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Summer Course Transcript

General Information

  • The logic for publishing the Summer Course Transcript data is similar to the Course Completion data. Except, the publishing of the Student/Teacher section is not required.

  • For the publishing of the Summer Course Transcript data, the student must have a Historical Grade (StoredGrades table) record.

  • The summer transcript data from the previous school year gets published with the current school year DEX profile.

Required Setup/Data

  • The student must not be excluded from State Reporting.

  • The Stored Grade record must not be Excluded From Publishing.

  • The Course Completion Mapping must be done.

  • The Course Grade Mapping must be done.

  • The Final Grade Mapping must be done.

  • The Method Credit Earned field must be one of the below-mentioned Method Credit Earned Types:

    • Summer School Credit

    • Summer School IOA

    • Summer school participation is 49% or less.

    • Summer school participation is 50% to 89%.

    • Summer school participation is 90% or more.

  • The Publish Summer Semester checkbox must be selected from the Home School (the current school), the summer semester begin and end date must be selected, and the Terms must be republished to publish the Summer Semester.
    Note: This is required because summer school is not needed to publish the summer course transcript records and it must be published from the home school.

  • A valid grade scale must be associated with the historical grade and must be mapped correctly. If not, the grade scale override must be used to associate a valid grade scale.

  • The publishing year field must have the current school year associated with it.

  • For Districts that create a Summer School and store the grade in the previous home school with the courses and the sections set up with the correct alternate school number, the only extra field that must be set up correctly is the Method of Credit Earned.

  • Districts that do not create a Summer School and store the grades manually for the student, must complete the required setup and the below setup:

    • The State Course Code field ([S_IN_SGR_X]State_Course_Code) must have a valid State Course Number filled in if the course associated previously does not have an associated state course code.

    • The Stored Grade must have a valid Grade Scale associated with it. The Grade Scale Override field may be used for publishing the Summer Course Transcript data.

  • Districts only enrolling students for Summer School in their District must complete the required setup and create a summer withdrawal enrollment record in the current school year to which the student must be associated.

Publishing Logic

  • The summer school transcript data will be published with the Year Round Term as the method credit earned type is the primary criteria that is being referred to.

  • As the Course Transcript records are dependent on the Academic Records if the student does not have a Year Round Academic Record that has already been published, a Year-Round Academic Record will get published automatically.

  • For Districts with the sub-district setup, if the student is active in the current school year and if the student was in a different school of a different district in the previous school year, then a summer withdrawal record associated with the previous school is required for the data to get certified on the DOE side. Furthermore, the Stored Grades School ID field must have the previous School ID for the data to get correctly published.

  • If a student has graduated and the student is currently in the Graduated Students school, the summer school stored grade must have the previous School ID for the data to get correctly published and the student must have a summer withdrawal record.

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