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Career Centers - Setup, Data Collection and Publishing

General Information

  • This document provides guidance on how to gather and publish the required data to the state for the Career Center Districts.

  • The below-mentioned resources and data elements have to be published to the State.

    • Students (Student Identification)

    • Responsible Organization

    • Calendar

    • Student Enrollments aka Student School

    • Staff

    • Staff Assignment

    • Staff Contact

    • Staff Sections

    • Organization Schedules (Course Offerings and Sections)

    • Student Course Transcript

    • Student School Attendance

Setting up the Ed-Fi Connection

  • Refer to the Ed-Fi Startup Guide for setting up the Ed-Fi Connection with the State.

  • Once the Setup has been completed and the Profile Name is available under the Data Exchange section on the left navigation menu, the below-mentioned Resources must be disabled from the Resource Configuration Editor page available at the District Office.

    • Path to the Resource Configuration Editor page: Start Page, System Administrator, Data Exchange, Resource Configuration
      Click the Organization Resources tab and select the school from the Organization drop-down list.

    • In the Organization Resources section, under the Resource Configuration Editor page, the below-mentioned resources must be disabled by clearing the checkboxes:









All other resources, apart from the above-mentioned resources, must remain enabled and the checkboxes must remain selected.

Required Setup

Calendar Setup

For the Schools to be able to publish their calendar to the state, the below-mentioned points must be remembered.

  • The School must not be marked as Excluded From State Reporting.

  • The School must have the necessary values in the fields available under the Indiana School Calendar Information section on the Schools/School Info page.

  • The School must have an Attendance Mode for Ed-Fi and it should be the same as the School's default attendance method.

  • The School must not be marked as Excluded from Exclude School from Instructional Calendar.

  • The Instructional Minutes are the sum of the duration mentioned in the bell schedule. The Non-Instructional minutes is the difference between Total Duration and Instructional Minutes.

  • For further guidance on the setup and publishing refer to the Calendar Setup guide.

Student Setup

  • Students must not be marked as Excluded from the below fields:

    • Exclude From State Reporting

    • Exclude From ME

    • Exclude From AT Report

  • Students must have Primary School of Enrollment set as No.

  • Students must have a valid STN (State Student Number).

  • For guidance on the data collection and publishing of the student enrollment aka Student School Records, refer to the Student Enrollments guide.

  • For career centers, in most scenarios the career center districts are not supposed to be responsible for funding, the ADM Type must be blank and the Primary School of Enrollment must be False and this will send up the data to the state telling them that this particular school is only responsible for attendance.

Staff Setup:

  • Staff must not be marked as Excluded from the below fields:

    • Exclude from Ed-Fi

    • Exclude from State Reporting

  • Staff must have a valid SPN (School Personnel Number).

  • For guidance on the data collection and the publishing of the Staff Assignment and Staff Contact Records, refer to the Staff Assignment and Contact guide.

  • For the Staff Section to get published.

    • The required course

      • Must have a valid alternate course number (state course number). The list of valid State Courses could be checked from the Review Option of the State Courses list present in the Data Exchange Dashboard.

      • Must not be marked as Excluded From CP/CC Report and must be marked as Excluded From Ed-Fi.

    • The section must have valid student enrollment records and the section must not be marked as excluded from Ed-Fi.

Organization Schedules (Course Offerings and Sections):

  • The Course must have a valid alternate course number.

  • The Course must not be marked as Excluded From CP/CC Report and must be marked as Excluded From Ed-Fi.

  • The Section must have valid student enrollment records and the section must not be marked as excluded from Ed-Fi.

  • The Section must be associated with a teacher who is not excluded from the reporting.

  • The Courses and the sections, both have an Indiana State Information section, the required values must be filled with the values if needed.

  • For detailed guidance, please refer to the Organization Schedules guide.

Student Course Transcript:

  • The Student Course Transcript or Student Transcript records will have the Academic Records and the Course Transcripts Records in them.

  • All the above-mentioned requirements for the Organization Schedules are mandatory for the Student Course Transcript as well.

  • For the Academic Records and the Course Transcript records, please refer to the details guidance available on the Course Completion guide.

Student School Attendance:

  • For the Attendance to get successfully published to the State, the Calendars must get published first.

  • The Calendars must have the valid values Session Type. For further guidance on the setup and publishing please refer to the Recommended Attendance Setup guide.

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