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Overview of 2024-2025 Changes

This page discusses 2023-2024 Ed-Fi publishing changes and data collection. This is a high-level summary, with links to more detailed information if needed.

Summary of Changes

With the State Reporting Release, a new Data Exchange Profile for the school year 2024-2025 has been made available.

  • Refer to the Data Exchange Setup walkthrough in the Quick Reference section of the Ed-Fi Indiana Specific Resources.

  • With the State Reporting Update, the 2023-2024 school year will be removed from the Data Exchange profile and the 2024-2025 checkbox will be available. Districts must enable it.

Major Updates

Publishing of the Cohorts data

There is a list of Cohort Types and Scopes that are supported by IN DOE. Districts will have to ensure that the Descriptors have been downloaded for the 2024-2025 school year in the DEX Dashboard

Publishing of the Attendance Data in bulk

  • The publishing logic for the attendance records remains as it is, the updates have been made to the way the attendance record will get published. With SR_24.7.2.0, the update includes the ability to publish the whole school year’s attendance records for a student. In future updates, we will be providing the ability to publish the records monthly as well.

  • On the DEX dashboard and the student’s publishing page, while publishing the records yearly, there will be only one record, and inside that record, the JSON will have all of the attendance records for the whole school year. And, while publishing the records monthly, there will be 12 records for a student and each record will have all the attendance records associated with the respective month.

  • There will be a huge boost to the performance of publishing the attendance records.

  • Districts must ensure that the Year Round Session/Term has been published for the Schools. To make sure that the Year Round Session/Term gets published, Districts must follow the below steps:

    • From the District Office, navigate to System Management, Data Exchange, Code Set Mappings

    • From Code Set mappings, choose Term Types.

    • Ensure that the 2024-2025 Full school year is mapped to Year Round.

Publishing of the GPA Data with the Academic Records (SR_24.8.1.0)

  • For the Students in Grade Level 9 and higher grade levels, the academic records will have the below-mentioned elements:

    • IsCumulative (By default value is True)

    • GradePointAverageTypeDescriptor (Accepted values are Weighted and Unweighted)

    • GradePointAverageValue (Calculation logic is the same as what we are doing for eTranscript)

    • maxGradePointAverageValue (By Default, the value would be 4.00 unless manually modified on the Transcript tab)

Minor Updates

  • Updates to the publishing logic of the Curricular Material Reimbursement Program Records:

    • The records are not its own resource anymore and they are a part of Student Program Records.

    • The records will only be published for Private Schools/Districts.

    • LivesWithParentUniqueId and StudentDoesNotLiveWithParent elements will not get published anymore.

  • Updates to the publishing logic of the summer mobility and no-show records:

    • For a summer mobility record to get published, the below-mentioned requirements must be met:

      • The student’s school enrollment dates must be between 1st July and the start of the upcoming school year.

      • The student’s school enrollment end date must be equal to the entry date +1.

    • A no-show record will only get published if the below-mentioned requirements are fulfilled:

      • The student’s school enrollment start date equals the entered end date.

      • The student’s school enrollment start and end days are in session.

      • The student has a SPED record and Publish SPED Student with no active enrollment is selected for the student.

  • Updates to the publishing logic of the Student Contacts data:

    • A new field called Legal Designee was introduced with SR_24.5.2.0 and if selected, the parent record will get published with the Legal Designee as True.

    • The Contact Unique ID is now a combination of LEAID-ContactID on the PowerSchool SIS side.

    • For sub-district instances, if a student switches districts in between school years, then the records will be published with the newly enrolled district as well.

If the LEAID is 1001234567 and the contact ID on PowerSchool SIS is 9876543, then the published Contact Unique ID to the State would be 1001234567-9876543.

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