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Lunch Status Codes

Choose the student's lunch status from the options below. This duplicates the lunch status field that is available through the student lunch program.

A student's lunch status is used to calculate the student's socio-economic status on the DOE extracts.

The following table lists the PowerSchool lunch status codes and the state value used on the extracts to identify the student's socio-economic status.

PowerSchool Code

State Code


(no status)


Student is not approved for free or reduced meals/milk.

Full Pay (P)


Student is not approved for free or reduced meals/milk.

Reduced (R)


Student is approved for reduced price meals.

Free (F)


Student is approved for free meals/milk.

Exempt (E)


Student is not approved for free or reduced meals/milk.

Temporary (T)


Student is not approved for free or reduced meals/milk.

Free-DC (FDC)


Student is approved for free meals/milk.

Reduced-DC (RDC)2Student is approved for reduced price meals/milk.
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