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Assessment Accommodations - Data Collection and Publishing

General Information

  • This document guides how to gather and publish the required Assessment Accommodations data to the DOE.
  • Ed-Fi publishing of Assessment Accommodations data uses data elements from the Accommodations tab available from the Student State pages.
  • For publishing the Assessment Accommodation data to the DOE, the District has to download the Assessment Accommodations list available on the Data Exchange Dashboard from the District Office. Downloading the list of Assessment Accommodations will work in the same manner as other Downloads.
  • For Assessment Accommodations to publish, the student's Primary School of Enrollment must not be False.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • Students
  • S_IN_STU_X
  • ReEnrollments

Selection Criteria

  • The Student must not be excluded from State Reporting.
  • The Student must have a State Student Number.
  • The Student must have a valid enrollment record for the current session.
  • The Student must not be marked as excluded from Accommodations by selecting Exclude From Ed-Fi, under the Testing Information tab on the Accommodations State Student page.
  • The School in which the student is enrolled, must not be Excluded from State Reporting.

Resource Output

Data Element


[Table]Data Type

Stored in [Table]Field/Screen



A reference to the related educationOrganization resource.



The education organization where the student is participating in or receiving the program services.IntegerIf [S_IN_STU_X]Access_School and [S_IN_REN_X]Access_School are not blank and the Primary Enrollment flag is false then it is [S_IN_STU_X]Access_Schooll, otherwise, enrolled schoolId


A reference to the related students resource.


The student associated with the program.String




The Assessment Identifier that the Student is associated with. There are 4 Assessment Identifiers currently.

  • I AM
  • WIDA
  • IREAD-3

For I AM:
I AM Test Taker ([S_IN_STU_X]Iam_Test_Taker) is set to (Y) Yes.
Exclude from WIDA ([S_IN_STU_X]Exclude_From_WIDA must be Null.
The logic is based on the Grade Level of the Students in 2, 3, 4, and 5.
For IREAD-3:
Exclude From IREAD ([S_IN_STU_X]Exclude_From_IREAD) which is present under the Testing Information Tab under the IREAD Fields, must be set to (N) No.



The subject that the student is associated with as per the Grade Level.

  • 01: English Language and Literature
  • 02: Mathematics
  • 03: Life and Physical Sciences
  • 04: Social Sciences and History
  • 23: Non-Subject-Specific
  • 25: Biology
  • 26: U.S. Government

If Test Taker Not Enrolled (S_IN_STU_X.TestTaker_NotEnrolled_BIO) in Biology is set to No, then data will get published on the basis of the Grade Levels else it won't.

If Test Taker Not Enrolled (S_IN_STU_X.TestTaker_NotEnrolled_US_Govt) in U.S. Government is set to No, then data will get published on the basis of the Grade Levels else it won't.



The Accommodation associated with the Student.String

The data will be pulled from the Accommodations present under the Accommodations tab.


Data Collection

Data needed for the Assessment, Accommodations, and Testing Information data could be collected in the below location:
Start Page > Student Selection > Accommodations
Start Page > Student Selection > Testing Information
Start Page > Student Selection > IR Exemptions

Publishing Logic

  • The Assessment Accommodations must be downloaded from the Download Section available in the Data Exchange Dashboard.
  • The Accommodations data will not get published if no accommodations exist for the Student.
  • The Student is not taking any assessments and no IREAD-3 exemptions are selected (for 3rd-grade students).

  • Values in the assessmentIdentifier will be pulled/published based on the logic as mentioned below:

    • For I AM:

      • I AM Test Taker ([S_IN_STU_X]Iam_Test_Taker) is set to (Y) Yes. And, the student must be in Grade Levels 3-8 or 10.

      • Accommodation records published with Assessment Identifier I AM will have the academicSubjectDescriptor as 23.

    • For WIDA:

      • WIDA will be published for only those students whose MLL program records have been published. This means that the Limited English Proficient ([S_IN_STU_X]LEP_YN) must be Y.

      • Exclude from WIDA ([S_IN_STU_X]Exclude_From_WIDA must be Null.

      • Accommodation records published will have the academicSubjectDescriptor as 23.

    • For IREAD-3:

      • The IREAD-3 records can be excluded from publishing in the below-mentioned ways:
        • The student is marked as Excluded from IREAD, the flag is present under the Testing Information Tab.
        • The Out Of State Assessment Exempt, which is present under the IR Exemptions Tab is set as (Y) Yes.
      • IREAD-3 Assessment records will be published for all the students who are in Grade Level 3 unless they are excluded in the above-mentioned ways.

      • IREAD-3 Assessment records will be published for all the students who are in Grade Level 2 only if the Early IREAD3 is set to (Y) Yes.
      • IREAD-3 Assessment records will be published for the students who are in Grade Level 4 or 5, they are not excluded from IREAD and the IREAD3 Retest flag is set to (Y) Yes

      • Accommodation records published will have the academicSubjectDescriptor as 01.

      • Special Conditions for IREAD-3:

        • An exemption code will be published for IREAD-3 if the student is not excluded from IREAD-3, and one or more of the following three exemptions is selected:

          • EL Exempt, present under IR Exemptions Tab, is set to (Y) Yes. The accommodationDescriptor will be EX_ILP. or

          • IEP Exempt, present under IR Exemptions Tab, is set to (Y) Yes. The accommodationDescriptor will be EX_IEP. or

          • Retained Exempt, present under IR Exemptions Tab, is set to (Y) Yes. The accommodationDescriptor will be EX_RTN

        • IREAD-3 exemption records are published if selected and the student is in grade level 3, even if no actual accommodations exist for the student.

    • For ILEARN:

      • The records do not get published if the student is an I AM Test taker.

      • The records with academicSubjectDescriptor as 01 and 02, get published for all the students in Grades 3-8 having valid accommodations for those ILEARN subjects.

      • Records with academicSubjectDescriptor as 03, get published for all the students in Grades 4 and 6 having valid accommodations for that ILEARN subject.

      • Records with academicSubjectDescriptor as 04, get published for all the students in Grade 5 having valid accommodations for that ILEARN subject.

      • Records with academicSubjectDescriptor as 25 and 26, are conditional and are based on the values in Test Taker Not Enrolled in BIO and Test Taker Not Enrolled in U.S. Government respectively. If the flag is set to Yes, the ILEARN records with academicSubjectDescriptor as 25 and 26 do not get published.

If a Student is an I AM Test Taker, then none of the other three assessments will get published.

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