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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-28820231All States/Provinces: APEX Report Updates

Updates have been made to the following APEX reports and the new, updated version numbers are listed below:

  • Asset Inventory: Version 2.0
  • Asset Management: Version 2.0
  • Contact Relationship Details: Version 2.0
  • Courses List: Version 2.0
  • Current Grades: Version 2.0
  • Historical Grades: Version 2.0
    • Note: This report is designed to replace the Student Grades report. Historical Grades 2.0 has a new report ID and will not automatically replace the old Student Grades report. Users can publish this new report when ready and consider unpublishing the old Student Grades report. The report was also renamed to sufficiently differentiate it from the Current Grades report.
  • Standard Grades: Version 2.0
  • Student Demographics Plus: Version 2.0
PSSR-280849All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-289267, PSSR-284634, PSSR-281373, and PSSR-296964 

Attendance Profile Report: Version 1.5

The following updates to the Attendance Profile Report have been made:

  • The minutes absent are calculated based on the daily attendance clock in/out time.
  • The report is sorted as follows
    • Last Name: List students in alphabetical order
    • Grade Level: List students by grade level (descending order) and then in alphabetical order
    • Homeroom: List students alphabetically by homeroom, homerooms are listed in alphabetical order or in descending order if homeroom values are numeric
  • Invalid data for the clock in/out time is fixed
  • The Guardian Name will now consistently be extracted
  • When daily attendance is used, will only report the daily attendance data.
PSSR-230272All States/Provinces: Calendar Membership Type Code Descriptor Mapping Page Update

The Ed-Fi descriptor mapping page has been updated and will filter out any Calendar Membership Type records where the code is blank.

Note: An LDV rule will be implemented, that will prevent the creation of Calendar Membership Type records if the Code is blank, in a future Core release.

PSSR-280358All States/Provinces: Career Tech Credentials Report Renamed

Academic and Career Plan Credentials Report: Version 1.1

The Career Tech Credentials Report has been renamed to Academic and Career Plan Credentials Report to match the Academic and Career Plan Credentials functionality in PowerSchool SIS.

PSSR-29762023All States/Provinces: Health Office Visit Detail Report Update

Health Office Visit Details Report: Version 1.2

The Office Visit Detail can fail if the VisitReason, Treatment, Procedure, VisitOutcome, and Assessment values exceed 4000 characters.

To prevent the report from failing, it will now truncate values in the columns noted above so the combined length does not exceed 4000 characters.

PSSR-286262All States/Provinces: Minimum PowerSchool Version for State Reporting -

The minimum supported version on PowerSchool SIS State/Provincial Reporting installer is updated and can now be installed on PowerSchool SIS or later. For details refer to PowerSchool SIS – Supported PowerSchool Versions.

PSSR-298708Access Issues in the State Student Pages

An issue was found in which, View Only Users could see the New/Submit/Delete Button and even make changes in the Program Records on the HB, SE/EV, and TI student pages. With this State Reporting Release, the issue has been resolved.

PSSR-290403Back Button Fails for State Student Pages

An issue was found in which the Back button was failing and there were error messages on the page. With this State Reporting Release, this issue has been fixed.

PSSR-288363Data Sync Issue among the Fields in the State Student Pages

An issue was found in which the data was not synced within the State Student pages. With this State Reporting Release, the following issues have been resolved.

  • For Primary Exceptionality, when the value was selected for the Special Education Program record, it was not getting synced with the other state student pages. With this update, the other state student pages will pull the value from the recent Special Education Program record.
  • For ESEA Title 1 Program, when the value was selected for the Title I Program record, it was not getting synced with the other state student pages. With this update, the other state student pages pull the value from the more recent Title I Program record.
PSSR-297187Display Issue in the Concurrent Enrollment Record

An issue was found for the Concurrent Enrollment Record, in which the Concurrent School, Full-Time Equivalency, and Grade Level were not getting displayed when the record was viewed from the Concurrent School. With this State Reporting Release, this issue has been fixed.

PSSR-295228Ed-Fi (DOE): 2022-2023 Curricular Material Reimbursement Program Update

Following updates have been made for Curricular Material Reimbursement Program as per the DOE guidelines:

  • The curricular Material Reimbursement Program gets published as a separate Student Program and is known as StudentCurricularMaterialProgramAssociations.
  • Below mentioned data elements have been added:
    • LivesWithParentUniqueId: This field has that Parent Unique Id which has the Lives With flag checked in the Student Contacts and it follows the same logic as Student Contact Relationship Publishing.
    • studentDoesNotLiveWithParent: This field pulls the value as False if the Lives With Flag is checked for the parent and True if the Lives With Flag is not checked in the Student Contacts.
  • LivesWithParentUniqueId does not get published if studentDoesNotLiveWithParent is set as True.
PSSR-300005Ed-Fi (DOE): 2022-2023 Student Academic Records Update

Publishing Logic of the Student Academic records has been updated to publish the Student Academic Records, with the Graduation information, for the Late Graduate Students.

PSSR-296657Ed-Fi (DOE): 2022-2023 Publishing Logic Update for Student Enrollment Records

With this State Reporting Release, the below-mentioned publishing logic updates have been done for Student Enrollments records:

  • Contiguous enrollment records within the same school are merged and only one Student School Association Record is published and multiple Student Education Organization Association Records are published, depending on the number of enrollment records.
  • Contiguous enrollment records are not merged if the Grade Level or Primary School of Enrollment is different.
PSSR-297767Ed-Fi (DOE): 2022-2023 Title I Changes

Additional Reference: PSSR-298545
Following changes have been made for Title I Program Data Collection and publishing of the records.
Two new drop-down values have been added to ESEA Title I Program.

  • (8) Private school students participating (Title 1 A)
    • When chosen, the published programType will be ‘Title I Part A’
  • (9) Private school students participating (Title 1 A, C)
    • When chosen, the published programType will be ‘Title I Part A and Migrant Title I Part C'
PSSR-287931Ed-Fi Framework: Grading Period Code Set Mapping Will Not Save New Code Value

If one or more records are not saved, a message “One or More records are not saved. Please check cst_pubLog for details.” is displayed so that you know some of the records are not saved and can go to cst_publog for details. If all of the Code Set Mappings are saved, a message “Changes Saved successfully” is displayed like before.

PSSR-256966Ed-Fi Framework: Rename Message Currently Not Available

Modified error message from Message Currently Not Available to Message Removed - Retry Publishing after the clean-up. This appears in the Error views for resources.

PSSR-299271Ed-Fi: Ability to Exclude Students’ Email from Getting Published

With this State Reporting Release, the ability to exclude the Students' Email Resource from getting published has been added. The feature will be available at the School Level in the Schools/School Info Page and the admins will be able to exclude the element from getting published by selecting the required Grade Levels from the Drop-down menu.

PSSR-300690Ed-Fi: English Proficiency Information Not Getting Published

An issue was found, in which the English Proficiency Information, such as English Proficiency Level and the Instrument Used, were not getting published with the Student Demographics Record. With this State Reporting Release, the issue has been resolved.

PSSR-297848Ed-Fi: Publish Logic Update to Special Education Program Association Records

An issue was found in which the Special Education Program Association records were not getting published if the Case Conference Date is outside the range of the student school enrollment record. With this State Reporting Release, the issue has been fixed.

PSSR-297876Ed-Fi: Publishing Logic Updates to Special Education Evaluation Records

With this State Reporting Release, the following publishing updates for Special Education Evaluation Records.

  • The Referral Date is published as the Begin Date if the special education placement is 58 (Undefined Evaluation), or the Case Conference Date is considered for the Begin Date.
  • The Date of Termination is published as the End Date, if it is blank then the value is pulled from the Case Conference Date.
    • If both the Date of Termination and the Case Conference Dates are blank, then the record is assumed as still Open and the end date or an exit reason is not published, even after the end of the school year.
  • If the Evaluation Record is terminated during a subsequent school enrollment then the record is published with an end date and ‘99’ as the Exit reason, with the school ID the student was enrolled in when the record was terminated.
  • If the SpED Evaluation begin date is before the current enrollment record, then the record is published with the schoolID of the current enrollment record. And, if the begin date is after the end of the previous enrollment, then the record is published with the schoolID of the previous enrollment record.
  • The record does not get published if:
    • The Case Conference Date is blank and Special Education Placement is neither blank nor '58'
    • The Referral Date is blank and Special Education Placement is blank or '58'.
PSSR-296874Ed-Fi: Publishing Logic Updates to Staff Resources

Additional Reference: PSSR-291681 
With this State Reporting Release, the below-mentioned enhancements have been made for publishing the Staff Resources.

  • Exclusion Updates:
    • Under Staff Information Page if Exclude From State Reporting is Yes, then the Staff Assignment Record and the Staff Section Record do not get published for the particular School. And, if the Exclude From Ed-Fi is Yes, then the exclusion works at the Staff level, and all of the records get excluded from publishing.
  • In scenarios, where the StaffPrefs is disabled at the District Info Page and the Staff Type is selected as 2, then none of the Staff Resources get published.
  • In scenarios, where the Staff Type is Not Assigned, then none of the Staff resources get published.
PSSR-295088Invalid Program Types Removed from the Title I Program Type Options at the School Level

With this State Reporting Release, invalid Title I program types have been removed from the drop-down list at the School Level, and the list only has the below values

  • Blank
  • (1) Regular Title I, Part A program
  • (3) Both regular Title I, Part A program & Migrant Title I, Part C program
PSSR-299272Submit Button Missing on the Create New Enrollment PageAn issue was found in which the Submit button was missing from the Create New Enrollment Page which is accessible via the Students' Functions Page. With this State Reporting Release, the issue has been resolved. 
PSSR-297766Updates to the SE/EV Page

With this State Reporting Release, the following updates have been made to the SE/EV page:

  • Evaluation has been removed from the Information page title.
  • Code 58 “Not Applicable“ has been renamed to “Undefined Evaluation” and moved above Code 99 in the Special Education Placement drop-down list.
  • Code 'EOY' has been removed from the Reason for Termination or Transition drop-down list.
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