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Multilingual Learners

Multilingual Learners Program

This Indiana Ed-Fi Reporting page is aimed to guide students who are enrolled in the Multilingual Learners Program in the District.

Primary PowerSchool Source Data

  • Students
  • ReEnrollments
  • S_IN_STU_X

Selection Criteria

  • The Student must not be excluded from state reporting.
  • The Student must have a State Student Number.
  • The Student must not be Excluded From MLL, present under the MLL (LM) tab, on the State Student pages.
  • The Student must have a valid enrollment record for the current session.
  • The Student must have a valid record under the MLL Information section which could be found under MLL(LM) tab from State Student Pages.
  • The student's school must not be excluded from state reporting.

Data Collection

Data needed for the SpecialEducation, the SE-Evaluation, and the SE-Termination could be collected following the navigation: Start Page > Student Selection > Multilingual Learners and Immigration Information
Under MLL Information, click New to create a new record.

  • Enter the beginning date of the program under Start Date.
  • Enter the end/exit date of/from the program under End Date.
  • Enter the Level of English Proficiency under English Proficiency Level.
  • Enter the MLL Instrument Used under Instrument Used.
  • Enter the Program of Instruction under Instructional Program.

Publishing Logic

  • An MLL Program record does not get published if an Instructional Program and a Start Date are not entered.
  • For an MLL Program record to get published, the record must be active during the current session. The record is considered active if it does not have an End Date entered.
  • Previous MLL Program record must be ended by putting an End Date, and a new MLL program record with a Start Date must be created if the Instructional Program is changed.
  • If a Program changes in between a current session and the student has multiple school enrollment records in the same session, the below-mentioned logic will be followed for publishing:
    • The active program record will get published for each of the valid school enrollment records during the session.
    • The end date and the exit code 99 are published only for the school the student was enrolled in when the Instructional Program changed.
    • Under the Instructional Program, if Content-based ELD is chosen then the records will be published at both the School enrollment with the same beginning dates for the Program Record.

      • For the record getting published for the previous school enrollment record, the record with having an exit date and 99 as an exit code. And, the record for the current school enrollment record will not have an end date or an exit code, unless ended manually by entering the End Date.

  • The English Proficiency Level and the Instrument Used will be published as LimitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor and ELLInstrumentUsedDescriptor via Student Demographics record respectively.

  • If the English Proficiency Level and the Instrument Used are modified with the same Instructional Program, a new MLL Record Information need not be created. If required, a new record can be created after ending the previous record.
  • If the English Proficiency Level and the Instrument Used are modified for the same record, re-publishing the Student Demographics Record will publish the new values to the State.
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