Student Sections (StudentSectionAssociations)

  • Student Transcripts

    • Academic Records (StudentAcademicRecords)

      • StudentAcademicRecord is the header record for CourseTranscripts

      • One unique record is published for 'term' in which a student has a grade to be reported

    • Transcript Courses (CourseTranscripts)

      • One record for each reportable StoredGrade having a unique StateCourseCode / Term / School / StudentID in the current school year

      • One record for each reportable Section Enrollment having a unique StateCourseCode / Term / School / StudentID in the current school year with no Final Grade stored - Future Update

Selection Criteria (Student Transcripts)

  • Published for students above grade PK who have final grade records with state course code.

    • Current year only, one record for each term and each school with final grade records for students in the state-recognized course.

  • The student is not excluded from publishing for State reporting.

  • The Final Grade (StoredGrades) has a State Course Code or references a course/section with a State Course Code.

  • Referenced course or section is not excluded from Ed-Fi.

  • The referenced course is not excluded from CC/CP.

  • The grade is not Excluded from Ed-Fi.

  • Includes only Final Grade records in StoredGrades:

    • Final Grade Mapping exists for the Term course grade. For example, a student has Q1, Q2, and S1 grades for an S1 term class. If S1 is entered on the Final Grade Mapping for the S1 term, then only the S1 grade is reported.

    • If the Final Grade Mapping record does not exist, StoredGrade records with a StoreCode matching a Term Abbreviation (School > Years and Terms) are reported.

Publishing Logic

For publishing of the Student Transcript aka Course Completion - CC (Student Academic Record and Course Transcript), all the below-mentioned resources and data need to get published.

  1. Organization Schedules

    1. Course Offerings

      1. For Course Offerings to get published, The courses should be active in the current session, courses should not be excluded from Ed-Fi or CP/CC and they should have an alternate course number (state course code) assigned, as per the Course Codes provided under the State Courses (can be referred to by clicking on Review from the Data Exchange Dashboard).

    2. Sections

      1. For Sections to get published, course offerings should get published without any dependencies and the sections should not be excluded from Ed-Fi or CP/CC.

  2. Student Section Associations

    1. For Student Section Associations to get published, the Course Offerings and the Sections, under Organization Schedules should get published without any dependencies.

    2. The student course enrollments should be having a valid start and end date, which should be as per the term dates of the school and the district.

  3. Staff Section Associations

    1. For Staff Section Associations to get published, the Course Offerings and the Sections, under Organization Schedules should get published without any dependencies.

    2. The teacher should not be excluded from Ed-Fi and should be getting successfully published to the state.

    3. Publish one record for each Section Teacher record in the current school year where the role is Lead Teacher and if there are multiple teachers associated with the section, the Class Instruction field under the Section should be filled with (1) - The class is taught by one or more teachers else it should be set to (2) - This class is taught by only one teacher (default value).

  4. Student Transcripts

    1. See above Selection Criteria


  1. Student Transcript records belonging to all schools the student attended in the school year are published from his current school.

  2. If a grade is blank, then ‘No grade is awarded’ otherwise it is derived from the Course Completion Mapping.

  3. The Final Grade should have the correct Completion Date, i.e., the term end date and the Final Grade Store Code should be the same as defined in the Final Grade Reporting Term Setup for the respective school.

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