Identities Setup and Guidance
This document provides guidance on how to enable the Identities functionality, the abilities it offers, and how to utilize them efficiently.
Required Setup/Data
The Data Exchange Setup must be complete.
The Unique ID Service Option must be selected. This is only available at the District Office.
Navigation: Start Page, System Administrator, Data Exchange, Setup
The Student/Staff’s school must not be excluded from the State Reporting.
The Staff must have appropriate Group Access enabled.
Identities Functionality
Request STN/SPN
This functionality enables the Districts to send a create STN/SPN request to the Indiana DOE ODS which assigns the STN/SPN for the students/staff.
Students (STN)
For requesting the STN (State Student Number/Student Unique ID) from the DOE, the students must have the following data:
Last and First Name.
Date Of Birth
State Reporting Language Code
The student must not be excluded from State Reporting and the school in which the student is enrolled must not be excluded from the State Reporting.
The Request STN button/option is available on the General Demographics page of the Student.
While Requesting the State Student Number, if another Student has the same last and first name, then a student record with their STN, last, first, middle name, and the Date Of Birth is displayed on the page. Admins must crosscheck the data returned and be careful while assigning the STN. If an incorrect STN or an existing STN gets assigned, then Admins can remove the assigned STN, click Submit, Request the STN again, select None of the above, Assign a new Unique Person ID then click Submit.
If there are two students, with the same last name and the same DOB, race, and language in the school, and if one has the STN assigned then the Admin must select None of the above, select Assign a new Unique Person ID, then click Submit again. If the STN does not get assigned instantly, then on the General Demographics page a Check Status dialog box displays beside Request STN. The Admin can click to check the status of the create request by providing the JOB ID and other details from the DOE. After it gets approved, then click Request STN again and choose the correct STN.
Staff (SPN)
For requesting the SPN (State Personnel Number aka Staff Unique ID) from the DOE, the staff must have the following data:
Last and First Name.
Date Of Birth.
SSN (Only the last 4 digits are required)
The staff must not be Excluded from Ed-Fi and if the staff only has access to the school level then the staff must not be Excluded from State Reporting as well.
The Request SPN button/option is available on the Staff Information page.
The automatic request for the STN and the SPN works only if the above-mentioned steps have been followed and the fields have the correct data. Also, if a new student gets enrolled and fulfills all of the requirements then an automatic request for the new STN for the new student will also go through.
With the profile for the 22-23 session, the automatic request for the creation of the new STNs and the SPNs goes to the DOE with the Student Demographics and the Staff Demographics Resources respectively. And, with the 23-24 profile, the automatic request for identification for the students and the staff remain the same.
Update Identification/Demographics
This functionality enables Districts to send a request to update the student identification and staff demographics data. For sending a request to update the identification data, an option called Update Identification has been made available for the Districts to use. For the Admins to be able to view and use that option, the Update Demographics option must be selected for the user group, the staff is in.
Student Identification
Districts are allowed to send an update for the below-mentioned student data:
If a value gets changed on the General Demographics page for the above-mentioned fields and gets submitted (it also includes the Legal Name fields), then the Admin can use the Update Identification option after completing the Submission Notes and choosing the appropriate identity status of the student. The Admin can send an update request to track the request using the Check Update Status option to check the Request ID, Status, Notes, Date Processed, and Processed By. After the update request is approved, republish the demographics data or the identification data (identification data will get published as a separate resource from the 2023-24 session).
Staff Demographics
Districts are allowed to send an update for the below-mentioned staff data:
If a value gets changed on the Staff Information page for the above-mentioned fields and gets submitted (it also includes the Legal Name fields), then the Admin can use the option called Update Identification after filling in the Submission Notes and choosing the appropriate identity status of the student. The Admin can send an update request to track the request using the Check Update Status option to check the Request ID, Status, Notes, Date Processed, and Processed By. After the update request is approved, republish the demographics data or the identification data (identification data will get published as a separate resource from the 2023-24 session).
Data Exchange Search
The Data Exchange Search functionality can be accessed by a user only if the Data Exchange Search option has been selected and enabled for the user group. The Data Exchange Search is available on the Special Functions Page which can be accessed from the Start Page itself. The navigation to the functionality is Start Page, Special Functions, Data Exchange Search and this special function is available for the District and School level. Using this functionality, the Districts can search for any student and staff available in the Indiana Department Of Education ODS.
Student Search
The Student Search can be done using the below-mentioned fields:
FirstName (Required)
LastSurname (Required)
Staff Search
The Staff Search can be done using the below-mentioned fields:
FirstName (Required)
BirthDate (Required)
The fields that are marked as Required, must be entered for the Search Functionality to work. After the known values have been entered in their respective fields, click Submit for a list of students or staff that are available in the Indiana DOE ODS. The Search Results section has a column called Score which defines the accuracy of the search. The closer the Score is to 1 the more accurate the Search Result is.