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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-266190All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile (System Report) Update

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.1
The Attendance Profile report PDF library is updated and the pagination from ‘Page X of Y’ to ‘Page X’.

Additionally, due to the large PDF size that can result if the report is run for a large selection of students, a validation is added to the report page to restrict the number of students to 200.

PSSR-265130All States/Provinces: DBMS_UTILITY.compile_schema Update

The RecompilePSSchema.sql files for all states are updated with the compile_all => FALSE constraint, in the DBMS_UTILITY function.

PSSR-265823All States/Provinces: Digital Equity and Learning Preferences Page Keeps Loading

Digital Equity and Learning Preferences page is updated to show the data while editing, even if there are special characters inside the data.

PSSR-259236All States/Provinces: Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in Public Portal Pref Does Not Save

The Miscellaneous page in District is updated to save the Pref to Enable Digital Equity and Learning Preference in the Public Portal correctly.

PSSR-251945New - Alert for incomplete Sub-District Configuration

Sub-District functionality is updated and now end users are alerted if Sub-District functionality is enabled but the following setup steps have not been completed:

  • No Sub-Districts have been defined.
  • One or more schools have not been assigned to a Sub-District. This logic does not apply to schools that are excluded from state reporting.

In either case, the following message displays:

'Sub-District functionality is enabled but setup is incomplete. All schools not excluded from state reporting must be assigned to a sub-district.'

PSSR-258088Ed-Fi Framework Update: AttendanceOn the StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent resource, the EventDuration was published as 1.00 for Calendar days that only have 0.50 Membership when a student is absent for that day.
This issue is now fixed and the EventDuration publishes as 0.50 (or whatever apportionment) when a student is absent on the partial Calendar day.
PSSR-266458IN DOE: Ed-Fi - Update to the logic for sending student race codes

The following update has been made while publishing the Student Race codes.

On the Demographics page:

  • If the Ethnicity field is set to a Yes, then a value 'Hispanic Ethnicity and of any race' will be published.
  • If the Ethnicity field is set to a No and if only one value is selected for the Race field, then that respective value will be published.
  • If the Ethnicity field is set to a No and if more than one value is selected for the Race field, then a value of 'Multiracial' will be published.
PSSR-259412IN DOE: Ed-Fi - Publish ELL/LM Programs

The following programs are now published and displayed in the Ed-Fi dashboard under 'Student Programs':

  • English Language Learners (10 possible programs)
  • Foreign Exchange
  • Immigrant Education
PSSR-261116IN DOE: Ed-Fi - Publish School Food Services and Curricular Material Reimbursement Programs

School Food Services and Curricular Material Reimbursement programs are now published for students having lunch status set to either F, FDC, R, or RDC. The Curricular Material Reimbursement program is published only for students when the Student is not participating field is unchecked on the TB tab.

PSSR-261919Staff Information Page Update

A new field has been added on Staff Information Page: "LEA ID". This field should be used to report the ID of the LEA that owns this staff members contract, and is only required in cases where the LEA ID is different than that of the current school or district. If the value entered contains less than 10 digits, the following validation message will display: "LEA ID should be 10 digits."

PSSR-261924STN tab - UI Update

The label for the Native Language Code field is updated to State Reporting Language Code. A note has been added below this field, “Note: This value is reported to the state.”

PSSR-259774IN DOE: Ed-Fi - The Student School Association Missing the Exit Status and the Exit Date

The Student School Association will include Exit Date and Exit Status for any student whose exit date has passed (less than or equal to the current system date). These values will not be published for students whose exit date is in the future (greater than the current system date).

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