State Reporting Release Notes
A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.
Reference | Summary | Release Note |
PSSR-291216 | Additional SPED Program Exit Reasons Are Added and Updated the Publishing Logic | Additional Reference: PSSR-292905 New codes are added to Reason for Termination in the EV/SE tab. The old codes remain in the drop-down list and will be deactivated for the 2022-2023 session year. Navigation: Student > State/Province - IN > EV/SE tab New codes and descriptions: - 11 Earned High School Diploma
- 12 Received Certificate
- 13 Reached Maximum Age of 22
- 14 Deceased
- 15 Dropout
- 16 Moved, KNOWN to be continuing in an Educational Program ONLY
- 17 Moved, but continuing Special Education services under IDEA in Indiana
- 99 No longer qualifies
- EOY (EOY) Evaluation not complete; will be completed the following school year
Legacy code mappings: - Code 2 is published as 11
- Code 3 is published as 12
- Code 4 is published as 13
- Code 5 is published as 14
- Code 6 is published as 15
- Code 7 is published as 16
PSSR-290557 | Ed-Fi (DOE): School-Wide Title I - Publishing Updates | The following changes are implemented to support the publishing of School-wide Title I data through the IN DOE profile: - When a school is flagged as a Title I school on the Schools/School Info (edit school) page at the District Office, then:
- The Title I Program records are generated automatically for all students in the Title I school. These records use the program and services values set up on the Schools/School Info page and have the program Start and End dates matching the student’s school enrollments.
- The Title I Program records are NOT generated automatically when:
- The student is flagged as Title I Participant equal to No (0) on the TI tab, or
- The student already has a Title I program record on the TI tab for the school year
- Also, the Title I Participant flag on the TI tab is updated to allow for Yes, No, or Blank values. Note: For a Title I school, Blank and Yes equate to Yes.
Known Issues: The following issues exist for Title I Program publishing and will be corrected as soon as possible: - The 'Vocational Education' (Vocational Instruction) instructional service is not published.
- If students change ADM Type from blank to non-blank (or vice-versa) mid-school year, Title I Program Name and Type will publish incorrectly for the previous school enrollment.
PSSR-286839 | Ed-Fi DOE: Student Programs: Publishing Logic Updates | The IN DOE profile is updated to include the following changes when publishing Student Programs. The below changes impact all programs except EL and SPED. - Students having Program records with Program Start Date within a previous school year, but with either a blank End Date or an end date within the current school year are published for the current school year, with Program Start Dates matching the student’s Transfer Info Entry Date for the year.
- Students having a single Program record overlapping multiple School enrollments within the school year will publish as follows:
- If there are no in-session days between the school enrollments (same school), then a single Program record is reported
- If there are in-session days between the school enrollments (student leaves your school and returns to the same school later in the year), then multiple Program records are published, one for each continuous school enrollment.
- If the student transfers from one school to another mid-year, then multiple Program records are published, one for each school, with the corresponding program begin and end dates for that School Enrollment.
- If Program Exit Date logic is updated as follows:
- If Program Exit Date is entered, use the date as entered.
- If the student exited school before the end of the school year and Program Exit Date is blank, then report the student’s school exit date minus one day as the Program Exit Date, with an exit reason of 99.
- When running Student Program publishing after the last day of the term year and Program Exit Date is blank, then report the student’s school exit date minus one day as the Program Exit Date, with an exit reason of EOY.
- Where applicable, Student Program publishing logic is updated to automatically submit a Program Exit code of 99 or EOY when reporting a Program Exit Date, but no Program Exit Reason was entered on the student screens.
PSSR-292816 | Ed-Fi: Publishing Logic Update for Staff Assignments | Publishing logic for the IN DOE profile has the following update for inactive staff members: If a teacher or staff member is inactive for a school and does not have any sections for the terms in the current session, the staff assignment record for the inactive school is not published; unless an admin creates the staff assignment record manually in the staff member’s Information page. Note: Records of inactive Staff members or Teachers that taught a section at any time in the school year are still published, as previously announced in the release notes for State Reporting Installer version |
PSSR-293780 | District Staff Publishing Data no Longer Deleted
| The Staff Associations resource on the IN DOE profile is updated to publish Staff Assignments associated with District Office staff members. An issue with the State Reporting 22.5.2 version update caused all District Staff Assignments to get deleted. This issue is corrected. |