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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Installation of SR_22. Causes IN Ed-Fi to Stop Functioning

The state reporting content for Indiana is updated to correct this behavior, and Ed-Fi now functions as expected.


Added the Ability to Track and Report More than One Special Education Record for a Student

The data entry on the SE/EV student tab is updated to provide users with the ability to track multiple SPED records for a student. The following fields are available in the New/Edit record mode:

  • Initial Evaluation Date

  • Referral Date

  • Case Conference

  • Primary Exceptionality

  • Services Beginning for First Steps Transition Students

  • Date of Termination or Transition

A one time script is added that will copy the existing SPED student data to a new table(S_IN_STU_SE_EVALUATION_C) in cases where one or more of the above fields contain data: All other fields display as static values above the Program List area of the updated SE/EV home page.


All States/Provinces: Health & Attendance Report Names Displaying in html Update

The Health and Attendance report titles and descriptions are updated and will now display correctly.


Applied Units Flag in Stored Grades

If you navigate to a student’s historical grades page, an option indicates that the credits earned should be reported as Applied Units.


Ed-Fi (DOE) – (Rejected): School Association Dependency Displays If Access School Is Populated and Primary School of Enrollment Is Set to NO

The publishing logic is updated to ensure that a Student School Association Record gets published in cases where the Access School is filled out and Primary School of Enrollment is set to NO.


Ed-Fi (DOE): Ability to Track Student Program - Alternative Education

The ability to track Alternative Education program enrollments has been added to the student AD tab. The following fields are available for users to populate:

  • Start Date

  • End Date

  • Exit Reason

  • Eligibility Reason

  • Program Meeting Time

  • Notes

These values are stored in the following locations:




  • S_IN_STU_ALTERNATIVE_EDU_C.Eligibility_reason




Ed-Fi (DOE): Foster Care - Publish as a Program

Foster Care status for students will now be published to Ed-Fi as a StudentProgram. Selection criteria for programs:

  • Parent in Military program will be published if the program is active at any point in the current school year (no future dates will publish).

  • If the student has been transferred between schools during the program enrollment, one record for each school is generated.

    • The begin date for each record is the earliest enrollment start date or the school year start date, whichever is the latest.

    • A program end date is published only if the program end date has been populated on the program data entry page or using the last day of the school year, whichever date is the latest.

    • Future dates are not published.


Ed-Fi: Ability to Track Historical Title I Records

The TI Student tab has been updated to allow users to successfully track historical records for students that are enrolled in Title I program.


Ed-Fi: Publish Changes to a Student's Virtual Status

Virtual program changes that occur during the year will now be published to the state.


Ed-Fi: Publish More than One SPED Record for a Student in a Single School Year

The publishing logic for SPED records is updated to allow more than one SPED record for a student in a single school year (Ed-Fi). This can be accomplished by creating more than one SPED record using the updated data entry page.


Ed-Fi: Updates to Publishing Logic for SPED Records

The Ed-Fi publishing logic for SPED Program records has been updated to ignore any value in the Servicing School field for the associated student, per the state’s requirements.


IN Ed-Fi (DOE): Parent in Military - Publish as a Program

Parent in Military status for students is now published to Ed-Fi as a StudentProgram. Selection criteria for programs:

  • Parent in Military program is published if the program is active at any point in the current school year (no future dates will publish).

  • If the student has been transferred between schools during the program enrollment, one record for each school is generated.

    • The begin date for each record is the earliest enrollment start date or the school year start date, whichever date is the latest.

    • A program end date is published only if the program end date has been populated on the program data entry page or using the last day of the school year, whichever date is the latest.

    • Future dates are not published.


Staff associations Publishing Logic Update

Staff Associations publishing logic has been updated so that these records publish without error in cases where the district level 'StaffPreference' preference is not initialized.


Student Demographics Publishing Logic Update

Student Demographics Publishing logic is updated as outlined below:

  • If a student has both legal and legacy/preferred name fields populated, Ed-Fi publishing logic uses the values in the legal fields for publishing the student demographics record.

  • If a student has both the legal gender and legacy/preferred gender fields populated, Ed-Fi publishing logic uses the legal gender value for publishing the student demographics record.


Student Test Number (DOE-STN) Report Was Not Using New Legal Gender Field

Student Test Number (DOE-STN): Version 3.2

The report logic for extracting student gender is updated to consider the value stored in the legal gender field first. If the legal gender field is blank, the value in the legacy gender field is extracted.


Updating Multiple Values on the LM Tab Used to Change the Limited English Proficient to No

When users set the Limited English Proficient to (Y)Yes and then go to modify the Instrument Used or another field under the LM tab, the Limited English Proficient field no longer resets to No, the field remains unaltered.

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