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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-282493All States/Provinces: PowerTeacher Multi-Day Attendance Page "No Blank Attendance" Update for Future Attendance

Multi-Day Attendance page has been updated and will no longer require attendance be entered for future dates for the page to be submitted when "No Blank Attendance" setting is enabled.

PSSR-283525Ed-Fi (DOE): Add an Exclude from Ed-Fi Flag to Stored Grades

An "Exclude from Ed-Fi" option is now available on the following pages:

  • Edit Historical Grade
  • New Manually Entered Stored Grade (single)
  • New Manually Entered Stored Grade (multiple) - selected value will be applied to all records entered on the page
PSSR-284101Ed-Fi (DOE): Prevent Attendance Records from Publishing for Students If the Exclude from ME Flag Is Set to Yes

If the 'Exclude from ME’ flag on the ME tab of the student's State/Province - IN page is set to ‘Yes’ for a student, then the attendance for that student is not published for the current enrollment.

PSSR-266161Ed-Fi (DOE): Publish Student Program - High Ability

High Ability elements of the Student Programs are published successfully.

PSSR-266159Ed-Fi (DOE): Publish Student Program: Unaccompanied Youth

Program records for students who have been identified as Unaccompanied Youth are published successfully via Ed-Fi.

PSSR-264933Ed-Fi (DOE): Publish Student Transcripts (Course Completion/Final Grades)

Final grade records for students that completed classes are now published successfully via Ed-Fi.

You need to download the latest Descriptors via the Ed-Fi dashboard, which has been updated to include value for the postSecondaryInstitutionDescriptors that are required for publishing these records.

PSSR-285025Ed-Fi (DOE): Responsible Organization Records Should Delete When the Exclude from ME Report Flag Is Set to Yes

When the Exclude from ME Report flag is set to Yes for a student, the Responsible Organization record should not be generated or published for that student. If a Responsible Organization record was generated before the flag was set to Yes, a delete request should be published to the state ODS.

PSSR-283859Ed-Fi (DOE): Updates to Publishing Logic for Course Offerings, Staff Section, and Student Section Records

Logic for publishing Course Offerings, Staff Section, and Student Section records has been modified as outlined below:

  • In cases where the Alternate Course Number field is blank, no records are generated.
  • In cases where the alternate course number in the record is not a valid state course code, a dependency is generated.
PSSR-287822Ed-Fi Framework: Records Publishing Incorrectly When Using Subdistricts

An issue was found in the Ed-Fi Framework when creating publishing batches for subdistricts where the system was getting records incorrectly thus creating errors. Typically, republishing would clear the errors and allow the records to publish. The system has been corrected to prevent these errors and allow data to flow correctly.

It is recommended for systems setup using sub districts to republish all data from their Ed-Fi Dashboard after installing this update.

PSSR-287097Ed-Fi: Publish SPED Record for a Student in a Single School Year Even Though There Are Multiple Enrollment Records

The publishing logic for SPED records is updated to publish SPED record for a student in a single school year, even though there are multiple enrollment records in the same school.

PSSR-283296End Date Should Not Be Published for English Learner Students

The end date is no longer published in the English Language Learners program records where the Proficiency Status for the student is FNA or NES.

PSSR-266160Ed-Fi (DOE): Publish Student Program: Homeless

Program records for students who have been identified as Homeless are published successfully via Ed-Fi.

PSSR-266164Ed-Fi - 21-22 - Publish Student Program: Title I and Related

Qualifying Title I Program records will be published to Data Exchange.

PSSR-266162Publish Student Program: Homebound

Program records for students who have been identified as Homebound are published successfully via Ed-Fi.

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