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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Attendance Page Error Logging Update

The meeting, clock-in/clock-out attendance page has been updated and will no longer throw the following error in the system log:

ORA-00936: Missing Expression


All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report - Perfect Attendance Update

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.2
The Attendance Profile report now includes students that have blank attendance. Additionally, these students will display the following message to alert end-users as to why there is no attendance listed.

No attendance records have been entered for this student.


All States/Provinces: Preferred Name Fields Needed

Fields have been added to the S_STU_X table to track a student's preferred first, middle, and last names:

  • Pref_First

  • Pref_Middle

  • Pref_Last

These fields are currently only exposed in WI but can be added to the UI via page fragments and other supported methods of customization options.


All States/Provinces: Security Updates to Certain HTML tags

It has been identified that certain html tags used in common compliance pages are a security vulnerability. Common compliance pages where these tags were used and all have been updated to address the security vulnerability.


Add Support for Student Legal Name & Gender For The 21-22 School Year

Legal Name and Gender added to the Student’s demographics and General tab under state province. These new values are in addition to the existing Name and Gender fields. The related Ed-Fi logic updates will be delivered in a future release.


Ed-Fi (DOE): Updated Publishing for Summer Transfer/No-Show Students

The logic for publishing Summer Transfer/No-Show students is updated to ensure all required records are created and published.


Publish Student Program: Choice Voucher

Customers can now publish records for Choice Voucher students via the Student Programs resource.


Students' AD Tab Updated to Support Non-Standard Locale Date Formats

For any of the six students' child tables managed on the AD tab, new or edited records did not save correctly if a user signed in using a locale for which the date format was not the standard “mm/dd/yyyy.” Submitting the form used to trigger a validation error claiming that the date string was invalid, even though it was perfectly valid according to the locale.

The AD tab is updated to display the start and end dates of each child record in the chosen locale’s format, instead of always using “mm/dd/yyyy.” New records can be created, and existing records can be edited, using the locale’s specified format. Validations requiring the end date to fall after the start date, and preventing overlapping records within the same category, now work for all supported date formats.


IN Ed-Fi: New Credit Recovery Fields at the Students and Class Enrollment (CC) Levels

New fields have been added to indicate the teacher of record for students enrolled in credit recovery classes.

At the student level, a single field is added to the General tab on the State/Province page, labeled “Teacher of Record” and using auto-complete functionality to select from teachers at the current school.

At the course enrollment (CC table) level, a checkbox labeled “Credit Recovery” is added. If checked, a “Teacher of Record” field is offered to use as an override for the student-level value.


Ed-Fi IN 2 Profile: Updated Logic for Publishing Student Education Organization Association

A student currently or previously enrolled in a school during the current reporting year and also has a future enrollment in either the current or the next school year, the Student Education Organization Association is published using data from the most recent previous enrollment in the current school year.


Ed-Fi (DOE): Updates to Honor Access School Override for Students

Ed-Fi: publishing logic for Student School Association records has been updated to honor Access School Override for Students whose Primary School Enrollment Flag is set to No / False.


Ed-Fi (DOE): Student Education Organization Association Records were Incorrectly Deleted

Publishing logic for the StudentEducationOrganizationAssociation resource has been updated to not delete the current enrollment Responsible Org when publishing from the Previous school.


Ed-Fi IN: Staff Race Had Incorrect Spelling Causing Staff with Ethnicity Value 'Yes' to Be Rejected

Resource Staff has been updated to publish Ethnicity, “Hispanic Ethnicity and of any race” in cases where “Ethnicity / Hispanic Y/N” has been set to Yes.

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