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Publish PowerSchool Immunization Data to CHIRP



Schools and districts can publish student immunization data in PowerSchool to CHIRP. The options available allow you to publish only data that has not been published, all immunization data, or if you have attempted to publish in the past but received errors, you can choose to re-publish only those records. You can also view the immunization records in different ways, including all records in a summary format, only records that were published, or only records that were rejected due to incorrect or missing data along with the associated error messages.

Refer to CHIRP Mapping and Data Setup for more information about data you must enter into PowerSchool before publishing.

Required Criteria

To publish to CHIRP, the student's record must meet the following criteria:

  • The student must not be excluded from CHIRP on the students' Immunizations tab within Health.

  • The date the vaccine was administered must be between the student's date of birth and the current year.

  • The vaccine must have a valid CVX code in PowerSchool.

Publish Student Immunization Data to CHIRP

If a student is enrolled in more than one school, immunization data is sent for the school where [Student]ReportingSchoolID = [School]SchoolID.

To publish PowerSchool immunization data to CHIRP:

  1. From the Start Page, under Data Exchange, click CHIRP. The CHIRP page appears.
  2. On the Publish CHIRP Immunization Data header, click Schedule. The CHIRP_IN IMMUNIZATION page appears.
    • If you are publishing from the District for all schools, click OK on the Alert message. If you want to publish only for a single school, you must sign in to that school and run the publish function from there.
  3. Select an option for Data Publishing:

    • PUBLISH MISSING: Search for and publish any unpublished data for authorized students.
    • PUBLISH ALL: Search for and publish all valid immunization data for authorized students.
    • RETRY ERRORS: Retry publishing immunization data currently marked with an error status
  4. Under Scheduling, click Run Now to publish immediately or Schedule to select a date and time to publish.

  5. Click Submit. The CHIRP review and schedule page reappear, indicating the number of records processing and publishing, the number of records with unfulfilled dependencies, the number of records with errors, the number of records with data exceptions, and the number of records published.

When publishing to CHIRP:

  • The student's School name, Grade level, and Include in CHIRP information are sent.
  • Records with any valid CVX code entered for a student on the Immunization page are sent. Refer to Valid Vaccine Codes for more information.

Review Publishing and Published Data

You can choose to review all immunization records, or see the records in different views, including the dependencies that prevented one or more records from publishing, the error messages for rejected records, and published records.

You can click Export to export the results to an Excel spreadsheet.

To review data:

  1. From the Start Page, under Data Exchange, click CHIRP. The CHIRP page appears.
  2. To the right of Publish CHIRP Immunization Data, click Review. The Publish CHIRP Immunization Data page appears.
  3. Choose one of the following options:

Statistical Summary

Displays the cumulative statistical results of publishing the student Immunization data to the CHIRP system.

Column NameDescription
Total ProcessingThe total number of records processing.
Total Missing DataThe total number of records that are missing data.
Total DependenciesThe total number of records that cannot be published to CHIRP due to missing dependency data.
Total PublishingThe total number of records publishing to CHIRP.
Total ErrorsThe total number of errors generated.
Last UpdateThe time and date of the last time records were published
Total PublishedThe total number of PowerSchool records published to CHIRP.

Immunization Dependencies

Displays a list of students for which immunization data cannot be published to the CHIRP system due to missing dependency data. Review the dependency and update the student record(s) with the missing data as appropriate.

Column NameDescription
School NameThe name of the school the student attends.
DependencyThe records that cannot be published to CHIRP due to missing dependency data.
Student NumberThe student number for the immunization record that cannot be published.
Student NameThe student's name for the immunization record that cannot be published.
Student Unique IDThe student ID for the immunization record that cannot be published.
Grade LevelThe student's grade level at the time of the immunization record publishing attempt.
Date of BirthThe student's date of birth.
Last Publish DateThe last date the student's data was published to CHIRP.
Publishing IDThe identification number of the published record.
Resource IDThe identification number of the publishing district.

Immunization Published

Displays a list of the most recent successful requests for immunization data from CHIRP. This data was downloaded to PowerSchool.

School NameDescription
School NameThe name of the school the student attends.
Student NumberThe student number for the published immunization record.
Student NameThe student's number for the published immunization record.
Student Unique IDThe student's ID for the published immunization record.
Grade LevelThe student's grade level at the time the immunization data was published to CHIRP.
Date of BirthThe student's date of birth.
Date AdministeredThe date the vaccine was administered.
Last Publish DateThe last date the student's data was published to CHIRP
Publishing IDThe identification number of the published record.
Resource IDThe identification number of the publishing district.

Immunization Errors

For a description of CHIRP publish errors, see CHIRP Error Messages.

A detailed list of Student Immunization records that were published to CHIRP and rejected due to data or other errors.

Column NameDescription
School NameThe name of the school the student attends.
Processing DateThe date the immunization record was processed.
Student NumberThe student number for the rejected immunization record.
Student NameThe student's name
Student Unique IDThe student ID for the rejected immunization record.
Grade LevelThe student's grade level at the time of the immunization record rejection
Date of BirthThe student's date of birth.
Immunization CodeThe vaccine code (CVX).
Date AdministeredThe date the vaccine was administered.
Error CodeThe error's code.
Message DetailThe error message.
Publishing IDThe identification number of the published record.
Resource IDThe identification number of the publishing district.

Deleting a Published Record

When a student's immunization record is no longer valid, you can send this information from PowerSchool to CHIRP by deleting the record from the Publish CHIRP Immunization Data page.

  1. From the Start Page, under Data Exchange, click CHIRP. The CHIRP page appears.
  2. To the right of Publish CHIRP Immunization Data, click Review. The Publish CHIRP Immunization Data page appears.
  3. From the Choose data view drop-down list, choose Immunization Published.
  4. Select the record to be deleted and click Delete.
The record reflects "Published" when the deletion of the record from the CHIRP system is successfully accepted by the state; however, the record remains on the page until the PowerSchool nightly cleanup process runs to remove deleted items. When the state deletes the record from the CHIRP system, the immunization data downloaded to PowerSchool no longer contains the deleted record.

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